Pekmezci, AysegulTopuz, ErcanSevgi, Levent2024-05-252024-05-2520161096-42901099-047X10.1002/mmce.209652-s2.0-84975740654 novel approach utilizing one-dimensional (1D) wave equation based finite difference time domain (FDTD) formulations for Lorentz-type Epsilon-Negative (ENG) medium is developed. To demonstrate the validity and accuracy of the formulation, reflection of a plane wave normally incident at free spaceENG interface is compared with the analytical solution. Moreover, propagation characteristics of Lorentz-type ENG medium is investigated using the FDTD formulations both for wave equation and Maxwell's curl equations in 1D case. Comparisons of memory and computational time requirements of both formulations are given. (c) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 26:304-310, 2016.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessfinite difference time domainLorentz mediumpiecewise linear recursive convolutionauxiliary differential equationwave equationFinite difference time domain formulation for epsilon-negative medium using wave equationArticleQ3Q2264304310WOS:0003746648000042