Sahmurova,A.Turkmenler,H.Gulnaz,O.2024-10-152024-10-1520131018-46192-s2.0-84880067287 this study adsorption of Zn (II) ions from aqueous solution was studied using Enteromorpha Compressa (EC) as an adsorbent. The FT-IR analysis results shows that EC biomass have several metal binding functional groups such as carboxyl and hydroxyl groups. The zero point of charge of the biomass was determined as pH 5.56 ±0.2. The optimum adsorption pH was determined at pH 6 and maximum adsorption capacity (Qmax) of EC was determined as 625 mgg-1. Adsorption capacity of biomass was increased with increase of the initial metal concentrations, however increasing the particle size range of biomass decreased the Zn (II) adsorption capacity. The pseudo secondorder model well described the adsorption of Zn (II) on EC. The general using and efficiency of EC to treatment of industrial wastewater was tested. EC biomass effectively removed metal ions from industrial wastewater contain 0.186 mgL -1 of Cd, 0.034 mgL-1 of Cu, 0.16 mgL-1 of Zn ions. The the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of industrial wastewater reduced after adsorption experiment from 886 to 729 mgL-1 for sample 1 at pH 6.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAdsorptionEnteromorpha CompressaHeavy metalKinetic modelingZincHeavy metal removal by using dried Enteromorpha Compressa macro algae from aqueous solution and industrial wastewater applicationArticle226165916652