Bolelli, MuratDarweesh, Raghad2024-08-072024-08-072023 study investigated the influence of organizational agility on customer satisfaction through two important variables, competitive advantage, and organizational structure at Jordanian Banks that represent one of the most important sectors in Jordan. The study used previous questionnaires to build one questionnaire representing the study's variables by 41 Likert scale questions. In order to measure the organizational agility, Park's (2011) questionnaire is used. Customer satisfaction is measured by adopting the questionnaire of Galbreath (2009). Chen and Lai's (2006) questionnaire is used to measure competitive advantage. Finally, Kim's (2005) questionnaire is adopted to represent organizational structure concept. The questionnaire is distributed to a random study sample (N=400), which includes managers and employees working at Jordanian banks. The collected data is analyzed using multiple linear regression technique to find the impact of organizational agility on customer satisfaction. Baron & Kenny (1986) approach is used to analyze the mediation impact of competitive advantage. Finally, process macro of Hayes is adopted to examine the moderation effect of organizational structure. The first finding of this study confirmed the previous studies where organizational agility has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Two important contributions of this study have emerged: 1- Competitive advantage partially mediates the relationship between all determinants of organizational agility and customer satisfaction. 2- Formalization and organic structure have a moderation effect which is discussed elaborately in this study. Keywords: Organizational Agility, Customer satisfaction, Competitive Advantage, Organizational StructureenİşletmeBusiness AdministrationOrganizasyonel çevikliğin rekabet avantajı ve organizasyon yapısı yoluyla müşteri memnuniyeti üzerindeki etkisiThe effect of organizational agility on customer satisfaction through competitive advantage and organizational structure in Jordanian BanksDoctoral Thesis241