Tuğba ŞAŞMAZ KURUVolkan EYÜPOĞLU2024-05-252024-05-25201801301-40482147-835X10.16984/saufenbilder.422044https://doi.org/10.16984/saufenbilder.422044https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/tr/yayin/detay/311673/co-mg-ferrite-nanocomposite-as-a-humidity-sensor-device-prepared-by-co-precipitation-methodhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14517/1777In the present study, the humidity sensing properties of Co-Mg nanocomposite prepared by chemically coprecipitatedhave been investigated by impedance analysis. The correlation between the impedance patternsand relative humidity have shown remarkable results for further investigation. Whereas, the humiditymeasurement capability of the sensor was high at low frequencies. Also, we identified that this ability wascontinuously diminished at higher frequencies. So, the hysteresis value for successive adsorption anddesorption of the humidity on ferrite nanocomposite material was also determined as small and also thelong time measurement stability was excellent. The response and the recovery times for nanocompositematerials were identified as 60 s and 300 s respectively. Finally, a direct relationship between the activeelectron and transport mechanism of the humidity onto the nanocomposite has been identified as anadvanced investigation.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCo-Mg ferrite nanocomposite as a humidity sensor device prepared by Co-Precipitation methodArticle22618281835311673