Ensari, Muhterem ŞebnemBah, Adam2024-08-072024-08-072021https://tez.yok.gov.tr/UlusalTezMerkezi/TezGoster?key=RjZwH00oMG4iNa5Sgvlgg8Y5THfbhFGC3eA0g8H2ZiyNUUTDPL0gcG57OKKn0vRhhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14517/5356TEZ İŞ MODELİNİN ŞİRKETLERİN YENİLİKÇİ KAPASİTESİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİNİ BULMAK İÇİNDİR. İŞ MODELİNİN HER BİR UNSURU İLE ÇALIŞARAK VE DURUM TARZINI KULLANARAK, İŞ MODELİ KANVASININ POZİTİF VE NEGATİF YANINI ANLAYABİLİRİZ. İŞ MODELİ TUVALARI HER SEKTÖRDE KULLANILABİLEN BİR KONUDUR. BİZİM DURUMUMDA İKİ FARKLI ŞİRKET VE SANAYİ KULLANDIK.Nowadays whenever we hear about innovations, directly everyone thinks about the technology side due to a huge development in that area. The innovation affects mostly all the industries. Business is one of them; the Innovation brought a positive brightness in it. By comparing the business methods 20 years back to now, we can easily see the importance of the innovation. Innovation and Business are related somehow and the move the same way. By developing the business, the research lead us to the Business Model which has been a big impact to nowadays start-up business, it helps them to be more organized and have an ability to control their business. The important objective of the thesis is to develop the Impact of the business model on the innovative capacity of the companies. To reach the objective of the research it is essential to get the general concept of the Business Model. The following chapters will lead us to define the business model and the perspectives as well as a business model approach to innovations used by nowadays companies. The aim of the study on this topic is to find the relation between the Business Model Canvas (BMC) and the innovation. Within the result of the study, it is found that both goes along which is a positive point to consider for a person who wants to start a business or already is into a business and own a company. The business model canvas is recognized as an element participating to the communications about the business model with employees, partners and customers. One of the important is the fact of the competitiveness, the business canvas model external forces included competition and market forces which is a criterion for a firm to become innovative and have an ability to increase the innovative capacity. The research always leads to a strong relation between the BMC and the innovative capacity of the companies. By using this impact and applying the methods of canvas, the companies has more chance to be successful and innovative at the same time, and that cannot be done without a great management structure and strategies. Both topics have a big influence on companies nowadays. First, the BMC is a strategic management element that helps to define and express a business idea. The BMC is built with 9 different blocs as follows:enİşletmeYenilikçilikBusiness Administrationİş modelleriInnovativenessBusiness modelsŞirketlerCompaniesİş modeli tuvalinin şirketlerin yenilikçi kapasitesine etkisiImpact of business model canvas on the innovative capacity of the companiesMaster Thesis82https://tez.yok.gov.tr/UlusalTezMerkezi/TezGoster?key=RjZwH00oMG4iNa5Sgvlgg8Y5THfbhFGC3eA0g8H2ZiyNUUTDPL0gcG57OKKn0vRh