Alemdar, ZeynepAlemdar, ZeynepUluslararası İlişkiler / International Relations2024-10-152024-10-15201311303-5754[WOS-DOI-BELIRLENECEK-197] 6 November 2013, Turkish Policy Quarterly (TPQ) held a seminar to debate the trends in women's and LGBT individuals' rights in Turkey with a wide range of activists, decision makers, and journalists. This event, which was made possible with support from the MATRA Fund of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Istanbul, featured discussion on topical issues such as European benchmarks for LGBT and women's rights, Turkey's polarization as it relates to clothing and lifestyle choices of women, and law enforcement problems faced by LGBTs. This review aims to capture the expertise shared and recommendations voiced. It concludes that mainstreaming women and LGBT rights in every policy area is the only solution to discrimination.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess[No Keyword Available]TPQ SEMINAR REVIEW: WOMEN'S RIGHTS AND LGBT FREEDOMS IN TURKEY - PROGRESSING OR REGRESSING?Review123143152WOS:000421253900014