Gümüş, BurçakUyanık, Sadik AhmetYılmaz, BirnurÇevik, Halime2024-11-152024-11-1520172147-5903https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/en/yayin/detay/256451/lumbar-spinal-canal-diameters-and-area-measurements-in-healthy-individualshttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14517/7224Objective: We aimed to the lumbar spinal canal lengths and area measurements were measured in normal healthy individuals between 20 and 50 years of age in the Turkish population by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).Material and Methods: Three measurements were analyzed in axial MRI of 50 (30 male, 20 female) healthy individuals in 20-50 age groups (mean age:33,69±12). In T2-weighted fast spin-echo (FSE) axial MR images, measurements were obtained at L3-4, L4-5, L5-S1 levels. Measured lumbarspinal canal anterior-posterior diameter (DSAPD) mm and spinal canal transverse diameter (DSTD), mm and spinal canal cross-sectional area (DSCSA), mm2measurements in healthy individuals by axial MRI (figure1,2,3). SIGNA Explorer GE 1,5 T MRdevice used. The patients were placed in the supine position with a cushion under both knees. T2-weighted FSE axial and sagittal images were obtained (TR/TE, 3213.48/100.00 ms for axial scan and 3207.27/100.00 ms for sagittal scan; slice thickness, 4 mm; slice gap, 0.4 mm; field of view, 16 cm for axial scan and 32 cm for sagittal scan; matrix, 256 × 216 of axial scan and 512 × 252 for sagittal scan; flip angle, 90°; ETL, 18; and excitations, 3). On T2weighted FSE axial images, spinal canal diameter and area measurements were performed. Results: Lumbar spinal canal measurements; LumbarDSAPD L3-4 (24,46± 2,12) mm, L4-5 (22,86± 2,07) mm, L5-S1 (20,36± 2,13) mm, DSTD L3-4 (27,16± 2,10) mm, L4-5 (27,06± 2,03) mm, L5-S1 (26,46± 2,47) mm, lumbarDSCSA L3-4 (27,20± 2,14) mm2, L4-5 (25,46± 2,07) mm2, L5-S1 (23,46± 2,27) mm2 were measured in healthy individuals.Conclusion: In evaluating lumbarspinal stenosis, it is necessary to know the lumbar spinal canal measurements in normal individuals. MRI is an important examination in evaluating lumbar spinal canal measurements.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessOrtopediLUMBAR SPINAL CANAL DIAMETERS AND AREA MEASUREMENTS IN HEALTHY INDIVIDUALSArticleQ42831511542564510