Dündar, SelimHizarci,S.Tanyel,S.Dündar,S.Gökaşar,I.Şengöz,B.Topal,A.İnşaat Mühendisliği / Civil Engineering2024-05-252024-05-25202302822-683610.18400/tjce.13145592-s2.0-85173892608https://doi.org/10.18400/tjce.1314559https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14517/1715Within the scope of this study, it is aimed to develop relations for different maneuvers by using the data collected from four different unsignalized intersections in İzmir. In the study, it is observed that the critical gap acceptance value varies significantly under main arterials involving low volumes of traffic; however, when the highway traffic flow reaches high values, drivers accept shorter gaps. In determining the gap acceptance value it is observed the maneuver of the driver trying to find an appropriate gap at the intersection is more effective than the maneuver of the driver entering the intersection. Another output of the study is that driver behaviors are more effective, especially at main arterials having low traffic flow, and it is determined that the actual values observed in the field can be achieved by adding behavioral differences to the investigated models. © 2023 Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccesscapacitycritical gapUnsignalized intersectionsA New Approach for Acceptance of Critical Gap at Unsignalized Intersections;Işiksiz Kavşaklarda Kritik Aralik Kabulü İçin Yeni Bir YaklaşimArticleQ3344105132