R. Suat IŞILDAKM. Sabri KOCAKÜLAHMustafa ÇORAMIKErdoğan ÖZDEMİR.2024-05-252024-05-2520161307-608610.17522/balikesirnef.279019https://doi.org/10.17522/balikesirnef.279019https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/tr/yayin/detay/400834/the-adaptation-study-of-the-metacognition-self-efficacy-and-learning-processes-scale-into-turkish-results-of-confirmatory-factor-analysishttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14517/1770This study involves the adaptation of a scale into Turkish which is developed by Thomas, Andersonand Nashon (2008) to investigate elements of students’ metacognition, self-efficacy and constructivist sciencelearning processes. In this context linguistic equivalence, validity and reliability analyses were conducted. Thescale was administered to 913 secondary school students aged between 15 and 18 years of age in four cities ofTurkey. Results of the confirmatory factor analyses [2(395, n=913)=1137.10, p<.000; RMSEA=.045;GFI=.92; CFI=.93; NNFI=.92] show that five factorial construct of the original scale was preserved in theTurkish form. Factor loadings differ from 0.50 to 0.70 for items and item-total score correlations ranged from0.39 to 0.65. The Cronbach alpha coefficient for whole scale was also calculated as 0.93.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessThe Adaptation Study of The Metacognition, Self-efficacy and Learning Processes Scale into Turkish: Results of Confirmatory Factor AnalysisArticle1024474684008343