Browsing by Author "Yarman, O."
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Article Citation Count: 3Analyses of Mossbauer experiments in a rotating system: Proper and improper approaches(Academic Press inc Elsevier Science, 2020) Yarman, Nuh Tolga; Yarman, Tolga; Yarman, O.; Arik, M.; Enerji Sistemleri Mühendisliği / Energy Systems EngineeringWe examine various attempts to interpret the results of modern Mossbauer rotor experiments and show that the most recent approach developed by Podosenov et al. (0000) to understand these results implies an experimental configuration which has never been realized in the known experiments on this subject, and thus leaves the problem of the physical interpretation of the observed energy shift between emission and absorption lines in a rotating system under the framework of general relativity open. (C) 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Article Citation Count: 1Comparison of traditional and synchrotron beam methodologies in Mossbauer experiments in a rotating system(int Union Crystallography, 2021) Yarman, Nuh Tolga; Yarman, T.; Yarman, O.; Arik, M.; Enerji Sistemleri Mühendisliği / Energy Systems EngineeringRecent Mossbauer experiments in a rotating system reported by others in the literature have involved the application of synchrotron radiation onto a spinning semi-circular resonant absorber. Here, the physical interpretation of these methodologies, and their alleged performance improvement, is analyzed in the light of our own team's past experience based instead on the traditional laboratory setup. It is shown that a number of fundamental shortcomings in the approach reported in the literature deprives it of any practical significance with respect to the improvement of the technique of Mossbauer rotor experiments with a synchrotron source. It is concluded that, at present, only Mossbauer experiments relying on an ordinary compact source of resonant radiation and a resonant absorber both fixed on the rotor promise to provide crucial information with respect to the physical origin of the observed energy shift between emitted and absorbed resonant radiation in a rotating system.Article Citation Count: 1Doppler effect in rotating systems and Mossbauer rotor experiments(Academic Press inc Elsevier Science, 2021) Yarman, Nuh Tolga; Yarman, T.; Yarman, O.; Arik, M.; Enerji Sistemleri Mühendisliği / Energy Systems EngineeringWe address once more the problem of the physical interpretation of the Mossbauer effect in a rotating system in the view of the recently discovered extra energy shift (EES) between emitted and absorbed resonant radiation, which emerges in addition to the usual second order Doppler shift for an orbiting absorber. We highlight that both fractional components of the total energy shift have the same sign and correspond to the blueshift of the resonant radiation propagating from the rotational axis to the rotor rim. We indicate a possible way of understanding the origin of the EES in terms of combining metric effects in rotating systems with the quantum mechanical description of resonant nuclei confined in crystal cells by taking into account the recoil-free essence of the Mossbauer effect, where no energy is transmitted to the source (absorber) during the emission (absorption) of resonant radiation. (C) 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Article Citation Count: 4Elaborations on Mossbauer rotor experiments with synchrotron radiation and with usual resonant sources(int Union Crystallography, 2018) Yarman, Nuh Tolga; Yarman, T.; Yarman, O.; Arik, M.; Enerji Sistemleri Mühendisliği / Energy Systems EngineeringA comparative analysis of Mossbauer experiments in a rotating system between a recent application using synchrotron radiation [Friedman et al. (2016). Eur. Phys. Lett.114, 50010; Friedman et al. (2017). J. Synchrotron Rad.24, 661-666] and usual sources of resonant radiation is carried out. The principal methodological difference between these experiments can be related to the fact that in the former set of experiments the source of the resonant radiation rests in a laboratory frame whereas for the latter set of experiments the source is attached to a rotating system. It is concluded that the utilization of ordinary Mossbauer sources remains the most promising path for further research appertaining to the Mossbauer effect in rotating systems.Article Citation Count: 1Frequency difference between two clocks at Tokyo Skytree: Contribution of Earth's self-rotation(Academic Press inc Elsevier Science, 2020) Yarman, Nuh Tolga; Kholmetskii, A. L.; Yarman, O.; Arik, M.; Enerji Sistemleri Mühendisliği / Energy Systems EngineeringWe focus on a fundamental issue about the physical meaning of the results of the experiment by Takamoto et al. (2020). Specifically, one must address the time dilation effect associated with the motion of the clocks around the self-rotational axis of Earth as seen by a remote observer free of such rotation. We accentuate the importance of taking into account this effect in the Tokyo Skytree experiment. This is especially relevant in the light of the results gathered from recent measurements of the Mossbauer effect in a rotating system. (c) 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Article Citation Count: 8LIGO's "GW150914 signal" reproduced under YARK theory of gravity(Canadian Science Publishing, 2017) Yarman, Nuh Tolga; Kholmetskii, A. L.; Yarman, O.; Marchal, C. B.; Arik, M.; Enerji Sistemleri Mühendisliği / Energy Systems EngineeringThe widely publicized "GW150914 event" that was recently detected by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration is given as confirmation of gravitational waves (GWs) predicted by Albert Einstein in his general theory of relativity (GTR), although the extremely weak intensity of this signal does not allow confirmation of all of the specific properties of GWs predicted in GTR. In the present contribution, we provide an alternative explanation of the LIGO signal without GWs under the framework of Yarman-Arik-Kholmetskii (YARK) gravitation theory, which has garnered considerable success during the past years in accounting for landmark astrophysical observations so far thought to confirm GTR, as well as recent laboratory-scale experiments that were shown to be at odds with GTR. According to YARK, the coalescence of super-massive bodies in a distant binary system would induce a related alteration of the wavelength of the laser beam used in the LIGO Michelson-Morley interferometer, as well as the emergence of mechanical stresses in the suspended mirrors. We show that the latter effect turns out to be negligible, and thus, the variation of the phase alone of the laser beam in the output of the Michelson-Morley interferometer suffices to describe the amplitude and the shape of the observed LIGO signal. In addition, the binary merger necessitates a rest mass decrease in YARK (which we calculated to be about 3.1 solar masses on the whole) that we predict should be released via electromagnetic radiation emission according to our theory. We point out that electromagnetic radiation of exactly the same kind is in fact responsible, instead of GWs, for the energy loss in the Hulse-Taylor binary system. Our numerical results thus well match the GW150914 interference pattern without involving any GWs hypothesis.Article Citation Count: 0Quantal Theory of Gravity (QTG): Essential points and implications(Academic Press inc Elsevier Science, 2023) Yarman, Nuh Tolga; Yarman, T.; Kholmetskii, A. L.; Arik, M.; Yarman, O.; Enerji Sistemleri Mühendisliği / Energy Systems EngineeringQuantal Theory of Gravity(QTG) is a new undertaking that describes the behavior of projectile-like and wave-like particles in a gravitational field - and, in fact, any field the object at hand interacts with - on the basis of the law of energy conservation. QTG successfully combines metric and dynamical methodologies via a conjoint quantum mechanical formulation. Accordingly, a wave-like test object consisting of a quantal part and a corpuscular part, which start as concentric and identical with regards to their energies, must get torn apart when it engages gravity. Such a test object should then better be treated separately as a two-entity problem. But we nevertheless show that the said problem can be reduced to a single-entity problem. This straightforwardly delivers a new quantal equation of motion, which points to a novel metric expression of space-time wherefrom one can reverse-engineer all of the findings of the past century. Said feature constitutes one of the principal novelties in this contribution. Thus, QTG and the General Theory of Relativity (GTR) yield, within the measurement precision, indistinguishable results for classical problems, except singularities, through though totally different means. What is more, QTG separately explains the propagation of projectile-like objects such as highenergy ?-quanta, in which case, we predict the nullification of gravitational attraction. This constitutes another principal novelty of QTG corroborated by a recent experiment. Finally, we show how GTR could have so successfully coped with the known classically measured results, yet only as a consequence of the quantal application of QTG and its single-entity approach. That constitutes the final and most cardinal novelty we herein bring to attention.Article Citation Count: 0A Suitable Way of Normalizing New Si To Make C and H Unities(Isik University, 2024) Yarman, Nuh Tolga; Yarman, T.; Enerji Sistemleri Mühendisliği / Energy Systems EngineeringYarman’s Approach, which serves as the basis of YARK gravitation theory (as abbreviated from “Yarman-Arık-Kholmetskii”), together with its recently developed extension QTG (Quantal Theory of Gravity), motivated us to question the suitability of Natural Units commonly used in Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and other areas of physics. That and the consensus of the General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) towards the establishment of “New SI” inspired us to explore an appropriate way of normalizing the metric system in order to make the utmost theoretical speed limit of light c and the Planck Constant h unities, as well as universal constants, respectively. Our metrological approach herein reveals that the correction factor k introduced to the retired definition of vacuum permeability µ0 — as extracted from an indiscriminate Fine-Structure Constant α value — does not suffice to align the computed α with the latest experimental measurements of α. One may therefore require a rectified value for the elementary charge e along with the need to restore its uncertainty digits. All this is especially relevant within the context of the 20 May 2019 international decision to fix the Planck Constant to a definite value while letting the kilogram vary instead. One thus remarkably ends up with the necessity to either restore the uncertainty parts of the elementary charge in contrast to the SI redefinition, or to recalculate the correction factor k that latterly appears in vacuum permeability, or both. Another far-reaching option is the idea of restituting the uncertainties for the Planck Constant and/or lightspeed too when SI is normalized and then re-normalized without disturbing the meaningfulness of the related physical dimensions. © Işık University, Department of Mathematics, 2024; all rights reserved.Article Citation Count: 4Systematization of α-decaying nuclei based on shell structures: The case of even-odd nuclei(Springer, 2017) Yarman, Nuh Tolga; Zaim, Nimet; Yarman, O.; Kholmetskii, Alexander; Arik, Metin; Enerji Sistemleri Mühendisliği / Energy Systems EngineeringPreviously, we provided a novel systematization of alpha-decaying even-even nuclei starting with the classically adopted mechanism (Yarman et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 52, 140 (2016)). The decay half-life of an alpha-decaying nucleus was framed so that i) the alpha-particle is taken at the outset to be born inside the parent nucleus with a given probability, ii) where it then keeps on bouncing off of the barrier of the parent nucleus till iii) it finally tunnels through the barrier. Knowing beforehand the measured decay half-life, we have taken into consideration, as a parameter, the probability of the alpha-particle being first born within the parent before it is emitted. We thence developed a scaffold based on shell properties of families composed of alike even-even nuclei. Nevertheless, our model allows us to incorporate any alpha-decaying nuclei, and along this line, we present a follow-up systematization of even-odd nuclei, with cases of odd-even and odd-odd alpha-decaying nuclei pending to be considered in a separate contribution. Notwithstanding, we make an effort herein to expand our approach to investigate the effect of "pairing" (e.g., when a number of nucleons in the given nucleus becomes an even number, instead of the initial odd number, due to the addition of at least one neutron). Our results show that "pairing", as expected, definitely increases the stability of the given nucleus.