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Review Citation - Scopus: 2Your neun career: E-learning process manager(2004) Yamamoto,G.T.Because e-learning necessitates working with many disciplines, it forms a new ground for training, requiring the cooperation of people with different capabilities and qualifications. The work starts with creating the demand. To break any resistance, identify the organization's opinion leaders and set them into action to spread the word that e-learning is beneficial and necessary in a world transforming to an information society. Those opinion leaders are called e-learning challengers, and their job is to be knowledgeable about e-learning and make others believe. To help pave the road to e-learning with the least resistance, e-learning balancers ensure that information and technology are provided in harmony. Challengers and balancers work in concert with the creative design team, who handle the technical aspects. Acting as a separate research group, the e-learning market research team should be in contact with learners worldwide, any time - sending questions and discussing issues. The receivers of e-learning, the e-learning knowledge incomers, are in contact with the research group and the creative design team to help construct appropriate programs. As manager, you provide technical, personal, and marketing solutions; a human relations approach; and an open mind to innovation and creativity.Article Review Citation - Scopus: 20Impacts of divorce on the behavior and adjustment problems, parenting styles, and attachment styles of children: Literature review including Turkish studies(2005) Sirvanli-Ozen,D.In recent years, the most dramatic change in family life has been observed in the rising rate of divorce. Especially in Western countries, more than one million children experience parental divorce and this has given rise to studies that seek answers to the questions of what the possible long-term and short-term effects of divorce on children may be and how they can be coped with. In this study, studies in the Western countries and the restricted number of studies in Turkey, which has a very different cultural background, on the possible adverse effects of divorce on children are reviewed with a view to introducing the existing findings to the relevant literature in Turkey. Within this framework, the impact of divorce on children's behaviour and adjustment problems, the parenting styles they perceive and the attachment styles they develop in the different periods of their lives are examined in the given order. While investigating into the possible effects of divorce on children during their childhood and in the later stages of their lives, the possible interaction of divorce with the variables of age, sex, and perceived social support is taken into consideration. As a result, in the light of the research findings of studies conducted both in the Western countries and in Turkey, it is observed that divorce may have detrimental effects on the levels of behaviour and adjustment problems of children, the parenting styles they perceive and the attachment styles they develop, and that these effects may vary depending on the children's sex. age, and the social support they perceive from their environment. On the other hand, another finding obtained from the study indicates that the possible negative impacts of divorce on children may be alleviated provided that favourable conditions are offered to them in the post-divorce period. © 2005 by The Haworth Press. Inc. All rights reserved.Article Citation - WoS: 3Citation - Scopus: 9The relationship between the adolescents' exposure to peer victimization and their age, parental style and self-image(Turkish Psychologists Assoc, 2006) Oezen, Dilek SirvanliThe objective of this study is to determine whether the age, the perceived parenting style and the self-image of the individual contribute to his/her exposure peer victimization as well as to the prediction of the different types of peer victimization for both girls and boys. The sample of the study consists of 805 students: 381 girls and 484 boys, all of whom study at the second level of private primary education schools and high school's 6th, 7th, 9th and 10th grades in Istanbul. However, as some of the scales were not filled out properly, hence the sample size decreased to 314 and to 308 for boys and girls respectively. In the study, 'The Peer Victimization Scale' to determine the level of their exposure to peer victimization, 'The Parenting Style Scale' to identify, the perceived parenting styles of the subjects and 'The Offer Self-Image Scale' to reveal the self-images of the participants, were used as instruments for data assessing. Results show that the peer victimization both girls and boys encounter at school is significantly influenced by the age, the perceived parenting styles and the self-image of the individual. Findings are discussed within the framework of the related literature.Conference Object Citation - Scopus: 0Virtual environments, virtual works, virtual lives?(2006) Yamamoto,G.T.; Telli,A.; Featherstone,M.; Borstoff,P.Technological advances mostly in Internet and mobile technologies affect our lives in myriad ways. Globally, these technologies are used in many environments; the usage of these technologies also creates virtual environments. The concepts of time, place, language and boundaries disappear; many people from different countries and cultures can communicate with each other and work together. However, besides its benefits, working with many different people brings many problems to be solved such as time synchronization, language gaps, and cultural differences. To observe the problems of virtual environments as a case study, a virtual study group has been established between Turkish and American student groups. In this paper, the observations of this group study will be presented. (c) 2006 PICMET.Article Citation - WoS: 3Citation - Scopus: 1Intrusive autobiographical memory and its depressive theme on high depressive symptomatology(Turkish Psychologists Assoc, 2006) Tosun, AhmetThe research investigates the intrusion and depressive content of the autobiographical memory (AM) that associated with depressive self cognition. 493 students from different universities in 2004-2005 academic years participated in the study. Cognition Check List, Depressive Content Evaluation Form, Impact of Event Scale and Beck Depression Inventory were applied. Results showed that, depressives evaluated their own self at the event as more 'worthless, 'unlovible' and 'inefficient'. They evaluated the others at the event as more 'distrustful, 'rejective' and 'unsupportive' and the event as more 'unchangeable' in future than non-depressives. Concerning AM associated with depressive cognition, depressives reported more intrusion of the AM than non-depressives. It is considered that depressive persons' AM associated with depressive cognition may be a self defining memory. As a result, it is suggested that AM is an important material and context in changing procedure of depressive cognitions in CBT.Article Citation - WoS: 32Citation - Scopus: 40The end results of general relativity theory via just energy conservation and quantum mechanics(Springer/plenum Publishers, 2006) Yarman, Tolga; Enerji Sistemleri Mühendisliği / Energy Systems EngineeringHerein we present a whole new approach that leads to the end results of the general theory of relativity via just the law of conservation of energy (broadened to embody the mass and energy equivalence of the special theory of relativity) and quantum mechanics. We start with the following postulate. Postulate: The rest mass of an object bound to a celestial body amounts less than its rest mass measured in empty space, and this, as much as its binding energy vis-a-vis the gravitational field of concern. The decreased rest mass is further dilated by the Lorentz factor if the object in hand is in motion in the gravitational field of concern. The overall relativistic energy must be constant on a stationary trajectory. This yields the equation of motion driven by the celestial body of concern, via the relationship e(-alpha)/root 1-nu(2)(o)/c(o)(2) = constant, along with the definition alpha = GM/rc(o)(2); here M is the mass of the celestial body creating the gravitational field of concern; G is the universal gravitational. constant, measured in empty space it comes into play in Newton's law of gravitation, which is assumed though to be valid for static masses only; r points to the location picked on the trajectory of the motion, the center of M being the origin of coordinates, as assessed by the distant observer; v(o) is the tangential velocity of the object at r; c(o) is the ceiling of the speed of light in empty space; v(o) and c(o) remain the same for both the local observer and the distant observer, just the same way as that framed by the special theory of relativity. The differentiation of the above relationship leads to GM/r(2)(1 - v(o)(2)/c(o)(2)) = v(o) dv(o)/dr or, via v(o) = dr/dt, GM/r(2) (1- v(o)(2)/c(o)(2)) r//r = d (v) under bar (o)/dt; (r) under bar is the outward looking unit vector along r; the latter differential equation is the classical Newton's Equation of Motion, were v(o), negligible as compared to c(o); this equation is valid for any object, including a light photon. Taking into account the quantum mechanical stretching of lengths due to the rest mass decrease in the gravitational field, the above equation can be transformed into an equation written in terms of the proper lengths, yielding well the end results of the general theory of relativity, though through a completely different set up.Article Citation - WoS: 33Citation - Scopus: 32University evaluation-selection: a Turkish case(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2006) Yamamoto, GoncaPurpose - The purpose of this study is to examine the university selection criteria of students for better university management with the use of marketing tools. Design/methodology/approach - This study consists of a survey on students attending a foundation university in Turkey. The questionnaire method has been chosen in order to determine the important criteria having an impact on the student views towards university selection. The students had been admitted to a foundation university in the 2005-2006 period when within the same universities various departments were included in the study. Findings - The results indicate student evaluation and selection criteria in this period of time. Practical implications - This paper examines the criteria that affects the selection of students and, in detail the students' point of view towards the university evaluation and selection in Turkey. This will help the university manager's decision making on the marketing tools they use. Originality/value - Selecting a university is a long-term commitment and a very important decision for the high school students and/or graduates. Academic, social, physical factors and facilities are some important criteria for university selection. This study concerns the importance of these criteria in detail.Book Part Citation - Scopus: 1Business ethics and technology in Turkey: An emerging country at the crossroad of civilizations(IGI Global, 2006) Yamamoto,G.T.; Karaman,F.IT ethics cannot be analyzed without assessing business ethics in general and the cultural environment. This study is based on the Turkish case. Turkey lies at the crossroads of civilizations, making it hard to define a generally accepted set of ethical principles. Western, Islamic, and Turkish cultures are in competition with each of them, and a synthesis has not yet been achieved. Therefore, a common identity and common ethical standards cannot be acquired. In fact, such a synthesis could be categorized as a new civilization. This disagreement causes proliferation of unethical behaviors such as the illegal copying of software. The majority of highly educated technical people in Turkey approves of the illegal copying of software, if it is necessitated by the interests of the country. This shows that we have a long way to go to reach global ethical standards, and country-specific differences cannot be eliminated in the short term. © 2007, Idea Group Inc.Article Ergenlerde Akran Zorbalığına Maruz Kalmanın Yaş, Çocuk Yetiştirme Stilleri ve Benlik İmgesi ile İlişkisi0(2006) Şirvanlı, Dilek ÖzenBu araştırmanın amacı, kız ve erkek ergenlerde, yaş, algılanan çocuk yetiştirme stili ve sahip olunan benlik imgesinin, akran zorbalığına maruz kalma boyutlarını yordamaya katkılarının olup olmadığını belirlemektir. Araştırmanın örneklemini İstanbul’daki özel ilköğretim okulları ve özel liselerinin 6, 7, 8 ve 10. sınıflarında öğrenim gören, 381’i kız, 484’ü erkek olmak üzere toplam 805 öğrenci oluşturmuş. Ancak ölçeklerin bazılarının düzgün yanıtlanmaması sonucu yaşanan denek kaybına ilişkin olarak bazı değişkenlerin verisi kız örneklemi için 308, erkek örneklemi için de 314’e kadar inmiştir. Veri toplama araçları olarak, katılımcıların akran zorbalığına maruz kalma düzeylerini belirlemek amacıyla ‘Akran Zorbalığı Kurbanlarını Belirleme Ölçeği’, çocukların algıladıkları çocuk yetiştirme stillerini belirlemek amacıyla ‘Çocuk Yetiştirme Stilleri Ölçeği’ ve katılımcıların benlikleri hakkındaki düşüncelerini belirlemek amacıyla da ‘Offer Benlik İmgesi Ölçeği’ kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar, gerek kızların gerekse erkeklerin okulda zorbalığa maruz kalmalarının, yaş, algılanan çocuk yetiştirme stilleri ve sahip olunan benlik imgelerince anlamlı olarak yordandığını göstermektedir. Bulgular ilgili literatür çerçevesinde tartışılmıştır.Article Citation - Scopus: 2Measuring credit risk of a bank’s corporate loan portfolio using advanced internal ratings base approach(2006) Teker,S.; Akçay,B.; Turan,M.The use of technical and advanced approaches in the measurement of credit risk of banks’ portfolios has nowadays become a very hot issue. The most recent technical report issued by the Basel Committee in May 2003 has concentrated heavily on the measurement of credit risk using either foundation or advanced Internal Ratings Base (IRB) approaches. This empirical research study attempts to measure credit risk of a bank’s corporate loan portfolio, including firms from 10 different Turkish sectors. The monthly observations of the total amount of corporate loans and the total amount of corporate loans at default across various sectors are downloaded from the web page of Central Bank of Turkey (CBT) in a period of 1999-2002. This period covers 47 monthly observations since CBT has captured sectoral corporate loans beginning of 1999. Therefore, the observed sectoral default rates are needed to be simulated to obtain a nicely shaped distribution. Monte Carlo simulation is applied for 1,000 times. Based on the simulated default rates, the expected sec-toral default rates are computed. Next, a credit quality rating scale is fitted into sectoral default rates distributions. Finally, the sectoral weights in the whole loan portfolio are multiplied by the expected sectoral default rates matrix, considering cross-sectoral correlations to get the total amount of the bank’s credit risk and capital requirement. It is assumed that sectoral monthly default rates are a good representative of the default risk of a sample bank’s corporate loan portfolio since no publicly available data on any particular bank’s corporate loan portfolio composition exists. Nevertheless, this research may be a good application for measuring the credit risk of banks’ corporate loan portfolios using advanced IRB approach. © 2006, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. All rights reserved.Article Depresif Belirti Düzeyi Yüksek Kişilerde Otobiyografik Anıların Bilince İstemsiz Gelişleri ve Depresif İçerikleri(2006) Tosun, AhmetAraştırma, depresif kişilerde depresif bilişle bağlantılı otobiyografik anıların bilince istemsiz girişlerini ve bu anıların depresif içeriğinin Beck’in bilişsel modeli ile olan tutarlılığını incelemektedir. Bu amaçla, 2004-2005 öğretim yılında çeşitli üniversitelerden 493 öğrenciyle çalışılmıştır. Katılımcılara Biliş Tarama Listesi, Anı İçeriğini Değerlendirme Formu, Olay Etkisi Ölçeği ve Beck Depresyon Envanteri uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, depresif kişiler geri getirilen anıda kendilerini ‘değersiz’, ‘sevilmeye layık olmayan’ ve ‘yetersiz’ değerlendirmişler, başkalarını ‘güvenilmez’, ‘reddedici’ ve ‘destek vermez’ görmüşler ve olaydaki durumu ‘değişmez’ bulmuşlardır. Depresif olmayan kişiler ise aynı boyutlarda tam tersi bir özellik sergilemişlerdir. Bunlara ek olarak, depresif kişilerin depresif bilişlerine bağlı anılarının, diğer kişilerinkine göre daha ‘araya girici’ oldukları görülmüştür. Tüm bu özellikler bir arada değerlendirildiğinde, depresif kişilerin depresif bilişlerine bağlı anılarının, bir ‘benliği tanımlayan anı’ oldukları düşünülmektedir. Bu açıdan bakıldığında, benliği tanımlayan anıların BDT sürecinde önemli bir psikoterapi malzemesi olabileceği düşünülmektedir.Article Translation and the \"meme\"(2007) Vermeer, Hans J.Bu makale mikrofizik ve nöroloji bakış açısından \"fikirlerin\" /düşüncelerin bazı özelliklerini tartışmaya çalışmaktadır.Article Citation - WoS: 2ATTITUDES OF STUDENTS TOWARD COUNTRY-OF-ORIGIN AND AUTO BRAND IMAGES(Univ Belgrade, Technical Faculty At Bor, 2007) Aydin, K.; Say, A. T.; Ustaahmetoglu, E.; Yamamoto, G. T.Personal and environmental factors determine the image of a company or a brand, which appears as an attitude of the perceiver. The attitudes of people against the products, countries and concepts are directly influential in their purchasing decisions. The objective of this research is to define whether there is a relation between the image of a country and that of the product. This study measures the attitudes of Turkish consumers against five countries and automobile brands from each of these countries. This study aims to identify whether there are any differences between the images of the countries and the respective automobile brands.Article Citation - WoS: 6Citation - Scopus: 5Apparent paradoxes in classical electrodynamics: relativistic transformation of force(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2007) Kholmetskii, A. L.; Yarman, T.; Enerji Sistemleri Mühendisliği / Energy Systems EngineeringIn this paper, we analyse a number of paradoxical teaching problems of classical electrodynamics, dealing with the relativistic transformation of force for complex macro systems, consisting of a number of subsystems with nonzero relative velocities such as electric circuits that change their shape in the course of time.Book Part Citation - Scopus: 2Barriers to e-procurement adoption: The Turkish case(IGI Global, 2007) Yamamoto,G.T.; Karaman,F.E-procurement practice is not well-established in emerging countries. There are barriers in terms of transportation, financial, telecommunication, and legal infrastructures. Also, a lack of a qualified workforce, cultural barriers, and security problems hinder the development of e-procurement activities. These are not such significant problems in the developed countries. In this study, we examined the Turkish practice. We gave country background information including macroeconomic data and Internet penetration data, and we gave a picture of the current situation of Turkey. We then discussed how these barriers can be overcome in Turkey. Finally, we gave predictions about how m-procurement may alter the situation and its potential for the Turkish market. © 2007, Idea Group Inc.Article Citation - WoS: 1Determination of micro-elements in surface water resources(destech Publications, inc, 2007) Sahmurova, Aida; Ongen, Atakan; Ozbas, Emine Elmaslar; Balkaya, NilgunThe basic resources of microelements that are essential for human life. However, in larger or lower amounts, they may become important and critical. They may accumulate in biological systems and become a significant health hazard. Biochemical and physical adaptation of microorganisms is related to geophysical properties and the environmental factors in the surrounding habitat. Therefore many research studies have been conducted dealing microelements and their effect on ecosystems. In this study, heavy metal contamination in the samples taken from surface water resources in the Republic of Azerbaijan were examined. During the study, concentrations of 7 microelements (I, F, Cu, Co, Mn, Zn, Mo) in surface waters were determined. As microelement concentration of the water in the water springs varied from region to region due to the ion structure of the water, microelement concentrations are shown as minimums and maximums and the correlation between above-mentioned microelements was determined. This correlation was taken into account as an additional factor for occurrence of endemic illnesses.Article Citation - WoS: 2Citation - Scopus: 1Relativistic transformation of force: resolution of apparent paradoxes(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2007) Kholmetskii, A. L.; Yarman, T.; Enerji Sistemleri Mühendisliği / Energy Systems EngineeringIn this paper, we present a resolution of apparent paradoxes formulated in [2] and deal with the relativistic transformation of force.Article Citation - WoS: 28Citation - Scopus: 37Integrating Hoshin Kanri and the Balanced Scorecard for strategic management: The case of higher education(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2007) Asan, Seyda Serdar; Tanyas, MehmetThis paper suggests a methodology that focuses on the vision and the deployment of strategies throughout the organization by merging Balanced Scorecard and Hoshin Kanri. The authors believe that combining a performance-oriented approach like the Balanced Scorecard with a process-oriented approach like Hoshin Kanri creates synergy. The proposed methodology begins with the selection of strategic objectives according to the Balanced Scorecard perspectives, which is followed by the generation of the strategy map. The developed strategies are then deployed down to implementation plans which are reviewed by Hoshin Kanri, and the outcomes are evaluated by utilizing both. tools. The implementation of the proposed methodology is illustrated based on an Engineering Management Graduate Program (EngMan). Finally, using the proposed methodology, implementation plans for the management of EngMan are realized, facilitating EngMan to attain its vision in the long term.Article Üstbiliş ölçeği-30'un Türkçe uyarlaması, geçerliği, güvenirliği, kaygı ve obsesif-kompülsif belirtilerle ilişkisi(2008) Tosun, Ahmet; Irak, MetehanAmaç: Bu araştırma, Üstbiliş Ölçeği-30'un (ÜBÖ-30) Türkçe'ye çevrilmesi, geçerlik ve güvenirlik değerlerinin belirlenmesi amacını taşımaktadır. ÜBÖ-30, üstbilişsel modellere göre psikopatolojilerde rol oynadığı düşünülen üstbilişsel inançlar, yargılar ve süreçleri incelemek için geliştirilmiş olan Üstbiliş Ölçeği'nin 30 maddelik kısa formudur. Yöntem: Araştırmada, üniversite öğrencilerinden oluşan bir örneklem grubuna, ÜBÖ-30 ile birlikte, Sürekli Kaygı Envanteri (SKE) ve Maudsley Obsesif Kompülsif Soru Listesi (MOKSL) uygulanmıştır. 850 kişilik örneklemin 282'si (33.17%) erkek, 568'si (66.82%) kadın, yaş ortalaması 21.22 olmuştur. Bulgular: Test-tekrar test güvenirliği analizi ÜBÖ-30'un Türkiye örneklemi için güvenilir bir ölçme aracı olduğunu, Cronbach Alpha korelasyon analizi ölçeğin iç geçerliliğinin yüksek olduğunu göstermiştir, Temel bileşenler analizi (TBA) ölçeğin orijinal formundaki gibi beş faktörünün olduğunu ve bunların toplam varyansın %52.44'ünü açıkladığını göstermiştir. Doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ile elde edilen sonuçlar TBA sonucunda elde edilen ÜBÖ-30'un faktör yapısının geçerliğini desteklemiştir. ÜBÖ-30'un yakınsak geçerliğini için ÜBÖ-30'un alt ölçekleri ve toplam puanları ile MOKSL'nin alt ölçekleri ve toplam puanı ve SKE arasında korelasyonlara bakılmış ve puanlar arasında elde edilen anlamlı ilişkiler ÜBÖ-30'un yakınsak geçerliliğinin yeterli olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca yaş ve ÜBÖ-30'un alt ölçekleri arasında anlamlı negatif korelasyonlar olduğu ve cinsiyetin bazı alt ölçeklerde anlamlı etkisi olduğu bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Bulgular ÜBÖ-30'un Türk kültüründe üstbiliş değerlendirmek için yeterli düzeyde psikometrik özelliklere sahip olduğunu göstermiştir.