Söyleyici Çergel, Müge
Name Variants
Müge Söyleyici ÇERGEL
Muge Soyleyici CERGEL
Söyleyici Çergel, Müge
M. S. Çergel
Söyleyici Cergel M.
M. Söyleyici Çergel
Cergel, Soyleyici
CERGEL Muge Soyleyici
Çergel, M.
Muge S. Cergel
Cergel, S.
Çergel, S.
Çergel, Müge
Çergel, Söyleyici
M. S. Cergel
M., Söyleyici Çergel
Müge Söyleyici Çergel
Soyleyici Cergel M.
M. Soyleyici Cergel
Müge S. Çergel
Cergel M.
Muge Soyleyici Cergel
M.,Söyleyici Çergel
Çergel Müge Söyleyici
Cergel, Muge
Cergel Muge Soyleyici
ÇERGEL Müge Söyleyici
Cergel, M.
Müge, Söyleyici Çergel
Cergel, Muge Soyleyici
Cergel, Muege Soyleyici
Cergel, M. Soyleyici
Cergel, Muge Soyleyici
Cergel, Muege Soyleyici
Cergel, M. Soyleyici
Muge Soyleyici CERGEL
Söyleyici Çergel, Müge
M. S. Çergel
Söyleyici Cergel M.
M. Söyleyici Çergel
Cergel, Soyleyici
CERGEL Muge Soyleyici
Çergel, M.
Muge S. Cergel
Cergel, S.
Çergel, S.
Çergel, Müge
Çergel, Söyleyici
M. S. Cergel
M., Söyleyici Çergel
Müge Söyleyici Çergel
Soyleyici Cergel M.
M. Soyleyici Cergel
Müge S. Çergel
Cergel M.
Muge Soyleyici Cergel
M.,Söyleyici Çergel
Çergel Müge Söyleyici
Cergel, Muge
Cergel Muge Soyleyici
ÇERGEL Müge Söyleyici
Cergel, M.
Müge, Söyleyici Çergel
Cergel, Muge Soyleyici
Cergel, Muege Soyleyici
Cergel, M. Soyleyici
Cergel, Muge Soyleyici
Cergel, Muege Soyleyici
Cergel, M. Soyleyici
Job Title
Email Address
Scopus Author ID
Turkish CoHE Profile ID
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WoS Researcher ID

Scholarly Output
Citation Count
Supervised Theses
6 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
Article Citation Count: 11The effect of the structural, optical, and surface properties of anatase-TiO2 film on photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue organic contaminant(Springer Heidelberg, 2019) Cergel, Muge Soyleyici; Demir, Ersin; Atay, Ferhunde; Tıbbi Görüntüleme Teknikleri / Medical Imaging TechniquesTiO2 film was prepared onto glass substrates with ultrasonic spray pyrolysis technique by using the less reported Ti (IV) chloride precursor, and then a highly anatase TiO2 film was successfully produced by annealing at 550 degrees C for 3 h in air. The structural, optical, and surface properties were characterized in detail by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns, UV-vis spectroscopy, spectroscopic ellipsometry, photoluminescence spectrometry, atomic force microcopy (AFM), and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy. Furthermore, to investigate the application potential as a catalyst, the photocatalytic property of TiO2 film was tested by the degradation of methylene blue dye at various time intervals under UV light. It was determined that photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue using TiO2 film has the highest correlation with first-order velocity law, and the degradation efficiency was successfully achieved at 66.1% after 1 h. Consequently, an alternative, inexpensive, easily applicable, and highly efficient material was developed for the removal of organic dyes in wastewater.Article Citation Count: 5Investigations of some physical properties of ALD growth ZnO films: effect of crystal orientation on photocatalytic activity(Springer, 2021) Gonullu, Meryem Polat; Cergel, Muge Soyleyici; Efkere, Halil Ibrahim; Ates, Hakan; Tıbbi Görüntüleme Teknikleri / Medical Imaging TechniquesZnO films have great application potentials from optoelectronic devices to photocatalysis. Detailed film properties and relations between photocatalytic activities of annealed ZnO films grown on glass and corning glass substrates by Atomic Layer Deposition Technique (ALD) were reported in the current study. The structural evolutions were investigated by X-ray diffraction. Results showed that crystal orientations are strongly dependent on substrate materials. The optical band gap values of all films change between 3.26 and 3.24 eV with annealing. Lower electrical resistivity values were obtained for as-grown films. The morphological properties of the films were investigated by atomic force microscopy. In addition, the highest value of photoactivity was determined for ZnO films grown on corning glass substrate and annealed at 600 degrees C with a value of 53%. Relations between crystal orientations and photocatalytic activities showed that the crystal orientations, crystallite sizes, peak intensities, and dislocation density values are highly effective on photoactivities of ZnO films.Article Citation Count: 0Role of Ir incorporation on structural, surface, optical, and electrical properties of ultrasonically produced ZnO films(Springer, 2023) Cergel, M. Soyleyici; Atay, F.; Tıbbi Görüntüleme Teknikleri / Medical Imaging TechniquesPure and doped ZnO films are among the promising materials in technological applications, which is constantly developing and seeking innovations. In this study, the effect of Ir element on the structural, optical, electrical, and surface properties of ZnO films produced by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis at different Ir incorporation rates (4% and 8%) was investigated. XRD patterns show that the 4% Ir-doped ZnO film have the best crystallization level. The thickness and band gap values of pure, 4%, and 8% Ir-doped ZnO films were determined as 269 nm, 278 nm, 267 nm, and 3.20 eV, respectively, by using spectroscopic ellipsometry and optical method. Surface properties were analyzed by field emission scanning electron microscopy, and elemental analyses were performed by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Electrical resistivity values of ZnO:Ir films calculated by the two-point technique were determined to vary between 8.26 x 10(0) and 6.29 x 10(2) omega cm. Besides, the activation and trap energy values of the films from temperature-dependent resistivity measurements were calculated as 1.358-3.977 meV and 18.019-28.307 meV, respectively. It was concluded from all analyses that Ir element has a strong effect on the structural, surface, and electrical properties of ZnO films and Ir-incorporated ZnO films having suitable structural and surface properties can be used as photocatalysts in photocatalytic applications. Moreover, we suggest that p-type ZnO films can be produced using different Ir incorporation rates.Article Citation Count: 8Production and Characterization of (004) Oriented Single Anatase TiO2 Films(Springer, 2018) Atay, Ferhunde; Akyuz, Idris; Cergel, Muge Soyleyici; Erdogan, Banu; Tıbbi Görüntüleme Teknikleri / Medical Imaging TechniquesHighly (004) oriented anatase TiO2 films have been successfully obtained by an inexpensive ultrasonic spray pyrolysis technique at low substrate temperatures and without additional annealing. X-ray diffraction analysis, ultraviolet visible spectroscopy and field emission scanning electron microscopy were used to analyze the structural, optical and surface properties of the films. By using the less reported TiCl4 solution, the optical band gap values falling into the visible region (between 2.70 eV and 2.92 eV) have been obtained for all films. Spectroscopic ellipsometry technique has been used to determine the dispersive refractive index and extinction coefficient of TiO2 films. Possible electrical conduction mechanisms in TiO2 films have been examined using temperature dependent conductivity measurements in the temperature range of 78-300 K. At room temperature, electrical resistivity values of TiO2 films change between 1.68 x 10(4) Omega cm and 5.88 x 10(4) Omega cm. Considering the analyzed parameters with respect to substrate temperature, this work refers to the properties of anatase TiO2 films that are strongly correlated to the growth direction, namely (004). As a result, (004) oriented anatase TiO2 films with appropriate optical band gap values are promising materials for technological applications, especially for photocatalysts.Article Citation Count: 5The role of the annealing process in different gas environments on the degradation of the methylene blue organic pollutant by brookite-TiO2 photocatalyst(Springer Heidelberg, 2019) Cergel, Muge Soyleyici; Atay, Ferhunde; Tıbbi Görüntüleme Teknikleri / Medical Imaging TechniquesAmong sustainable technologies, TiO2 photocatalysts are promising materials as an alternative to conventional methods that are being used for eliminating problems such as water, air, and environmental pollution originating from industrial waste. In this work, TiO2 film was produced by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis technique and annealed in oxygen, argon, and nitrogen atmospheres. The effect of the annealing process in different environments was determined by investigating their structural, optical, surface, and photocatalytic properties. It was determined from X-ray diffraction patterns that highly (004)-oriented anatase-TiO2 films were successfully obtained with annealing of polycrystalline brookite-TiO2 film. Thickness and refractive index values were determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry. According to absorbance and photoluminescence spectra, indirect optical band gaps were shifted to the visible region, and the oxygen vacancy and Ti3+ cations were formed as surface defects, respectively. Atomic force microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy were used to determine surface properties and elemental compositions, respectively. Besides, to investigate the use potentials of TiO2 films in photocatalytic applications, photocatalytic tests were made using methylene blue as organic pollutant. Consequently, the structural, optical, and surface properties of the TiO2 films are strongly dependent on the annealing medium, and TiO2 films annealed in oxygen and nitrogen environments with higher photocatalytic activities are promising materials for photocatalytic applications. We also conclude that determination of the physical and photocatalytic properties of brookite-TiO2 film is one of the important outputs due to the difficulties encountered in obtaining of the unstable brookite phase.Article Citation Count: 0Developed and characterization of a novel Cd doped CeO2 nanofilm and application of methyl orange removed by photodegradation(indian Assoc Cultivation Science, 2024) Cergel, Muege Soyleyici; Demir, Ersin; Kurtaran, Sema; Tıbbi Görüntüleme Teknikleri / Medical Imaging TechniquesCerium oxide (CeO2) films doped with cadmium (Cd) were synthesized employing the ultrasonic spray pyrolysis technique (USP). The structural, surface, and optical properties of the prepared Cd-doped CeO2 films were also investigated. All films were polycrystalline, exhibiting as cubic fluorite structure. In addition, the optical bandgap obtained using the UV data ranged from 3.23 to 3.52 eV. Cd-doped CeO2 films exhibited Raman scattering, in which the multi-peak setting of the first optical longitudinal mode was observed, indicated the Raman shift of the characteristic peak in the similar to 461 cm(-1) range. In addition, the photodegradation capacities of Cd-doped CeO2 films were investigated for the removal of pesticides that pollute human and environmental health. As a result, proposed Cd-doped CeO2 thin films show very high (approximate 80%) photocatalytic activity for removing important pollutants, such as methyl orange dyestuff. Consequently, the CeO2 film doped with Cd can be readily reused for five cycles without a notable alteration in photocatalytic activity.