Serebral palsi'li çocuklarda kuadriseps kasına uygulanan dinamik bant uygulamasının yürüme, postür ve denge üzerine etkisinin araştırılması
Serebral palsi için, primer zedelenme ilerleyici değildir fakat eşlik eden nöbetler ile zedelenme artış gösterebilmektedir. Hemiparetik serebral palsili çocuklarda alt ekstremitede fonksiyon bozuklukları ve denge problemleri, çocuğun günlük yaşam aktivitelerine ve sosyal faaliyetlerine katılımını sınırlamaktadır. Çalışmamız serebral palsili çocuklarda kuadriseps kasına uygulanan dinamik bant uygulamasının yürüme, postür ve denge üzerine etkilerinin araştırılmasını amaçlamıştır. Serebral palsi tanısı konmuş 5-15 yaş aralığında 30 hemiparetik olgu ile çalışma tamamlanmıştır. Kaba Motor Fonksiyon Sınıflandırma Sistemi seviye 1-2 olan olgular çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Olgular randomize olarak kontrol (n=15) ve deney (n=15) grubu olarak ikiye ayrılmıştır. Bir gruba sadece konvansiyonel yürüme eğitimi uygulanırken diğer gruba buna ek olarak hemiparetik taraf kuadriseps kasına dinamik bantlama uygulanmıştır. Denge, Yıldız Denge testi ile, postür analizi PosturZone uygulaması ile ve yürüme hızı, Zamanlı Kalk Yürü testi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Tüm analizlerde istatistiksel anlamlılık p<0,05 düzeyinde değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan değerlendirmelerin sonucunda dinamik bantlama uygulanan olguların Yıldız Denge Testi skorları, PosturZone ile yapılan postür analizi skorları, Zamanlı Kalk Yürü testi skorları istatistiksel olarak anlamlı iyileşme göstermiştir (p<0,05). Kontrol grubunda ise Zamanlı Kalk Yürü testi sonuçları ile Yıldız Denge testinin sadece anteromedial, posteromedial ve medial yönlerinde anlamlı iyileşme olduğu görülmüştür (p<0,05). Çalışmanın sonunda, hemiparetik serebral palsili çocuklarda denge, yürüme hızı ve postüral kontrolün gelişmesi için yürüme eğitimine ek olarak uygulanan dinamik bantlamanın etkili olabileceği kanısına varılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Serebral Palsi, Postür, Denge, Yürüme, Dinamik Bant
For cerebral palsy, the primary injury is not progressive, but it may increase with accompanying seizures. Lower extremity dysfunction and balance problems in children with hemiparetic cerebral palsy limit the child's participation in daily living and social activities. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the application of dynamic band on quadriceps has an effect of on gait, balance and posture problems. Thirty cases with hemiparetic cerebral palsy between the ages of 5-15 participated in the study. The study was completed with cases with Gross Motor Function Classification System scoring level 1-2. Subjects were randomly divided into two groups as control (n = 15) and intervention (n = 15) groups. Control group had conventional walking training and intervention group had both conventional walking training and dymanic tape application. Star Balance test was used for balance evaluation, PosturZone application for posture evaluation and Timed-up and Go test for walking speed evaluation. IBM SPSS Statistics 24 (IBM SPSS, Turkey) was used for statistical analysis. Statistical significance was evaluated at p <0.05 level in all analyzes. As a result of the evaluations, the case group who had dynamic taping were improved at Star Balance Test scores, Posture analysis scores with PosturZone, and Timed-up and Go test scores and found statistically significant (p <0.05). For the control group, who only had walking training only improved at Timed-up and Go test scores and Star Balance test scores in the directions of anteromedial, posteromedial and medial and found statistically significant (p <0.05). At the end of the study, we concluded that when applied with walking training dynamic band may be effective in improving balance, walking speed and postural control in children with hemiparetic cerebral palsy. Key Words: Cerebral Palsy, Posture, Balance, Walking, Dinamic Tape
For cerebral palsy, the primary injury is not progressive, but it may increase with accompanying seizures. Lower extremity dysfunction and balance problems in children with hemiparetic cerebral palsy limit the child's participation in daily living and social activities. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the application of dynamic band on quadriceps has an effect of on gait, balance and posture problems. Thirty cases with hemiparetic cerebral palsy between the ages of 5-15 participated in the study. The study was completed with cases with Gross Motor Function Classification System scoring level 1-2. Subjects were randomly divided into two groups as control (n = 15) and intervention (n = 15) groups. Control group had conventional walking training and intervention group had both conventional walking training and dymanic tape application. Star Balance test was used for balance evaluation, PosturZone application for posture evaluation and Timed-up and Go test for walking speed evaluation. IBM SPSS Statistics 24 (IBM SPSS, Turkey) was used for statistical analysis. Statistical significance was evaluated at p <0.05 level in all analyzes. As a result of the evaluations, the case group who had dynamic taping were improved at Star Balance Test scores, Posture analysis scores with PosturZone, and Timed-up and Go test scores and found statistically significant (p <0.05). For the control group, who only had walking training only improved at Timed-up and Go test scores and Star Balance test scores in the directions of anteromedial, posteromedial and medial and found statistically significant (p <0.05). At the end of the study, we concluded that when applied with walking training dynamic band may be effective in improving balance, walking speed and postural control in children with hemiparetic cerebral palsy. Key Words: Cerebral Palsy, Posture, Balance, Walking, Dinamic Tape
Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon, Denge, Duruş, Kaslar, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Kuadriceps femoris, Equilibrium, Posture, Sargılar, Muscles, Quadriceps femoris, Serebral palsi, Bandages, Yürüme, Cerebral palsy, Walking, Çocuklar, Children