Karizmatik liderlik özelliklerinin işletme performansı üzerindeki etkileri (Otel işletmelerinde bir araştırma)
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Lider, gruplar içerisindeki benzer özelliğe sahip olan bireylerden farklı özellikleri olan kişiler olmaktadır. İşletmeler de varlıklarını devam ettirebilmek ve hedeflerine ulaşabilmek için liderlik görevini üstlenecek ve başarı ile yerine getirecek bireylere ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Liderlik, güven üzerine kurulmuş bir işletme oluşturabilmek için gereken en önemli unsurlardan biri olmaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu çalışmada; lider ve liderliğin tanımı yapılmış, liderliğin amacı, önemi ve özelliklerine yer verildikten sonra liderlikle ilgili olan özellikler yaklaşımı, davranışsal yaklaşım ve durumsallık yaklaşımları üzerinde durulmuştur. Karizmatik liderler, bulundukları işletmelere önemli faydalar sağlamakla birlikte, özellikle savaş, kriz, istikrarsızlık dönemlerinde ortaya çıkarak kurtarıcı rolü üstlenmektedirler. Karizmatik liderler kendilerine özgü kişilik ve kendilerine özgü davranışlarıyla, çevre üzerinde etkili olmaktadırlar ve diğer çalışanları büyük oranda etkilemektedir. Bu çerçevede çalışmada; karizma ve karizmatik liderlik kavramları açıklandıktan sonra karizmatik liderliğin önemi, kapsamı, özellikleri, nasıl ortaya çıktığı, çeşitleri, olumsuz yönleri ve ortaya çıkmasını kolaylaştıran koşullara yer verilmiştir. Ardından House, Bass, Shamir vb. kişilerin ele almış olduğu karizmatik liderlik yaklaşımları irdelenmiştir. İşletme performansı, çok çeşitli değişkenleri içerisinde barındırmakla birlikte bu değişkenlerin ortak çıktısı olarak bir bütünü oluşturmaktadır. Bir işletmenin dönemsel performansının ya da tüm performansının ölçülmek istendiğinde, ona etki eden tüm değişkenleri eş zamanlı olarak incelemek gerekmektedir. İşletme performansı soyut bir kavram olmamakla birlikte işletmenin tüm nitel ve nicel verilerinin değerlendirilmesi sonucu elde edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada işletme performansı başlığı altında; performans, işletme performansı, verimlilik, kalite, yaratıcılık, etkinlik kavramları açıklanmıştır. Ardından işletme performansına yönelik geliştirilmiş olan modellere yer verilmiş; yenilik performansı, finansal performans vb. gibi performans türleri üzerinde durulduktan sonra işletme performansı göstergeleri olarak bilinen karlılık oranları ele alınmıştır. Bu çalışma için yapılan analizler sonucunda, finansal olmayan performans ile sıra dışı davranışlar sergileme ve mevcut durumu sürdürmeme arasında bir ilişki olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Dolayısıyla konaklama işletmelerinin çalışanların performansını finansal ve finansal olmayan performans değerleriyle ölçmesi büyük önem taşımaktadır. İşletmelerde karizmatik liderlerin hem işletmenin hem de çalışanların performanslarını en iyi şekilde ölçümleyebilmesi için finansal performans göstergelerinin yanında finansal olmayan performans göstergelerini de kullanması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında yapılan analizler sonucunda; finansal performans ile vizyon belirleme ve duyarlılık gösterme, sıra dışı davranışlar sergileme ve kişisel risk üstlenme arasında bir ilişki olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Dolayısıyla konaklama işletmelerinin faaliyetlerini sürdürürken finansal performanslarını artırıcı girişimlerde bulunması gerekmektedir.
The leader is people with different characteristics than individuals with similar characteristics in groups. In order to maintain their assets and achieve their goals, enterprises also need individuals who will take on the task of leadership and fulfill their goals. Leadership is one of the most important elements needed to create a business based on trust. So in this study; the definition of leader and leadership, the purpose of leadership, the importance and characteristics of the leadership after the features of the properties approach, behavioral approach and situational approaches are focused on. Charismatic leaders, while providing significant benefits to their businesses, especially in times of war, crisis, instability, they play a salvation role. Charismatic leaders have an impact on the environment with their unique personality and their unique behavior. Charismatic leaders; with their unique personality and original behaviors, they greatly affect other employees. In this study; After explaining the concepts of charisma and charismatic leadership, the importance, scope, characteristics, how they emerged, the types, the negative aspects and the conditions that facilitate the emergence of charismatic leadership are given. Then House, Bass, Shamir etc. the charismatic leadership approaches addressed by people are discussed. Business performance includes a wide variety of variables, but it constitutes a whole as a common output of these variables. When it is desired to measure the periodical performance or the overall performance of an enterprise, it is necessary to examine all variables affecting it simultaneously. Although business performance is not an abstract concept, it is obtained by evaluating all qualitative and quantitative data of the enterprise. In this study, under the heading of business performance; The concepts of performance, operation performance, efficiency, quality, creativity, efficiency are explained. Afterwards, the models developed for the performance of the company are given; innovation performance, financial performance etc. After focusing on performance types such as performance indicators, profitability ratios are discussed. As a result of the analyzes conducted for this study, it has been determined that there is a relationship between non-financial performance and exhibiting unusual behaviors and maintaining the current situation. Therefore, it is of great importance that accommodation companies measure the performance of employees with financial and non-financial performance values. Charismatic leaders need to use financial performance indicators as well as financial performance indicators to best measure the performance of both business and employees. As a result of the analyzes conducted within the scope of this study; it was determined that there was a relationship between financial performance, vision determination and sensitivity, exhibiting unusual behaviors and taking personal risk. Therefore, accommodation enterprises should continue their activities in order to increase their financial performance.
The leader is people with different characteristics than individuals with similar characteristics in groups. In order to maintain their assets and achieve their goals, enterprises also need individuals who will take on the task of leadership and fulfill their goals. Leadership is one of the most important elements needed to create a business based on trust. So in this study; the definition of leader and leadership, the purpose of leadership, the importance and characteristics of the leadership after the features of the properties approach, behavioral approach and situational approaches are focused on. Charismatic leaders, while providing significant benefits to their businesses, especially in times of war, crisis, instability, they play a salvation role. Charismatic leaders have an impact on the environment with their unique personality and their unique behavior. Charismatic leaders; with their unique personality and original behaviors, they greatly affect other employees. In this study; After explaining the concepts of charisma and charismatic leadership, the importance, scope, characteristics, how they emerged, the types, the negative aspects and the conditions that facilitate the emergence of charismatic leadership are given. Then House, Bass, Shamir etc. the charismatic leadership approaches addressed by people are discussed. Business performance includes a wide variety of variables, but it constitutes a whole as a common output of these variables. When it is desired to measure the periodical performance or the overall performance of an enterprise, it is necessary to examine all variables affecting it simultaneously. Although business performance is not an abstract concept, it is obtained by evaluating all qualitative and quantitative data of the enterprise. In this study, under the heading of business performance; The concepts of performance, operation performance, efficiency, quality, creativity, efficiency are explained. Afterwards, the models developed for the performance of the company are given; innovation performance, financial performance etc. After focusing on performance types such as performance indicators, profitability ratios are discussed. As a result of the analyzes conducted for this study, it has been determined that there is a relationship between non-financial performance and exhibiting unusual behaviors and maintaining the current situation. Therefore, it is of great importance that accommodation companies measure the performance of employees with financial and non-financial performance values. Charismatic leaders need to use financial performance indicators as well as financial performance indicators to best measure the performance of both business and employees. As a result of the analyzes conducted within the scope of this study; it was determined that there was a relationship between financial performance, vision determination and sensitivity, exhibiting unusual behaviors and taking personal risk. Therefore, accommodation enterprises should continue their activities in order to increase their financial performance.
İşletme, Firma performansı, Karizmatik liderlik, Konaklama işletmeleri, Business Administration, Liderlik, Firm performance, Charismatic leadership, Liderlik modelleri, Occommodation enterprises, Leadership, Oteller, Leadership models, Performans, Hotels, Performance, İşletmeler, Businesses