Bir kamu üniversitesi kimya laboratuvarlarının iş güvenliği açısından incelenmesi
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İş kazaları pek çok çalışma alanında olduğu gibi; laboratuvar çalışmalarınada da karşımıza çıkmaktadır.Özellikle kimyasallar ile çalışılan laboratuvar ortamlarında,hem çalışılan ortama,hem de kullanılan kimyasalların özelliklerine göre oldukça dikkat gerektiren bir çalışma sergilemek gerekmektedir.Bunun yanında,teknik anlamda hem laboratuarların teknik yapısı ve uygunluğu, hem de kullanılan cihaz ve ekipmanların yeterliliği de önem arz etmektedir.Tabii olarak ta çalışan personelin bilgi seviyesi,eğitim ve davranış tarzıda bu kazalarda önemli bir belirleyicidir. Gelişen teknoloji ile beraber Kalite Yönetim Sistemleri,OECD GLP Uygulamaları,İş Güvenliği Disiplinleri ve Yasal Mevzuatlar,bunun yanın da bilgi birikimlerinin de bir araya gelmesiyle laboratuvar çalışmalarında,İş Güvenliği anlamında önemli yol alınmıştır. Bu çalışmada İstanbul'daki bir kamu Üniversitesi'nin kimya laboratuarları ve kimyasal hammadde depoları incelenmiş,çalışan personel ile de bilgi alış verişi yapılmıştır.Çalışma geniş kapsamlı bir risk değerlendirmesini içermektedir.Tespit edilen tehlike,risk ve oluşabilecek kazalara genel iş güvenliği disiplinleri,yasal mevzuatlar ve diğer bilimsel çalışma metodları çerçevesinde yaklaşılıp;çözüm önerileri sunulmaya çalışılmıştır.
Occupational accidents do happen at laboratory works, as well, as is the case in many areas of working life. Personnel at laboratory environments working on chemicals, in particular, must exhibit a quite careful and fastidious work with due regard not only to their working conditions but also to the individual characteristics of chemicalsused. Apart from that, both the technical structure and conformity of laboratories in technical terms and the adequacy of the devices and equipments used are also important. And, quite naturally, the professional background, educational level and behavioural style of the personnel in charge are among the important determinants of occupational accidents. A significant progress has been achieved in terms of Occupational Safety at laboratory services in line with the ever-advancing technology thanks to such drivers as Quality Management Systems, OECD GLP Practices, Occupational Safety Disciplines and Regulations, further reinforced by a prominent professional formation. This thesis is based on the researches and assessments conducted on the chemicallaboratories and chemical raw material depots of a Public University based in Istanbul and an exchange information with their personnel. The study comprises a comprehensive risk assessment. The study attempts to approach the hazards, risks and potential accidents identified during our research within the framework of general occupational safety disciplines, regulations and other scientific research methodology, proposing some solutions.
Occupational accidents do happen at laboratory works, as well, as is the case in many areas of working life. Personnel at laboratory environments working on chemicals, in particular, must exhibit a quite careful and fastidious work with due regard not only to their working conditions but also to the individual characteristics of chemicalsused. Apart from that, both the technical structure and conformity of laboratories in technical terms and the adequacy of the devices and equipments used are also important. And, quite naturally, the professional background, educational level and behavioural style of the personnel in charge are among the important determinants of occupational accidents. A significant progress has been achieved in terms of Occupational Safety at laboratory services in line with the ever-advancing technology thanks to such drivers as Quality Management Systems, OECD GLP Practices, Occupational Safety Disciplines and Regulations, further reinforced by a prominent professional formation. This thesis is based on the researches and assessments conducted on the chemicallaboratories and chemical raw material depots of a Public University based in Istanbul and an exchange information with their personnel. The study comprises a comprehensive risk assessment. The study attempts to approach the hazards, risks and potential accidents identified during our research within the framework of general occupational safety disciplines, regulations and other scientific research methodology, proposing some solutions.
Kimya, Chemistry
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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