Farklı aile tiplerinde yaşayan anne ve 30- 42 aylık çocuklarının anne duyarlılığı bağlamında etkileşimlerinin incelenmesi
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Bu araştırmada, geniş ve çekirdek aile tiplerinde yaşayan anne ve 30- 42 aylık çocukların anne duyarlılığı bağlamında etkileşimleri yarı yapılandırılmış bir oyun süreci dahilinde incelenmiştir. Çalışmada durum çalışmasının bir türü olan gömülü çoklu durum araştırması kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın katılımcılarını Muş Merkez ilçesinde 4'ü geniş ve 4'ü çekirdek aile tipinde yaşayan 8 anne ve onların 30-42 aylık çocukları oluşturmaktadır. Her aile tipinde iki erkek, iki kız çocuk bulunmaktadır. Çalışılan grubun etkileşimlerini derinlemesine betimleyebilmek için gözlem ve görüşme teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada anne-çocuk bilgi formu ve anne-çocuk gözlem formu kullanılmıştır. Yapılan gözlem, doğal ve yapılandırılmış niteliktedir. Bu araştırmada betimsel-yorumsal veri analizi kullanılmıştır. Duyarlılık döngüsü açısından çocukların daha çok sözlü mesajlar gönderdikleri görülmüştür. Çocukların mesajlarına annelerin tepkileri geniş ailede çoğunlukla olumsuz, çekirdek ailede çoğunlukla olumlu olmuştur. Hem geniş, hem de çekirdek ailede yaşayan annelerin duyguları gösterme ve paylaşmada sınırlı davrandıkları tespit edilmiştir. Geniş ve çekirdek ailedeki annelerin çocukları ile işbirliği ve koordinasyon davranışları gösteremedikleri belirlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte, annelerin çocukları ile fiziksel temas ve göz kontağı kuramadıkları veya oldukça sınırlı davranışlar sergiledikleri gözlenmiştir. Araştırmada, geniş aile yapısında büyüyen annelerin çekirdek aile kurmaları halinde bile çocuklarıyla etkileşimlerinde geniş ailedeki kalıp davranışları sergiledikleri belirlenmiştir. Bu durum bağlanma kuramı, içsel çalışma modeli ve kültürel aktarım kapsamında tartışılmıştır.
In this study, the interactions of mothers living in extended and nuclear family types and their 30-42 month-old children in the context of maternal sensitivity were examined within a semi-structured play process. A grounded theory multiple case study, which is a type of case study in the study, is used. Participants of the study consisted of 8 mothers living in a 4-extended, 4-nuclear family type and 30-42 month-old children in Muş Merkez district. There are two boys and two girls in every family type. Observation and interviewing techniques were used to describe in depth the interactions of the working group. In the study, mother-child information form and mother-child observation form were used. The observation made is natural and structured. Descriptive-interpretive data analysis was used in this study. From the point of view of sensitivity chain, it has been seen that children send more oral messages. Mother's reactions to children's messages have been mostly positive in nuclear family, mostly negative in extended family. Mothers living in both extended and nuclear families were found to be limited in sharing and displaying emotions. It has been determined that the mothers in the extended and nuclear families can not exhibit coordination or exhibit limited coordination behaviors with their children. However, it was observed that the mothers did not have physical contact and eye contact with their children or exhibited very limited behavior. In this study, it was determined that the mothers who grew up in an extended family structure exhibited mold behaviors in a wide circle in their interactions with their children even in the case of establishing a nuclear family. This is discussed within the framework of attachment theory, internal working model and cultural transmission.
In this study, the interactions of mothers living in extended and nuclear family types and their 30-42 month-old children in the context of maternal sensitivity were examined within a semi-structured play process. A grounded theory multiple case study, which is a type of case study in the study, is used. Participants of the study consisted of 8 mothers living in a 4-extended, 4-nuclear family type and 30-42 month-old children in Muş Merkez district. There are two boys and two girls in every family type. Observation and interviewing techniques were used to describe in depth the interactions of the working group. In the study, mother-child information form and mother-child observation form were used. The observation made is natural and structured. Descriptive-interpretive data analysis was used in this study. From the point of view of sensitivity chain, it has been seen that children send more oral messages. Mother's reactions to children's messages have been mostly positive in nuclear family, mostly negative in extended family. Mothers living in both extended and nuclear families were found to be limited in sharing and displaying emotions. It has been determined that the mothers in the extended and nuclear families can not exhibit coordination or exhibit limited coordination behaviors with their children. However, it was observed that the mothers did not have physical contact and eye contact with their children or exhibited very limited behavior. In this study, it was determined that the mothers who grew up in an extended family structure exhibited mold behaviors in a wide circle in their interactions with their children even in the case of establishing a nuclear family. This is discussed within the framework of attachment theory, internal working model and cultural transmission.
Eğitim ve Öğretim, Aile, Ana-babaya bağlanma, Ana-çocuk etkileşimi, Education and Training, Ana-çocuk iletişimi, Family, Ana-çocuk ilişkisi, Parental bonding, Mother-child interaction, Anneler, Mother-child communication, Mother child relations, Annelik, Mothers, Bağlanma, Motherhood, Attachment, Duyarlılık, Sensitivity