Öğretmenlerin finansal iyi hal düzeylerinin mesleki haz düzeylerine etkisi (Kartal ilçesi örneği)
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Mesleki haz, iş doyumundan daha geniş bir anlamda ve işle ilgili memnuniyetin yanında coşku ve daha güçlü duygular içeren bir kavram olarak yorumlanabilmektedir. İş doyumuna nazaran daha çok canlılık ve yaşama lezzeti içermektedir. Öğretmenlerin daha üretken ve görev aşkıyla görevlerini yerine getirmeleri için mesleki haz düzeylerinin bilinmesi ve arttırılması önemlidir. Bütün çalışanlar gibi öğretmenler de bir çok etkiye açıktır. Bu etkiler öğretmenlerin işlerini daha iyi yapmalarını ve görevlerini layıkıyla yerine getirmelerini etkilemektedir. Bu araştırma, öğretmenlerin finansal iyi hal düzeylerinin mesleki hazza cinsiyet, yaş, kıdem, bulundukları kurum türü ve öğrenim durumu değişkenleri açısından etkisinin belirlenmesini amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmanın çalışma evrenini 2014- 2015 eğitim-öğretim yılı güz yarı yılında İstanbul ili Kartal ilçesinde merkezindeki 29 ilkokuldan 685 ve 29 ortaokuldaki 754, toplam 1439 ilköğretim okulunda görev yapan öğretmen oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma kapsamındaki tüm okullardaki öğretmenlere ulaşma imkânının olmaması nedeniyle araştırmanın amacına uygun olarak tabakalı küme örnekleme yöntemiyle belirlenen 15 ilkokul ve 15 ortaokul örneklem olarak seçilmiştir. Buna göre uygulamaya 15 ilkokulda bulunan 430 ve 15 ortaokulda bulunan 338, toplamda 615 öğremene ulaşılarak tüme evrenin %42'sine ulaşılmıştır. Kullanılan örneklem, evreni temsil eden niteliktedir. Veri toplama aracı olarak, Mesleki Haz Ölçeği (MHÖ) ve Finansal İyilik Hali Ölçeği (FİHÖ) kullanılmıştır. Veri analizleri için aritmetik ortalama, standart sapma, t-testi, ANOVA (Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi), regresyon ve çoklu karşılaştırma testlerinden Scheffe test teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda çalışma evrenindeki öğretmenlerin finansal iyi hal düzeylerinin mesleki haz üzerinde az da olsa bir etkisinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Finansal iyiliğin mesleki hazzın bir yordayıcısı olduğu ve varyansın küçük bir kısmını yordadığı söylenebilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: mesleki haz, finansal iyi hal,
Zest for work is more than occupation satisfaction, it can be interpreted as a concept containing enthusiasm and strong feelings about the job. As compared with occupation satisfaction it contains more vitality and tatse of living. Knowing and increasing the level of zest for workof teachers is important for teachers to do their duty more productive and with the love of mission. Like all other employees, teachers are also open to influence. These influences effects teachers to work better and do their duty adequetly. This research aims to explain the impacts of financial well-being state of teachers on zest for work, through examining the aspects of gender, age, seniority, type of institution that they belong and academic status. Universe of study includes 685 teachers are from 29 primary schools and 754 teachers from 29 secondary schools, totally 1439 teachers that works in elementary schools from Kartal, Istanbul in the spring semester of 2014-2015 education-training year. The sample in the study is chosen as 15 primary and 15 secondary schools by using claster sampling method beacuse there is no possible way to reach all teachers from all schools at the scope of study. Accordingly, totally 615 teachers are reached in this implementation which makes 42% of universe, 430 teachers from 15 primary schools and 338 teachers from 15 secondary schools. Current sample is similar nature of universe. As data collection tool, Zest for workScale which is developed by Erdogan (2013), and Financial Well-Being Scale which is translated to Turkish by Sunal (2012) are used. For data analysis, arithmetic average, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA (one way analysis of variance), regression and Scheffe which is one of the multiple comparison tests, test techniques are used. As a result of study, it shows that in the universe of teachers financial well-being state affects the zest for workslightly. So, financial well-being is a precursor of zest for workand a little part of variance is predicted by it. Key words: zest for work, financial well-being
Zest for work is more than occupation satisfaction, it can be interpreted as a concept containing enthusiasm and strong feelings about the job. As compared with occupation satisfaction it contains more vitality and tatse of living. Knowing and increasing the level of zest for workof teachers is important for teachers to do their duty more productive and with the love of mission. Like all other employees, teachers are also open to influence. These influences effects teachers to work better and do their duty adequetly. This research aims to explain the impacts of financial well-being state of teachers on zest for work, through examining the aspects of gender, age, seniority, type of institution that they belong and academic status. Universe of study includes 685 teachers are from 29 primary schools and 754 teachers from 29 secondary schools, totally 1439 teachers that works in elementary schools from Kartal, Istanbul in the spring semester of 2014-2015 education-training year. The sample in the study is chosen as 15 primary and 15 secondary schools by using claster sampling method beacuse there is no possible way to reach all teachers from all schools at the scope of study. Accordingly, totally 615 teachers are reached in this implementation which makes 42% of universe, 430 teachers from 15 primary schools and 338 teachers from 15 secondary schools. Current sample is similar nature of universe. As data collection tool, Zest for workScale which is developed by Erdogan (2013), and Financial Well-Being Scale which is translated to Turkish by Sunal (2012) are used. For data analysis, arithmetic average, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA (one way analysis of variance), regression and Scheffe which is one of the multiple comparison tests, test techniques are used. As a result of study, it shows that in the universe of teachers financial well-being state affects the zest for workslightly. So, financial well-being is a precursor of zest for workand a little part of variance is predicted by it. Key words: zest for work, financial well-being
Eğitim ve Öğretim, Ekonomik durum, Finansal etkinlik, Finansal gelişme, Education and Training, Economic situation, Finansal varlık, Financial efficiency, Financial development, Öğretmenler, Financial asset, İyilik hali, Teachers, Well-being, İş doyumu, Job satisfaction
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