Üniversite öğrencilerinin algıladıkladıkları ebeveyn tutumları ile duygusal yeme davranışı arasındaki ilişkide duygu dışavurumunun rolü
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Bu araştırma üniversite öğrencilerinin ebeveyn tutumları ile duygusal yeme davranışı arasındaki ilişkide duygu dışavurumunun aracı rolünün incelenmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın bağımlı değişkeni duygusal yeme, bağımsız değişkeni ebeveyn tutumları, aracı değişkeni ise duygu dışavurumdur. Araştırma kapsamında 18-25 yaş aralığındaki üniversite öğrencilerinin duygusal yeme düzeylerinin, cinsiyet ve çalışma durumu değişkenleri bakımından anlamlı ölçüde farklılık gösterip göstermediği de incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın katılımcı grubu üniversite öğrencilerinden meydana gelmektedir. Çalışmaya, 361 kişi katılım göstermiştir. Çalışma, genel tarama modelleri içerisinde yer alan ilişkisel tarama modeli kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Araştırmada verilerin elde edilmesi için 'Sosyo-Demografik Bilgi Formu', 'Anne-Baba Tutum Ölçeği', 'Türkçe Duygusal Yeme Ölçeği' ve 'Berkeley Duygu İfadesi Ölçeği' kullanılmıştır. Duygu dışavurumunun aracı rolünün incelenmesi amacıyla PROCESS'ten yararlanılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda koruyucu/istekçi ve otoriter ebeveyn tutumları ile duygusal yeme arasındaki ilişkide duygu dışavurumunun aracı bir rol oynadığı görülmüştür. Aynı zamanda ebeveyn tutumları ve duygu dışavurumunun duygusal yemeyi ne derece yordadığını belirlemek amacıyla çoklu regresyon analizi yapılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda ebeveyn tutumları ve duygu dışavurumunun duygusal yemeyi anlamlı ölçüde yordadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır (R=0.291; R2=0.283; F=20.751; p<.001). Üniversite öğrencilerinin duygusal yeme düzeylerinin, cinsiyet, eğitim durumu, çalışma durumu, anne eğitim düzeyi ve baba eğitim düzeyi değişkenleri bakımından anlamlı ölçüde farklılık gösterip göstermediğini belirlemek için ise bağımsız gruplar t-testi ve tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda üniversite öğrencilerinin duygusal yeme düzeylerinin demografik değişkenler açısından farklılaştığı ortaya koyulmuştur.
This research was carried out to examine the mediating role of emotion expression in the relationship between parental attitudes and emotional eating behavior of university students. The dependent variable of the study is emotional eating, the independent variable is parental attitudes, and the mediator variable is emotion expression. Within the scope of the research, it was also examined whether the emotional eating levels of university students differed significantly in terms of gender, educational status, employment status, mother's education level and father's education level variables. The participant group of the research consists of university students. 361 individuals participated in the research. The research was carried out with the relational scanning model, one of the general scanning models. 'Socio-Demographic Information Form' was used as a data collection tool in order to reach the demographic information of individuals. In addition, 'Parental Attitude Scale', 'Turkish Emotional Eating Scale' and 'Berkeley Emotional Expression Scale' were used. PROCESS was used to examine the mediating role of emotion expression. As a result of the analysis, it was seen that expression of emotion played a mediating role in the relationship between protective/demanding and authoritarian parental attitudes and emotional eating. At the same time, multiple regression analysis was conducted to determine to what extent parental attitudes and emotional expression predict emotional eating. As a result of the analysis, it was seen that parental attitudes and expression of emotion significantly predicted emotional eating (R=0.291; R2=0.283; F=20.751; p<.001). Independent groups t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to determine whether the emotional eating levels of university students differ significantly in terms of gender, educational status, employment status, mother's education level and father's education level variables. As a result of the research, it was revealed that the emotional eating levels of university students differ in terms of demographic variables.
This research was carried out to examine the mediating role of emotion expression in the relationship between parental attitudes and emotional eating behavior of university students. The dependent variable of the study is emotional eating, the independent variable is parental attitudes, and the mediator variable is emotion expression. Within the scope of the research, it was also examined whether the emotional eating levels of university students differed significantly in terms of gender, educational status, employment status, mother's education level and father's education level variables. The participant group of the research consists of university students. 361 individuals participated in the research. The research was carried out with the relational scanning model, one of the general scanning models. 'Socio-Demographic Information Form' was used as a data collection tool in order to reach the demographic information of individuals. In addition, 'Parental Attitude Scale', 'Turkish Emotional Eating Scale' and 'Berkeley Emotional Expression Scale' were used. PROCESS was used to examine the mediating role of emotion expression. As a result of the analysis, it was seen that expression of emotion played a mediating role in the relationship between protective/demanding and authoritarian parental attitudes and emotional eating. At the same time, multiple regression analysis was conducted to determine to what extent parental attitudes and emotional expression predict emotional eating. As a result of the analysis, it was seen that parental attitudes and expression of emotion significantly predicted emotional eating (R=0.291; R2=0.283; F=20.751; p<.001). Independent groups t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to determine whether the emotional eating levels of university students differ significantly in terms of gender, educational status, employment status, mother's education level and father's education level variables. As a result of the research, it was revealed that the emotional eating levels of university students differ in terms of demographic variables.
Psikoloji, Duygu dışavurum tarzları, Psychology, Duygusal yeme, Emotional expression styles, Emotional eating, Ebeveyn davranışı, Parenting behaviors
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