İnşaat projelerinin ince işler bölümünün işgüvenliği açısından betimsel değerlendirilmesi.örnek alan: Havalimanı inşaatı
Bu araştırmanın amacı Türkiye'deki inşaat projelerinde ince işler ile tanımlanan faaliyet kollarında görev alan çalışanların yaşadıkları iş kazaları ile alakalı betimleyici nicel bir çalışma yaparak mevcut sorunları göstererek bu sorunlar için çözüm önerilerinde bulunmaktır. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu 2018 verilerinde belirtildiği üzere çalışan nüfus olan 29 milyon kişinin yaklaşık olarak %7'si olan 2 milyon kişi inşaatlarda çalışmaktadır. Bu nedenle hali hazırdaki sorunları betimlemek ve bu sorunlar için çözüm önerilerinde bulunmak iki milyon kişiyi direkt olarak etkileyecektir. Bu sayılar dahi araştırmanın ne denli önemli olduğunu göstermektedir. Araştırma, araştırmacının görece büyük bir inşaat projesinde çalışan ve inşaatlarda ince işler üzerine faaliyet gösteren dört firmanın 439 adet iş kazası formlarının izinli olarak derlemesi, kategorize etmesi ve istatistiki olarak incelemesi ile icra edilmiştir. Bu nedenle araştırma Nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden betimleyici araştırma tipi olarak seçilmiştir. Söz konusu bu araştırmanın evrenini Türkiye'de inşaat projelerinde ince işler bölümünde çalışanların yaşadıkları iş kazaları oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumu 2016 verilerine yansıyan bina inşaatı, bina dışı yapıların inşaatı ve özel inşaat faaliyetleri esnasında yaşanan iş kazası toplamı 44.552 olarak belirtilmiştir. Bu sayı örneklem hesabında kullanılacak sayının sınırsız evren sınıfında incelenmesini gerektirmektedir. Uygun örneklem sayısı 139 olarak hesaplanmış ve eldeki veriler bu sayıdan daha fazla olduğu için minimum örneklem sınırı geçilmiştir. Örneklem seçim yöntemi ise olasılıksal olmayan elverişlilik örneklemesi yöntemidir. Araştırma esnasında bazı hipotezler ortaya atılmış ve uygun yöntemler ile test edilmişlerdir. Ayrıca ortaya konulan sorunlar literatürdeki diğer araştırma sonuçları ile birlikte incelenmiş ve bu sorunlara uygun çözüm önerileri getirilmiştir. (ÇSGB,2016),(TUİK,2018) Anahtar Kelimeler: İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği, İnşaat Projeleri, İş Kazaları
The purpose of the construction project in the works as defined by activity in specific areas relevant to where they live occupational accidents of employees in Turkey this research descriptive is located in the proposal for a solution to this problem by displaying the current problems by making a quantitative study. Turkey Statistical Institute as stated in the working population data in 2018 approximately 7% of the 29 million people with 2 million people are working in construction. For this reason, describing the current problems and offering solutions to these problems will directly affect two million people. Even these numbers show how important the research is. The research was carried out with the permission collection, categorization and statistical analysis of 439 work accident forms of four firm working on a relatively large construction project and working on fine works in construction. Therefore, the research was chosen as descriptive research type of quantitative research methods. Said constitutes work-related accidents suffered by workers in the universe of the construction works part in this research project in Turkey. The total number of occupational accidents experienced during the construction of buildings, construction of buildings and special construction activities reflected in the data of the Labor and Social Security Institution 2016 is stated as 44.552. This number requires examining the number to be used in the sample account in the unlimited universe class. The number of suitable samples was calculated as 139 and the minimum sample limit was exceeded since the available data were more than this number. Sample selection method is non-probabilistic sampling method. During the research, some hypotheses were put forward and tested with appropriate methods. In addition, the problems in the literature were examined together with the results of other studies and solutions were proposed for these problems. KeyWords: Occupational Health and Safety, Consturaction Projects, accidents at work
The purpose of the construction project in the works as defined by activity in specific areas relevant to where they live occupational accidents of employees in Turkey this research descriptive is located in the proposal for a solution to this problem by displaying the current problems by making a quantitative study. Turkey Statistical Institute as stated in the working population data in 2018 approximately 7% of the 29 million people with 2 million people are working in construction. For this reason, describing the current problems and offering solutions to these problems will directly affect two million people. Even these numbers show how important the research is. The research was carried out with the permission collection, categorization and statistical analysis of 439 work accident forms of four firm working on a relatively large construction project and working on fine works in construction. Therefore, the research was chosen as descriptive research type of quantitative research methods. Said constitutes work-related accidents suffered by workers in the universe of the construction works part in this research project in Turkey. The total number of occupational accidents experienced during the construction of buildings, construction of buildings and special construction activities reflected in the data of the Labor and Social Security Institution 2016 is stated as 44.552. This number requires examining the number to be used in the sample account in the unlimited universe class. The number of suitable samples was calculated as 139 and the minimum sample limit was exceeded since the available data were more than this number. Sample selection method is non-probabilistic sampling method. During the research, some hypotheses were put forward and tested with appropriate methods. In addition, the problems in the literature were examined together with the results of other studies and solutions were proposed for these problems. KeyWords: Occupational Health and Safety, Consturaction Projects, accidents at work
Mühendislik Bilimleri, Engineering Sciences