İşletmelerde kurumsallaşma süreci ve iç kontrol sisteminin etkinliği
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Ülkeler arasında sermaye ve emek gibi üretim faktörlerinin serbest dolaşımı, endüstriyel genişleme, mal ve hizmetlerin uluslararası pazarda yer bulması, kitle iletişim araçlarının yaygınlaşması ve ulusların birbirleriyle çok yönlü toplumsal ilişkilerinin yaygınlaşması sınırları ortadan kaldırmış ve bu gelişmeler neticesinde dünya ticareti yeni şeklini almıştır. Yaşanan bu gelişmeler 'Küreselleşme' dediğimiz harekete hız kazandırmaya başlamıştır. Küreselleşmenin etkisiyle global bir köy halini alan dünyada, ülkelerin bir çok noktada birbirleriyle uyum sağlamaları oldukça elzem hale gelmiştir, bir ülkede yaşanan gelişmeler; tabiri caizse suya atılan taşın yaratmış olduğu dalgalar gibi kısa sürede bütün ülkeleri etkiler hale gelmiştir. Küreselleşen dünyada ülkelerin uyum seferberliği kurumsallaşma kavramını ortaya çıkmıştır. Kurumsallaşma kavramı gerek iş dünyasında gerekse ülkelerin sosyo ekonomik yapılarında hızla yerini almıştır. Kurumsallaşma bir standartlaşma olarak küresel yapının zorlayıcı sonucu olarak karşımıza çıkmıştır. Bütün bu gelişmeler sonrasında, kurumsallaşma tüm dünyada ve uluslararası kuruluşlarda tartışılmaya başlanmış, ülkeler, isletmeler ve bütün kuruluşlar, kendileri için en iyi ve en doğru kurumsal yapıya ilişkin yol haritasını aramaya başlamışlardır. Küreselleşen dünyada ülkelerin uyum seferberliği Ticaret hayatında rekabet edebilmenin en önemli unsuru olan isletme kaynaklarının etkin ve verimli kullanılması noktasında kurumsallaşma ve iç kontrol sisteminin etkinliği ve önemi ortaya çıkarmıştır. faaliyetlerin isletmenin politikalarına ve kurumsal yönetim ilkelerine uygunluğunun belirlenmesi isletme varlıklarının korunması, hata ve hilelerin önlenmesi, mali verilerin doğruluğunun, güvenilirliğinin ve zamanında hazırlanması gibi konu ve kavramlar kurumsallaşmayla sıkı etkileşim içine girmişlerdir Bu amaçla ulusal ve uluslararası bazda ilgili kaynaklar titizlikle taranarak, kurumsallaşma, iç kontrol ilişkisi ve etkinliğine dair konunun işletme dünyasında önemi değerlendirmelerle ön plana çıkarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, ülkemizde kâr amacı güden isletmelerde kurumsallaşma açısından iç kontrol sisteminin önemi araştırılmış ve kurumsallaşma süreci içinde olan aile işletmeleri ile bu işletmelerin iç kontrol yapısını etkin tesisi süreci, ilişkisi tartışılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: İç kontrol kurumsallaşma aile şirketleri karar destek sistemleri
Free circulation of factors of production such as capital and labor among countries, industrial expansion, penetration of goods and services to the international market, usage of mass media extensively and increasing multi directional social relations among nations have removed the borders and world trade has taken a new form as a result of these developments. In today's world which has become a global village as a result of globalization, it is absolutely necessary for a country to be in harmony with other countries at many points. The developments taking place in a country begin to affect other countries in a short time similar to the waves generated by a stone thrown into the water, so to speak. As a result of accommodation attempt of countries to each other, the term institutionalization has come out. This term has gained a place quickly both in business world and in socioeconomic systems of the countries. Institutionalization as a standardization has appeared as a challenging result of global structure. Following those emerging developments, the term institutionalization has begun to be discussed in international institutions and all over the world. Also countries, enterprises and many institutions began to seek for the best and most beneficial course of action relating to the truest organizational structure for themselves. Accommodation attempt of countries to each other in globalizing world has introduced the importance and efficiency of institutionalization and internal control system in terms of active and efficient use of operating assets which are the most important element of competition in business life. Some subjects and concepts such as determining compliance of operations with management policy and corporate governance, protection of operating assets, correcting mistakes, preventing tampering, accuracy, reliability and timely completion of financial data are in a close interaction with institutionalization. For this purpose, related sources have meticulously been examined in the national and international basis and the importance of the subject in business world in terms of institutionalization, internal control relation and efficiency has been highlighted by evaluations. In this thesis, the importance of internal control system in terms of institutionalization in profit-oriented organizations has been examined and the relationship between family businesses which are in the process of institutionalization and establishment of an internal control system in these organizations has been discussed.
Free circulation of factors of production such as capital and labor among countries, industrial expansion, penetration of goods and services to the international market, usage of mass media extensively and increasing multi directional social relations among nations have removed the borders and world trade has taken a new form as a result of these developments. In today's world which has become a global village as a result of globalization, it is absolutely necessary for a country to be in harmony with other countries at many points. The developments taking place in a country begin to affect other countries in a short time similar to the waves generated by a stone thrown into the water, so to speak. As a result of accommodation attempt of countries to each other, the term institutionalization has come out. This term has gained a place quickly both in business world and in socioeconomic systems of the countries. Institutionalization as a standardization has appeared as a challenging result of global structure. Following those emerging developments, the term institutionalization has begun to be discussed in international institutions and all over the world. Also countries, enterprises and many institutions began to seek for the best and most beneficial course of action relating to the truest organizational structure for themselves. Accommodation attempt of countries to each other in globalizing world has introduced the importance and efficiency of institutionalization and internal control system in terms of active and efficient use of operating assets which are the most important element of competition in business life. Some subjects and concepts such as determining compliance of operations with management policy and corporate governance, protection of operating assets, correcting mistakes, preventing tampering, accuracy, reliability and timely completion of financial data are in a close interaction with institutionalization. For this purpose, related sources have meticulously been examined in the national and international basis and the importance of the subject in business world in terms of institutionalization, internal control relation and efficiency has been highlighted by evaluations. In this thesis, the importance of internal control system in terms of institutionalization in profit-oriented organizations has been examined and the relationship between family businesses which are in the process of institutionalization and establishment of an internal control system in these organizations has been discussed.
İşletme, Aile şirketleri, Kurumsallaşma, Business Administration, Family businesses, İç denetim sistemi, Institutionalization, İç denetim ve iç kontrol, Internal control system, Internal control and internal audit, İşletmeler, Businesses