Katma değer vergisi uygulamaları, sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri
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Çalışmamızda, dünyada 150'den fazla ülkede uygulanan ve küresel vergi gelirlerinin 1/5'ini oluşturan Katma Değer Vergisi (KDV)'nin ülkemizdeki uygulanma şekli KDV teorisi yönünden değerlendirilmiş ve uygulamaya ilişkin temel sorunlar tespit edilerek bunlara çözümler önerilmiştir. KDV sistemimizin KDV teorisi ve Avrupa Birliği (AB) uygulamaları incelenerek ve ölçüt alınarak değerlendirilmesi yapıldığında, ilk temel sorun olarak, indirilemeyerek sonraki döneme devreden KDV'nin sadece iade hakkı doğuran bazı işlemler dolayısıyla iade edilebilme imkanının bulunduğu, oysa teori ve AB uygulamasında devreden KDV'nin iade alınabilmesinde bu tür bir sınırlama bulunmadığı tespit edilmiş ve sistemimizi her bir iade hakkı doğuran işlem için farklı süreçler uygulanması dolayısıyla külfetli ve karmaşık hale getiren bu yapının teoriye ve AB uygulamasına uygun şekilde değiştirilmesi önerilmiştir. İkinci temel sorun, KDV'nin indirim imkanının takvim yılı ile sınırlandırılmasının KDV teorisine uygun olmadığı ve uygulamada indirim hakkının kısıtlanmasına yol açtığı ve işlemler bazında yarattığı sorunlar ortaya konularak, indirimdeki süre kısıtlamasının zamanaşımı süresinde mümkün kılınması önerilmiştir. KDV sistemine ilişkin bu temel değişikliklerin yanında KDV uygulamalarına yönelik olarak mükellef, vergi idaresi ve yargı arasında görüş ayrılıkları yaratan ve literatürde tartışmalı olduğunu tespit ettiğimiz 13 konu başlığı ele alınmış, değerlendirilmiş ve her birine çözümler önerilmiştir. Bu başlıklar; Kanun ile yürütmeye verilen yetkilerden, indirim ve iadeye ilişkin sorunlardan ve uzun yıllardır ihtilaf konusu olan ve yaygın şekilde uygulanan konulardan oluşmaktadır. KDV sorunları ele alınırken değinilmemesi eksiklik yaratacak olan önemli bir alan denetim boyutudur. Bu bağlamda, çalşmamızda KDV'nin genel olarak denetim boyutundaki yeri ve vergi incelemelerinde KDV'ye ilişkin olarak yaygın olarak karşılaşılan sorunlar tespit edilerek çözümler önerilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Vergi indirimi, vergi iadesi, sonraki döneme devreden KDV, takvim yılı kısıtlaması.
In our study, we have evaluated the implementation of Value Added Tax (VAT) legislation in our country, a mechanism applied in more than 150 countries and forming 1/5th of global tax income, taking into consideration the VAT theory and fundamental problems, as well as potential solutions to such problems. When our VAT system is evaluated as based on the implementations of VAT theory and European Union (EU), the first problem seen is that VAT amount being carried forward can be refunded only as relating with transactions giving rise to the right to refund. Looking at the theory or EU implementation, it can be seen that there are no such limitations as regards to the refund of VAT. It was recommended for the existing structure to be changed to comply with the theory and EU implementation as the current case requires different processes to be applied for each transaction giving rise to right to refund which make the situation complex and cumbersome. Second main problem is that the period of deduction for VAT is currently limited to the calendar year, whereas this does not fit to the VAT theory and causes limitation of deduction rights in the application it was recommended that the period of deduction should be extended to lapse of time. In addition to these fundamental changes relating to the VAT system, we have evaluated and proposed solutions as regards to VAT implementations on 13 subject titles, that created different opinions between taxpayers, tax administration and jurisdiction. These headings consist of authorisations given to execution by law, problems relating to deductions and returns, and other topics that have been the subject of debates for long years as being implemented widely. While reviewing VAT problems, another important topic that should not be missed is auditing. In that respect, in our study the place of VAT in auditing dimension was reviewed and problems being widely seen as relating to VAT during tax auditings were specified and solutions have been recommended. Key Words: Tax deduction, tax refund, carry the excess forward, restrictions relating with calender year.
In our study, we have evaluated the implementation of Value Added Tax (VAT) legislation in our country, a mechanism applied in more than 150 countries and forming 1/5th of global tax income, taking into consideration the VAT theory and fundamental problems, as well as potential solutions to such problems. When our VAT system is evaluated as based on the implementations of VAT theory and European Union (EU), the first problem seen is that VAT amount being carried forward can be refunded only as relating with transactions giving rise to the right to refund. Looking at the theory or EU implementation, it can be seen that there are no such limitations as regards to the refund of VAT. It was recommended for the existing structure to be changed to comply with the theory and EU implementation as the current case requires different processes to be applied for each transaction giving rise to right to refund which make the situation complex and cumbersome. Second main problem is that the period of deduction for VAT is currently limited to the calendar year, whereas this does not fit to the VAT theory and causes limitation of deduction rights in the application it was recommended that the period of deduction should be extended to lapse of time. In addition to these fundamental changes relating to the VAT system, we have evaluated and proposed solutions as regards to VAT implementations on 13 subject titles, that created different opinions between taxpayers, tax administration and jurisdiction. These headings consist of authorisations given to execution by law, problems relating to deductions and returns, and other topics that have been the subject of debates for long years as being implemented widely. While reviewing VAT problems, another important topic that should not be missed is auditing. In that respect, in our study the place of VAT in auditing dimension was reviewed and problems being widely seen as relating to VAT during tax auditings were specified and solutions have been recommended. Key Words: Tax deduction, tax refund, carry the excess forward, restrictions relating with calender year.
Maliye, İşletme, Avrupa Birliği, Gelirler, Finance, Business Administration, Katma değer vergisi, European Union, Incomes, Türkiye, Value added tax, Vergi gelirleri, Turkey, Tax revenues, Vergiler, Taxes
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