Yüksek güç mesafe kültüründe liderlik tarzları ve çalışanların çalışma sonuçları
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Bazı araştırmacılar, etkili liderlik davranışlarının kültürler arasında farklılık göster-diğine inanırken, diğerleri, kültürel farklılıklardan bağımsız olarak etkili liderliğin temel yapılarının benzer olma eğiliminde olduğunu savunuyor. Mevcut çalışma temel olarak Bass'ın dönüşümsel-işlemsel liderlik paradigmasının yüksek güç mesafesi kültürüyle tanımlanan Libya ortamındaki etkinliğini araştırmıştır. Bu da, bu iki farklı liderlik tarzının çalışanın iş sonuçlarını ne ölçüde etkilediğine ve bireysel düzeydeki güç mesafesinin kültürel değerinin moderatör bir etkiye sahip olup olmadığına bakılarak yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla çalışmada, çalışma çapraz kesitsel araştırma stratejisine ilaveten nicel metodolojiyi takip etmiştir. Çalışma modelinde iş tatmini ve örgütsel bağlılık çalışanların iş çıktılarının unsurları olarak benimsenmiştir. Birincil veriler, kamu ticari bankalarının 'Tripoli' ve 'Bingazi' de bulunan şubelerinde çalışan rastgele örneklenmiş '321' beyaz yakalı çalışanın katılımıyla yapılandırılmış bir anket kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Ayrıca, çalışma daha önceden geliştirilen ve geçmişteki birçok ilgili çalışmada kullanılmış bilinen ölçekler ve unsurlara dayandırılmıştır. Liderlik tarzları (MLQ-5X) ile ölçülmüştür, (JSI) kullanarak iş tatmini, (OCQ) tarafından örgütsel bağlılık, güç mesafesi oryantasyonu (PDO) ölçeği kullanılarak ölçülmüştür. Birincil veriler, SPSS versiyon 26 yazılımı kullanılarak hem tanımlayıcı hem de çıkarımsal istatistiklerle analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar, Libya kamu ticari bankalarında dönüşümsel ve işlemsel liderlik davranışlarının, çalışanların iş çıktılarını pozitif olarak öngördüğünü ortaya koymuştur. Spesifik olarak, liderlik tarzları genel olarak iş tatmini ve örgütsel bаğlılık üzerinde iꜱtatistiksel ᴏlarak аnlamlı bir pᴏzitif etkiꜱi vаrdı. En önemlisi, dönüşümsel liderlik tarzı daha etkiliydi ve Libya kültürel bağlamındaki tercihini gösteriyordu. Bu aslında dönüşümsel liderlik paradigmasının evrenselliği ve güç mesafesi yüksek olanlar da dahil olmak üzere kültürler arasında uygulanabilirliği kavramına ek destek sağlamak anlamına gelir. Ayrıca çalışmanın sonuçları, güç mesafesinin bireysel düzeydeki kültürel değerinin, beklentilerin aksine, dönüşümcü liderlik tarzı ile hem iş tatmini hem de örgütsel bağlılık arasındaki ilişkiyi düzenlemediğini göstermiştir. Daha önceki literatür, dönüşümcü liderlerin çalışanların memnuniyeti ve bağlılığı üzerindeki olumlu etkisinin, takipçilerin güç mesafesi yönelimine dayandığını öne sürmüştür. Diğer iki önemli bulgu, güç mesafesinin kültürel değerinin etkileşimci liderlik stili ile örgütsel bağlılık arasındaki ilişkiyi düzenlemediği bulunmuştur. Işlemsel liderlik ile iş memnuniyeti arasındaki ilişkiyi negatif olarak yönlendirir, yani işlemsel liderlik tarzının çalışanların memnuniyeti üzerindeki pozitif etkisi çalışanlar daha düşük güç mesafesi seviyelerine sahip olduklarında artar ve daha yüksek seviyelerde olduklarında zayıflar. Özellikle ikinci bulgu, güç mesafesi ne kadar düşükse, işlemsel liderlik değil, dönüşümsel liderlik uygulamalarının şansının o kadar yüksek olduğunu öne süren literatürle tutarsızdı. Sonuç olarak, burada elde edilen sonuçların, Libya ortamında dönüşümsel liderliğin etkinliğine ilişkin araştırmaların zenginleştirilmesine ve iş yerindeki yansımalarının analiz edilmesine katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Ayrıca bu çalışmada teorik ve pratik çıkarımlar tartışılmış ve gelecekteki araştırma yönleri de ele alınmıştır.
Some researchers believe that effective leadership behaviors differ across cultures, while others hold that the basic structures of effective leadership tend to be similar regardless of cultural differences. The present study basically investigated the effectiveness of Bass's transformational-transactional leadership paradigm in the Libyan setting categorized as a high-power distance culture. This was done by looking at the extent to which these two distinct styles of leadership influence the employee's work outcomes, and whether the cultural value of individual-level power distance has a moderator effect or not. To this end, the study followed the quantitative methodology in addition to a cross-sectional survey strategy. Job satisfaction and οrganizational commitment were adopted in the study model as elements of employee's work outcomes. Primary data was gathered utilizing a structured questionnaire with the participation of a random sample of '321' white-collar employees who work in public commercial banks' branches located in 'Tripoli' and 'Benghazi'. Besides, the study relied on well-known measures and elements that had been previously developed and used in many past related studies. Leadership styles were measured by (MLQ 5X-Short), job satisfaction using (JSI), and organizational commitment by (OCQ), while power distance orientation was measured using (PDO) scale. Primary data were analyzed through both descriptive and inferential statistics utilizing SPSS version 26. Yielded results revealed that in Libyan public commercial banks, transformational and transactional leadership behaviors positively predict employee's work outcomes. Specifically, there was a statistically significant positive effect of leadership styles on job satisfaction and οrganizational commitment in general. Most importantly, the transformational style of leadership was more influential, indicating its preference in the Libyan cultural context. This actually means providing additional support for the notion of the universality of the transformational leadership paradigm and its applicability across cultures including those with a high-power distance. Additionally, the results of the study showed that the cultural value of power distance at the individual level, contrary to expectations, did not moderate the relationship between transformational leadership style and both job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Earlier literature has proposed that the positive influence of transformational leaders on employees' satisfaction and commitment is predicated on the power distance orientation of followers. Two other important findings, as were found that the cultural value of the power distance did not also moderate the relationship between transactional leadership style and organizational commitment. In return, it negatively moderated the relationship between transactional leadership and job satisfaction, meaning that the positive influence of transactional leadership style on employees' satisfaction is enhanced when employees hold lower levels of power distance and undermined when they hold higher levels. The latter finding, particularly, was inconsistent with the literature proposing that the lower the power distance, the greater the chances of transformational, not transactional, leadership practices. Ultimately, it is thought that the results obtained here would contribute to enriching research on the effectiveness of transformational leadership in the Libyan setting and analyzing its implications in the workplace. Furthermore, theοretical and practical implicationѕ were discussed, and future research directions were also addressed in this study.
Some researchers believe that effective leadership behaviors differ across cultures, while others hold that the basic structures of effective leadership tend to be similar regardless of cultural differences. The present study basically investigated the effectiveness of Bass's transformational-transactional leadership paradigm in the Libyan setting categorized as a high-power distance culture. This was done by looking at the extent to which these two distinct styles of leadership influence the employee's work outcomes, and whether the cultural value of individual-level power distance has a moderator effect or not. To this end, the study followed the quantitative methodology in addition to a cross-sectional survey strategy. Job satisfaction and οrganizational commitment were adopted in the study model as elements of employee's work outcomes. Primary data was gathered utilizing a structured questionnaire with the participation of a random sample of '321' white-collar employees who work in public commercial banks' branches located in 'Tripoli' and 'Benghazi'. Besides, the study relied on well-known measures and elements that had been previously developed and used in many past related studies. Leadership styles were measured by (MLQ 5X-Short), job satisfaction using (JSI), and organizational commitment by (OCQ), while power distance orientation was measured using (PDO) scale. Primary data were analyzed through both descriptive and inferential statistics utilizing SPSS version 26. Yielded results revealed that in Libyan public commercial banks, transformational and transactional leadership behaviors positively predict employee's work outcomes. Specifically, there was a statistically significant positive effect of leadership styles on job satisfaction and οrganizational commitment in general. Most importantly, the transformational style of leadership was more influential, indicating its preference in the Libyan cultural context. This actually means providing additional support for the notion of the universality of the transformational leadership paradigm and its applicability across cultures including those with a high-power distance. Additionally, the results of the study showed that the cultural value of power distance at the individual level, contrary to expectations, did not moderate the relationship between transformational leadership style and both job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Earlier literature has proposed that the positive influence of transformational leaders on employees' satisfaction and commitment is predicated on the power distance orientation of followers. Two other important findings, as were found that the cultural value of the power distance did not also moderate the relationship between transactional leadership style and organizational commitment. In return, it negatively moderated the relationship between transactional leadership and job satisfaction, meaning that the positive influence of transactional leadership style on employees' satisfaction is enhanced when employees hold lower levels of power distance and undermined when they hold higher levels. The latter finding, particularly, was inconsistent with the literature proposing that the lower the power distance, the greater the chances of transformational, not transactional, leadership practices. Ultimately, it is thought that the results obtained here would contribute to enriching research on the effectiveness of transformational leadership in the Libyan setting and analyzing its implications in the workplace. Furthermore, theοretical and practical implicationѕ were discussed, and future research directions were also addressed in this study.
İşletme, Business Administration, Dönüşümcü liderlik, Transformational leadership
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