Şiir çevirisine karşılaştırmalı bir yaklaşım: W. B. Yeats'in iki şiirinin Türkçe çevirilerinde yöntem farklılıkları
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Şiir çevirisine yönelik çalışmalar, şiirdeki anlam ile biçimi arasındaki uyumu vurgular. Bu iki unsur arasındaki bağ, şiirin yorumlanmasında ve çevirisinde bütünlüklü bir yöntem uygulanmasını gerekli kılar, çünkü şiire özgü unsurların birbiriyle ilişkisi temel alınır. Şiir çevirisinde, şiire özgü unsurlar arasındaki bu ilişkinin nasıl yorumlandığı önemlidir. Böylelikle, özellikle bu ilişkiye dikkati çekerek şiirin bir 'bütün' olarak okunmasından yola çıktığımız çalışmamızda, şiir çevirisinde benzer bir yaklaşımın nasıl sergilendiğinin izini sürmeye çalıştık. Bu bağlamda, şiirin okunma, yorumlanma ve bir başka dile aktarılma aşamaları esas alındı. Şiir çevirisindeki aktarımın bir 'yaratıcı aktarım' olduğunu göz önüne alarak bu aktarımın erek dilde bir yeniden yazın olduğunu vurguladık. Dolayısıyla, çevirmenin kendi üslubunu, içinde bulunduğu zaman, coğrafya ve edebiyat geleneği etkisinde erek metne aktarıp aktarmadığı sorusu çalışmamızda önem kazandı. Jean Boase-Beier'in edebiyat çevirilerinde üslubun nasıl yorumlandığı ve bir başka dile aktarımında nasıl kararları beraberinde getirdiğine yönelik yöntemini üslubun erek metinde yeniden yaratılmasında bir yöntem olarak göz önüne aldık. André Lefevere'in, şiir çevirisinde dil kadar üzerinde durduğu zaman-mekân-gelenek unsurlarının şiirin çözümlenmesinde ve erek dilde üretiminde önemine dikkati çektik. Her çeviri gibi şiir çevirisinin de bir amacı, yani 'skopos'u vardır. Okur üzerinde yaratılan etkiyi şiir çevirisinin 'skopos'u, yani işlevi olarak görebiliriz. Böylelikle, şiir çevirisinde kaynak ve erek diller arasında bir eşdeğerlik kaygısından çok bizleri Christiane Nord'un metinlerin işlevselliği modeline götürdü. Bu bağlamda, ilk modern şairlerden William Butler Yeats'in Türkçeye iki şair çevirmen tarafından yapılan çevirilerini örnek çeviriler olarak aldık. Cevat Çapan ve Can Yücel'in bu çevirilerinde benimsedikleri stratejilerin onların okuma, yorumlama ve metni erek dilde yeniden üretme aşamalarında kararlarını nasıl şekillendirdiğini sorguladık. Son olarak, iki şair-çevirmenin uyguladıkları çeviri stratejilerini André Lefevere'in ortaya attığı yedi çeviri stratejisiyle açıkladık. Uygulanan çeviri stratejilerinin şair-çevirmenleri erek metinde ne derece 'görünür' kıldığını değerlendirdik. Anahtar Kelimeler: şiir çevirisi, yeniden yazın, işlevsel model, yerelleştirme, yabancılaştırma, William Butler Yeats, Cevat Çapan, Can Yücel.
Researches on poetry translation emphasizes the harmony between meaning and form of poems. The bond between these two elements necessitates a unified approach in the interpretation and the translation of a certain poem, since the interaction of the elements of a poem is taken as a basis. In poetry translation, how the interaction between these elements of a poem is interpreted is critical. As a result, we have tried to trace how an approach based on reading a poem in terms of its 'unity' can be demonstrated in a similar way in the translation of poetry. In this respect, we have taken the processes of reading and interpreting a poem as well as transferring it into another language as the basis. Considering that the act of transfer is a 'creative transposition', we have highlighted the fact that this transfer is an act of rewriting in the target language. Thus, the question whether the poet-translator transfers his own style within the influence of their own time, geography and literary tradition into the target text has been of importance in this research. We have considered how Jean Boase-Beier's method of interpreting the style in the translation of literary texts and what decisions are brought together with it in translating, and we have taken it as an approach in recreating the style in the target text. We have also pointed out the importance of analysis and creation the elements of time-place-tradition, which are emphasized as much as language by André Lefevere in poetry translation. Like all other translations, poetry translation also has a purpose, in other words 'skopos'. We can see the effect of the text on the reader as the function, or 'skopos' of poetry translation. Thus, that lead us to the Christiane Nord's model, which deals with the text-functions rather than an language based equivalence. In this respect, we have taken one of the first modern poets, William Butler Yeats' poems, which were translated into Turkish by two different poet-translators, as samples. We have questioned how the translation strategies of these two translators, Cevat Çapan and Can Yücel, in their translation poetics structured their reading, interpretation and reproduction of the poems in the target language. Last but not least, we have explained the translation strategies of the poet-translators in the light of André Lefevere's seven strategies in poetry translation. We have discussed how far their strategies enabled them to be 'visible' in the target text. Keywords: poetry translation, rewriting, text-funtions, domestication, foreignization, William Butler Yeats, Cevat Çapan, Can Yücel.
Researches on poetry translation emphasizes the harmony between meaning and form of poems. The bond between these two elements necessitates a unified approach in the interpretation and the translation of a certain poem, since the interaction of the elements of a poem is taken as a basis. In poetry translation, how the interaction between these elements of a poem is interpreted is critical. As a result, we have tried to trace how an approach based on reading a poem in terms of its 'unity' can be demonstrated in a similar way in the translation of poetry. In this respect, we have taken the processes of reading and interpreting a poem as well as transferring it into another language as the basis. Considering that the act of transfer is a 'creative transposition', we have highlighted the fact that this transfer is an act of rewriting in the target language. Thus, the question whether the poet-translator transfers his own style within the influence of their own time, geography and literary tradition into the target text has been of importance in this research. We have considered how Jean Boase-Beier's method of interpreting the style in the translation of literary texts and what decisions are brought together with it in translating, and we have taken it as an approach in recreating the style in the target text. We have also pointed out the importance of analysis and creation the elements of time-place-tradition, which are emphasized as much as language by André Lefevere in poetry translation. Like all other translations, poetry translation also has a purpose, in other words 'skopos'. We can see the effect of the text on the reader as the function, or 'skopos' of poetry translation. Thus, that lead us to the Christiane Nord's model, which deals with the text-functions rather than an language based equivalence. In this respect, we have taken one of the first modern poets, William Butler Yeats' poems, which were translated into Turkish by two different poet-translators, as samples. We have questioned how the translation strategies of these two translators, Cevat Çapan and Can Yücel, in their translation poetics structured their reading, interpretation and reproduction of the poems in the target language. Last but not least, we have explained the translation strategies of the poet-translators in the light of André Lefevere's seven strategies in poetry translation. We have discussed how far their strategies enabled them to be 'visible' in the target text. Keywords: poetry translation, rewriting, text-funtions, domestication, foreignization, William Butler Yeats, Cevat Çapan, Can Yücel.
Mütercim-Tercümanlık, Edebi eserler, Türkçe çeviri, Translation and Interpretation, Yeats, William Butler, Literary works, Turkish translation, Çeviri, Yeats, William Butler, Çeviri bilim, Translation, Science of translation, Şiir, Poem
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