Mobil iletişim için tekstil yama anten tasarımı
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Son yıllarda, kablosuz iletişim uygulamaları için giysilere ve diğer kumaşlara entegre edilebilen giyilebilir ve esnek antenlere yönelik artan bir talep olmuştur. Tekstil malzemelerinin antenler için substrat olarak kullanılması, esneklik, konfor ve dayanıklılık dahil olmak üzere çeşitli avantajlar sağlar. C şeklindeki tekstil anten, basit ve etkili tasarımı, düşük profili ve geniş bir frekans aralığını kapsayabilmesi nedeniyle büyük ilgi gören bu tür tasarımlardan biridir. Bu çalışmada iki C-şekilli tekstil sunulmaktadır. İlki, WLAN sistemlerinde kullanılmak üzere tasarlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, 12 GHz'e kadar daha geniş bir frekans aralığına sahip, geliştirilmiş bir C-şekilli tekstil anten de sunulmaktadır. Anten, Yadav ve diğ. [1], frekans kapsamını ve bant genişliğini artırmak için değişikliklerle. Anten parametreleri CST mikrodalga stüdyosu kullanılarak incelenir, S-parametresi, VSWR, radyasyon paterni, akım yüzeyi ve E- ve H-alanı analiz edilir. Sonuçlar, önerilen C-şekilli tekstil antenin mükemmel performansa sahip olduğunu göstermektedir.
In recent years, there has been a growing demand for wearable and flexible antennas that can be integrated into clothing and other fabrics for wireless communication applications. The use of textile materials as substrates for antennas provides several advantages, including flexibility, comfort, and durability. The C-shape textile antenna is one such design that has gained significant attention due to its simple and effective design, low profile, and ability to cover a wide frequency range. Two C-shaped textiles are presented in this work. The first is designed for use in WLAN systems. An enhanced C-shape textile antenna is also presented in this work, which has a broader frequency range of up to 12GHz. The antenna is designed based on a design by Yadav et al. [1], with modifications to increase its frequency coverage and bandwidth. Antenna parameters are studied using CST microwave studio, S-parameter, VSWR, radiation pattern, current surface, and E- and H-field, are analyzed. The results show that the proposed C-shape textile antenna has excellent performance.
In recent years, there has been a growing demand for wearable and flexible antennas that can be integrated into clothing and other fabrics for wireless communication applications. The use of textile materials as substrates for antennas provides several advantages, including flexibility, comfort, and durability. The C-shape textile antenna is one such design that has gained significant attention due to its simple and effective design, low profile, and ability to cover a wide frequency range. Two C-shaped textiles are presented in this work. The first is designed for use in WLAN systems. An enhanced C-shape textile antenna is also presented in this work, which has a broader frequency range of up to 12GHz. The antenna is designed based on a design by Yadav et al. [1], with modifications to increase its frequency coverage and bandwidth. Antenna parameters are studied using CST microwave studio, S-parameter, VSWR, radiation pattern, current surface, and E- and H-field, are analyzed. The results show that the proposed C-shape textile antenna has excellent performance.
Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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