Hemşirelerin AIDS tanısı almış bireylere bakım vermeye yönelik görüşleri
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Bu çalışma, hemşirelerin AIDS tanısı almış bireylere bakım vermeye yönelik görüşlerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Tanımlayıcı nitelikteki çalışmanın evrenini, İstanbul Okan Üniversitesi Hastanesinde Ocak 2018 itibariyle çalışmakta olan 165 hemşire oluşturmuştur. Çalışmada örneklem seçilmeden evren üzerinde çalışılmak istenmiş, ancak veri toplama tarihlerinde izinli/ raporlu hemşirelerin olması, çalışmaya katılmak istemeyenler ve eksik doldurulmuş anket formları nedeniyle 113 hemşire (%68,5) örneklemi oluşturmuştur. Veri toplama işlemine başlanmadan önce etik kurul onayı alınmış; araştırmanın verileri 1 Mart- 1 Nisan 2018 tarihleri arasında toplanmıştır. Veriler, demografik özelliklere yönelik anket formu ve araştırmacılar tarafından ilgili literatür incelenerek oluşturulmuş olan AIDS'li Bireylere Yönelik Görüş Anketi ile elde edilmiştir. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde, sayı-yüzdelik hesaplamaları ve ki-kare önemlilik testleri kullanılmıştır. Çalışmaya katılan hemşirelerin %63,7'si daha önce AIDS'li bireye bakım vermediğini, %75,2'si AIDS'li bireye bakım vermeyi tercih edeceğini, %60,2'si AIDS ile ilgili eğitim/seminere katılmadığını ve %56,6'sı AIDS'li bireye bakım verme konusunda kendisini kısmen yeterli hissettiğini belirtmiştir. Hemşirelerin %79,6'sı 'AIDS'li bireylerin toplum tarafından dışlanmasını doğru bulmuyorum' ; %59,3'ü 'AIDS tanısı almış hastaların diğer hastalardan farklı olmadığını düşünüyorum' ve %52,2'si 'AIDS'li bireylerle arkadaşlık yaparım' görüşlerine katıldıklarını ifade etmiştir. Hemşirelerin AIDS'li ilgili eğitim/seminere katılma durumu ile AIDS'li bireylere yönelik görüşleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık saptanmazken (p>0.05); yaş gurubu, cinsiyet, meslekte çalışma yılı, öğrenim durumu, AIDS'li bireye bakım verme durumu, AIDS'li bireye bakım vermeyi tercih etme durumu ve AIDS'li bireye bakım verme konusunda kendini yeterli görme durumu ile bazı ifadelere yönelik görüşleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık saptanmıştır (p<0.05). Çalışma sonucunda, AIDS ile damgalamaya karşı savaşta liderlik etmesi beklenen hemşirelerin AIDS'li hastaya yaklaşım konusunda bilgilendirilerek güçlendirilmesi, rehberliğin geliştirilmesi önerilmektedir.
This study was conducted for the purpose of revealing the view of the nurses on giving care to the individuals with AIDS. 165 nurses who were working at Istanbul Okan University Hospital in January 2018 formed the universe of the descriptive study. Before the selection of the sample, it was aimed to work on the universe, however a total of 113 nurses (% 68, 5) formed the sample because of the individuals who didn't willing to participate in the study and the incomplete filled questionnaire forms. Ethics Committee approval was received before starting the data collection process and the data of study were obtained between1 March and 1 April 2018. The data were obtained from the questionnaire forms related to demographic characteristics and Opinion Survey about Individuals with AIDS, which was formed by investigating relevant literature by researchers. Number-percentage calculations and chi-square significance tests were used in the evaluation of the data. 63.7% of the nurses participating in the study stated that they had never given care to an individual with AIDS before, 75,2% of them stated that they would prefer to give care to an individual with AIDS, 60,2% of them stated that they did not attend any training / seminar on AIDS and 56,6% of them stated that they felt partly satisfied with the care of the individual with AIDS. 79.6% of the nurses told that they agree with the opinion that 'They do not think people with AIDS are excluded from society', 59,3% of them stated that they agree with the opinion that 'They think that patients who have AIDS diagnosis are not different from other patients.' and 52,2% of them stated that they agree with the opinion that 'They can make friends with individuals with AIDS.'. While no statistically significant difference was found between the status of nurses regarding with attending training/seminars on AIDS and the views of nurses on the individuals diagnosed with AIDS (p>0.05); there was significant difference between their age group, gender, year of experience in nursing, education status, status of giving care to an individual with AIDS, preference about giving care to an individual with AIDS, self-sufficiency status in the care of an individual with AIDS and their view on some of the expressions (p<0.05). As a result of the study, it is suggested that nurses ,who are expected to lead in the fight against AIDS and stigmatization, should be informed and strengthened regarding with the approach to a patient with AIDS and their guidance should be developed.
This study was conducted for the purpose of revealing the view of the nurses on giving care to the individuals with AIDS. 165 nurses who were working at Istanbul Okan University Hospital in January 2018 formed the universe of the descriptive study. Before the selection of the sample, it was aimed to work on the universe, however a total of 113 nurses (% 68, 5) formed the sample because of the individuals who didn't willing to participate in the study and the incomplete filled questionnaire forms. Ethics Committee approval was received before starting the data collection process and the data of study were obtained between1 March and 1 April 2018. The data were obtained from the questionnaire forms related to demographic characteristics and Opinion Survey about Individuals with AIDS, which was formed by investigating relevant literature by researchers. Number-percentage calculations and chi-square significance tests were used in the evaluation of the data. 63.7% of the nurses participating in the study stated that they had never given care to an individual with AIDS before, 75,2% of them stated that they would prefer to give care to an individual with AIDS, 60,2% of them stated that they did not attend any training / seminar on AIDS and 56,6% of them stated that they felt partly satisfied with the care of the individual with AIDS. 79.6% of the nurses told that they agree with the opinion that 'They do not think people with AIDS are excluded from society', 59,3% of them stated that they agree with the opinion that 'They think that patients who have AIDS diagnosis are not different from other patients.' and 52,2% of them stated that they agree with the opinion that 'They can make friends with individuals with AIDS.'. While no statistically significant difference was found between the status of nurses regarding with attending training/seminars on AIDS and the views of nurses on the individuals diagnosed with AIDS (p>0.05); there was significant difference between their age group, gender, year of experience in nursing, education status, status of giving care to an individual with AIDS, preference about giving care to an individual with AIDS, self-sufficiency status in the care of an individual with AIDS and their view on some of the expressions (p<0.05). As a result of the study, it is suggested that nurses ,who are expected to lead in the fight against AIDS and stigmatization, should be informed and strengthened regarding with the approach to a patient with AIDS and their guidance should be developed.
Hemşirelik, AIDS, Bakım verenler, Hemşireler, Nursing, AIDS, Hemşirelik, Caregivers, Nurses, Hemşirelik araştırmaları, Nursing, Hemşirelik bakımı, Nursing research, Nursing care, Hemşirelik hizmetleri, Nursing services