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Vergi Usul Kanunu'nun 'değerleme' başlığını taşıyan 3. Kitabında (258. Md ile 330. Md arası) vergi matrahına etki eden iktisadi kıymetlerin değerleme gününde nasıl değer-lenmesi gerektiği ile ilgili kurallar belirtilmiştir. Genel olarak mükellefler bu kurallar çer-çevesinde mali kara ulaşacaklardır. Bunun yanında son yıllarda Kamu Gözetim Kurumu muhasebe alanında yeni standartların uygulanmasını zorunlu kılmıştır. TMS /TFRS ve BOBİ FRS'de finansal tabloların hazırlanmasında iktisadi kıymetler için ölçme kriterleri belirlemiştir. Vergi Usul Kanunu ve TMS /TFRS ve BOBİ FRS'nin amaçları birbirinden farklıdır. Bundan dolayı uygulamada önemli farklılıklar ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bütün bu farklılıklara rağmen Vergi Usul Kanunu ve TMS /TFRS ve BOBİ FRS'nin tam olarak olmasa da uyumlaştırabileceği alanlar mevcuttur. Bu çalışmada Vergi Usul Kanunu, TMS /TFRS ve BOBİ FRS'de yer alan değer-leme/ölçme kriterleri önce kavramsal çerçevede incelenmiştir. Birbirine benzeyen ve bir-birinden ayrılan yönlerinden bahsedilmiş ve son olarak konu hakkında meslek mensupları ve akademisyenlerin de görüşü alınarak bir yakınsamanın olanaklı olup olmadığı konusu değerlendirilmiştir.
The third book of Tax procedure Law ( btw. 258. Article and 330. artichle ) is titled 'Assesment'; judgement and valuation rules of economic values with regards to the calculation of tax base are remarked in this book. Taxpayers will reach to financial decisions considering these rules. In addition, in recenet years Public Supervision insti-tution has entailed to apply new standards in accounting. In TMS /TFRS ve BOBİ FRS, measurements of economic values are remarked for making financial tables. There are differences in purposes of Tax Procedure Law and TMS /TFRS ve BOBİ FRS. Therefore, significant differences arise during executions. Despite all those diffe-rences, there are some areas where Tax Procedure Law and TMS /TFRS ve BOBİ FRS can partly be adapted. In this study, firstly we evaluate the asessments /measurements in TPL and TMS.. conceptually; afterwards we talk about the similarities and differences and finally we deliver an opinion on if there is any convergency possibilities by taking the view's of academicians and occupations groups.
The third book of Tax procedure Law ( btw. 258. Article and 330. artichle ) is titled 'Assesment'; judgement and valuation rules of economic values with regards to the calculation of tax base are remarked in this book. Taxpayers will reach to financial decisions considering these rules. In addition, in recenet years Public Supervision insti-tution has entailed to apply new standards in accounting. In TMS /TFRS ve BOBİ FRS, measurements of economic values are remarked for making financial tables. There are differences in purposes of Tax Procedure Law and TMS /TFRS ve BOBİ FRS. Therefore, significant differences arise during executions. Despite all those diffe-rences, there are some areas where Tax Procedure Law and TMS /TFRS ve BOBİ FRS can partly be adapted. In this study, firstly we evaluate the asessments /measurements in TPL and TMS.. conceptually; afterwards we talk about the similarities and differences and finally we deliver an opinion on if there is any convergency possibilities by taking the view's of academicians and occupations groups.
İşletme, Denetim, Değerleme, Business Administration, Control, Muhasebe, Valuation, Türkiye Muhasebe Standartları, Accounting, Turkish Accounting Standarts, Vergi Usul Kanunu, Tax Procedural Code
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