Adli muhasebecilik mesleği ve denetimle ilişkisi
Küreselleşme ileæ birlikteæ adliæ muhasebeæ uygulamalarınaæ ihtiyaçæ dahaæ daæ artmaktadır.æ Dünyadaæ yaşananæ birçokæ finansalæ skandallarlaæ birlikteæ hilelerinæ önlenmesiæ veæ tespitiæ artıkæ önemliæ haleæ gelmiştir.æ Yetersizæ kalanæ muhasebeæ denetimiæ sonucuæ adliæ muhasebeæ uygulamalarıæ ihtiyaçæ haline gelmiştir. Özellikle Amerikaæ Birleşikæ Devletleriæ veæ Kanada'daæ uygulanmaktaæ olanæ adliæ muhasebeæ hizmetleri,æ maliæ anlaşmazlıklaræ içerenæ adliæ konulardaæ muhasebe,æ denetimæ veæ analitikæ incelemelerdenæ yararlanarakæ mahkemelereæ veæ avukatlaraæ destekæ sağlamaktadır.æ Adliæ muhasebeæ uygulamalarıylaæ davalaraæ destekæ verme,æ işletmelerdeæ hilelerinæ tespitiæ veæ ortayaæ çıkarılması,æ uzmanæ tanıklıkæ hizmetleri verilmektedir. Adli muhasebeæ uygulamalarındaæ birçokæ bilimdenæ yararlanılarakæ mahkemeyeæ intikalæ etmişæ konularınæ çözümü aranmaktadır. Çalışmada adli muhasebecilik mesleğinin kapsamı, bu mesleği icra eden mensupların özellikleri ve adli muhasebeciliğin denetimin kolu olan bağımsız denetim, iç denetim ve iç kontrol ile olan ilişkisi incelenmiştir.
With globalization, the need for forensic accounting applications increases. Along with many financial scandals in the world, prevention and detection of fraud has become important. Forensic accounting practices have become a necessity as a result of sufficient remaining accounting control. Forensic accounting services, especially in the United States and Canada, support courts and lawyers by making use of accounting, auditing and analytical reviews on judicial matters involving financial disputes. Supporting cases with forensic accounting practices, detection and detection of fraud in businesses, expert witness services are provided. In forensic accounting practices, the solution of the issues that are brought to the court is sought by using many science. In the study, the scope of the forensic accountancy profession, the characteristics of the members performing this profession and the relationship of forensic accountancy with the independent audit, internal audit and internal control, which are the branches of the audit were examined.
With globalization, the need for forensic accounting applications increases. Along with many financial scandals in the world, prevention and detection of fraud has become important. Forensic accounting practices have become a necessity as a result of sufficient remaining accounting control. Forensic accounting services, especially in the United States and Canada, support courts and lawyers by making use of accounting, auditing and analytical reviews on judicial matters involving financial disputes. Supporting cases with forensic accounting practices, detection and detection of fraud in businesses, expert witness services are provided. In forensic accounting practices, the solution of the issues that are brought to the court is sought by using many science. In the study, the scope of the forensic accountancy profession, the characteristics of the members performing this profession and the relationship of forensic accountancy with the independent audit, internal audit and internal control, which are the branches of the audit were examined.
İşletme, Adli muhasebe, Denetim, Business Administration, Muhasebe denetimi, Forensic accounting, Control, Muhasebe hata ve hileleri, Accounting audit, Muhasebeci, Accounting mistakes and frauds, Accountant, İç denetim ve iç kontrol, Internal control and internal audit