Afrika sahra bölgesi için ekolojik kent planlama modelinin geliştirilmesi, Adrar kenti örneği - Cezayir
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Bu tezin amacı, Yeni Şehirciliğin, klasik planlama akımına karşın sürdürülebilir bir alternatif olduğu hipotezi ile Sahra Afrikası coğrafyasında kullanılabilecek yenilikçi bir ekolojik planlama modeli belirlemektir. Bu araştırma için önerilen modelde yeşil altyapı stratejisi ve sosyo-ekolojik bellek temel faktörler olarak ele alınmıştır. İçerdiği kentsel örüntü çeşitliliği ve çevresel, sosyal, ekonomik, kentsel sorunlar nedeniyle güney Cezayir'deki Adrar şehri modelin sınanacağı örnek alan olarak seçilmiştir. Ekolojik planlamanın öncelikle ekosistem ilişkilerine bağlı olduğu göz önüne alındığında, araştırmanın ilk bölümünde Afrika Sahra ekosisteminin özellikleri açıklamış, ayrıca çalışma alanının çevresel, sosyal, ekonomik ve sosyal verilerinin analizine odaklanılmıştır. Teorik olarak, ekolojik planlama, dünyanın kuzeyindeki şehirlerin karşılaştığı çevre sorunlarına bir yanıttı. Ne yazık ki bu teoriler, iklim değişikliği, kıtlık, küresel ısınma ve yasadışı göçün etkilerinden muzdarip dünyanın güneyindeki şehirleri hesaba katmadı. Bununla birlikte, bu teoriler için ampirik kanıtların bulunmamasına ek olarak, tezin ikinci bölümü, ekolojik planlama teorilerinin gelişiminin teorik açıdan değerlendirilmesi ve farklı ortamlardaki benzer örneklerin eleştirel bir yaklaşımla analizine odaklanmıştır. Kentsel ekolojik sürdürülebilirlik ve dayanıklılık açısından etkinlik gösteren geleneksel kent modelinin analizi yoluyla, geleneksel sistemin yüzyıllarca varlığını sürdürmesine ve sosyo-politik değişimlere uyum sağlamasına izin veren ekolojik faktörleri belirlemek için morfolojik bir analizin yapılması gerekliydi. Ayrıca, bu toplumun en zorlu ekosistemde sürdürülebilirliğe ulaşmasına yardımcı olan ekolojik belleğin deposu olarak sosyo-ekolojik hafıza bileşenlerinin analizi, bu araştırmada önerilen modelin bir diğer yönüdür. Çalışma, iki ana faktör için yeşil altyapı stratejisinin ilkelerine dayanmaktadır. Birincisi yeşil altyapının ekolojik belleğin fiziksel taşıyıcısı olması, ikincisi ise yeşil altyapı stratejisinin şehirlerde ekosistem hizmetlerinden yararlanmayı hedefleyen yeni ortaya çıkan bir strateji olmasıdır. Ekolojik planlama teorilerinin teorik analizine ve alan çalışmasının uygulamalı analizlerine dayanan tezin önceki bölümlerine dayanarak, alan çalışması yoluyla test edilen Afrika Sahra şehirleri için ekolojik planlama modeli belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışma sırasında, kentsel fenomenin karmaşıklığı göz önüne alındığında, CBS sisteminin kullanımı gibi mevcut modern teknolojilere güvenmek gerekiyordu. Ayrıca çalışma alanının sürdürülebilirlik, ekoloji, sosyal hafıza ve yeşil altyapı göstergelerinin durumunu ölçülebilir parametrelerle ortaya koyan, bunun yanı sıra şehrin her noktasındaki çevresel verilerin daha net analiz edilmesini sağlayan bir yazılım uygulaması tasarlanmıştır Bu çalışmanın en önemli sonucu, tezin son bölümünün gösterdiği gibi, Afrika eko-kentlerinin şeması ve modeli şeklinde bir dizi tavsiyedir. Bu modellere göre, mevcut planlama sisteminde iletişimsel bir rasyonaliteyi benimsemek ve plan yapma, uygulama ve izleme alanında bir eko-kent programının planlama sürecini kolaylaştırmak için pratik bir çerçeve geliştirilmiştir. Çalışma ayrıca, eko-kentin gelişiminde etken sosyal faaliyetlerin önündeki engellere karşın bir fikir birliği oluşturma ve Afrika şehirlerinde yeni kentsel planlama vizyonu ile ilgilenen yenilikçi bir yaklaşım geliştirerek paydaş katılımına katkıda bulunmayı hedeflemektedir.
The aim of this research, propose an urban planning model, with taking into consideration the green infrastructure strategy and social-ecological memory as principal factors, this model also can be teak in consideration the Sahara African geography with the hypothesis that New Urbanism is a sustainable alternative to the classical planning movement. For this research, in the proposed model, it has been taken into consideration the green infrastructure strategy and social ecological memory as principal factors. The case study was chosen due to the presence of diverse urban patterns in the same urban settlement. In addition to the environmental, social, economic, and urban design problems that it suffers from. Considering that ecological planning depends primarily on ecosystem relationships, the research focused in its first part on explaining the ecosystem of the African Sahara and its characteristics, in addition to focusing on the case study and analysis of environmental, social, economic, data. Theoretically, ecological planning was a response to the environmental problems in European and American cities. Unfortunately, these theories did not consider the cities of the south of the world that suffer from the effects of climate change, famine, global warming, and illegal immigration. However, in addition to the lack of empirical evidence for these theories, the second part of the thesis focuses on the theoretical evaluation of the ecological planning theories and the critical analysis of similar examples in different settings. Through an analysis of the traditional urban model, which showed efficiency in terms of urban ecological sustainability and resilience, a morphological analysis was necessary to determine the ecological factors that permitted for this system to persist for many centuries and adapt to social and political changes. In addition to considering the social ecological memory, which is an important factor for achieving sustainability in this harsh ecosystem, which this study aims to integrate it in the urban model proposed. The study relied on the principles of the green infrastructure strategy for two main factors. The first is that green infrastructure is the physical carrier of ecological memory, and the second is that the green infrastructure strategy is an emerging strategy that aims to benefit from ecosystem services in cities. Based on the previous parts of the thesis, which relied on the theoretical analysis of ecological planning theories and applied analyses of the case study, the ecological planning model for the African Sahara cities has been determined, to be tested through the case study. During this study, given the complexities of the urban planning phenomenon, it was necessary to rely on the available modern technologies, such as the use of the GIS system. In addition to the spatial analysis, a software application has been designed that reveals the status of the sustainability, ecology, social memory, and green infrastructure indicators of the study area with measurable parameters, as well as enabling a clearer analysis of environmental data at every point of the city. The concluding part of the thesis explains a series of recommendations in the form of chart and model of African eco-cities. According to these models, a practical framework has been developed to adopt a communicative rationality in the current planning system and to facilitate the planning process of an eco-city programme in the field of plan-making, implementation, and monitoring. The study also aims to contribute to stakeholder engagement by developing an innovative approach that deals with the new vision of urban planning in African cities and building consensus against the obstacles to active social activities in the development of the eco-city. Keywords: Ecological urbanism, green infrastructure, social ecological memory; decision making; indigenous knowledge; ecological indicators; water management.
The aim of this research, propose an urban planning model, with taking into consideration the green infrastructure strategy and social-ecological memory as principal factors, this model also can be teak in consideration the Sahara African geography with the hypothesis that New Urbanism is a sustainable alternative to the classical planning movement. For this research, in the proposed model, it has been taken into consideration the green infrastructure strategy and social ecological memory as principal factors. The case study was chosen due to the presence of diverse urban patterns in the same urban settlement. In addition to the environmental, social, economic, and urban design problems that it suffers from. Considering that ecological planning depends primarily on ecosystem relationships, the research focused in its first part on explaining the ecosystem of the African Sahara and its characteristics, in addition to focusing on the case study and analysis of environmental, social, economic, data. Theoretically, ecological planning was a response to the environmental problems in European and American cities. Unfortunately, these theories did not consider the cities of the south of the world that suffer from the effects of climate change, famine, global warming, and illegal immigration. However, in addition to the lack of empirical evidence for these theories, the second part of the thesis focuses on the theoretical evaluation of the ecological planning theories and the critical analysis of similar examples in different settings. Through an analysis of the traditional urban model, which showed efficiency in terms of urban ecological sustainability and resilience, a morphological analysis was necessary to determine the ecological factors that permitted for this system to persist for many centuries and adapt to social and political changes. In addition to considering the social ecological memory, which is an important factor for achieving sustainability in this harsh ecosystem, which this study aims to integrate it in the urban model proposed. The study relied on the principles of the green infrastructure strategy for two main factors. The first is that green infrastructure is the physical carrier of ecological memory, and the second is that the green infrastructure strategy is an emerging strategy that aims to benefit from ecosystem services in cities. Based on the previous parts of the thesis, which relied on the theoretical analysis of ecological planning theories and applied analyses of the case study, the ecological planning model for the African Sahara cities has been determined, to be tested through the case study. During this study, given the complexities of the urban planning phenomenon, it was necessary to rely on the available modern technologies, such as the use of the GIS system. In addition to the spatial analysis, a software application has been designed that reveals the status of the sustainability, ecology, social memory, and green infrastructure indicators of the study area with measurable parameters, as well as enabling a clearer analysis of environmental data at every point of the city. The concluding part of the thesis explains a series of recommendations in the form of chart and model of African eco-cities. According to these models, a practical framework has been developed to adopt a communicative rationality in the current planning system and to facilitate the planning process of an eco-city programme in the field of plan-making, implementation, and monitoring. The study also aims to contribute to stakeholder engagement by developing an innovative approach that deals with the new vision of urban planning in African cities and building consensus against the obstacles to active social activities in the development of the eco-city. Keywords: Ecological urbanism, green infrastructure, social ecological memory; decision making; indigenous knowledge; ecological indicators; water management.
Mimarlık, Architecture, Ekolojik planlama, Ecological planning