İstanbul'da yaşayan transların dışlanma, ayrımcılık ve ötekileştirme deneyimleri ve baş etme süreçleri
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Bu çalışmada İstanbul'da yaşayan trans bireylerin yaşadığı ayrımcılık ve dışlanma temelli sorunlar tespit edilmiş ve bu sorunlarla baş etme süreçleri incelenmiştir. Çalışmada 10 trans bireyle yapılan derinlemesine görüşmeler, tematik analiz yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir (Boyatzis, 1998). Sonuçlar trans bireylerin sosyal gözetlenme, dışlanma ve şiddet odaklı sorunlar yaşadığına işaret etmektedir. Bu sorunlar sağlık, çalışma, barınma, eğitim alanlarında ve aile ilişkilerinde yaşanmaktadır. Bulgulara göre trans bireyler haklardan ve sosyal statüden dışlanmaktadırlar. Trans bireylerin geçmiş olumsuz deneyimleri nedeniyle sürekli tetikte ve ayrımcılık beklentisi içinde oldukları görülmüştür. Buna ek olarak katılımcıların cinsiyet kimliklerinin sorgulandığı ve kadın veya erkek olarak kabul edilmedikleri görülmektedir. Sonuçlara göre trans bireyler bir yandan tehlikeden kaçınmakta bir yandan da sorunlarla mücadele etmektedirler. Baş etme süreçleri yoğun olarak; destek alma, mücadele, güvenli alan oluşturmayı içerirken, bir yandan da zihinsel uzaklaşma ve kaçınma davranışı görülmektedir. Mevcut çalışmaya ait bulguların; trans bireylerin yaşadıkları zorluklara ve mücadelelerine dikkat çekmesi, ruh sağlığı alanındaki uygulamalara ve gelecek çalışmalara katkı sağlaması hedeflenmiştir.
In this study trans people's problems related to discrimination, social exclusion and othering, were identified and coping processes of trans people from İstanbul were examined. Depth interviews were conducted with 10 trans people and analyzed by applying thematic analysis (Boyatzis, 1998). The problematic areas of trans people were indicated as social surveiliance/social 'gaze', exclusion and violence. These problems take place in health services, employement issues, housing and educational fields and family relations. Results pointed out that trans people experience exclusion from rights and social status. Moreover, they experience hypervigilance to danger and constant anticipation of discrimination. Trans people's gender identity is questioned and their subjective experiences are rejected. Trans people use avoidance as coping strategy in threatening situations, on the other hand they actively struggle against the problems. Coping processes mostly include support mechanisms, struggle (fighting), behavioral avoidance, mental disengagement (avoidance) and establishment of safe spaces. This study aimed at identifying trans people's experiences through narratives, drawing attention to movement and struggle of trans people, and to provide information on general and mental health services for future studies.
In this study trans people's problems related to discrimination, social exclusion and othering, were identified and coping processes of trans people from İstanbul were examined. Depth interviews were conducted with 10 trans people and analyzed by applying thematic analysis (Boyatzis, 1998). The problematic areas of trans people were indicated as social surveiliance/social 'gaze', exclusion and violence. These problems take place in health services, employement issues, housing and educational fields and family relations. Results pointed out that trans people experience exclusion from rights and social status. Moreover, they experience hypervigilance to danger and constant anticipation of discrimination. Trans people's gender identity is questioned and their subjective experiences are rejected. Trans people use avoidance as coping strategy in threatening situations, on the other hand they actively struggle against the problems. Coping processes mostly include support mechanisms, struggle (fighting), behavioral avoidance, mental disengagement (avoidance) and establishment of safe spaces. This study aimed at identifying trans people's experiences through narratives, drawing attention to movement and struggle of trans people, and to provide information on general and mental health services for future studies.
Psikoloji, Ayrımcılık, Cinsel ayrımcılık, LGBTT, Psychology, Discrimination, Sosyal dışlanma, Gender discrimination, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexsual, Transsexsual and Transgender, Transeksüel, Social exclusion, Travesti, Transsexual, Transvestite, Ötekileşme, Otherisation
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