İki farklı tip aktif kapaklı braketle yapılan seviyeleme sonrası kapakların açılma kuvvetindeki değişimin universal test cihazı (ametek lloyd ls1) ile ölçülerek değerlendirilmesi
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Bu tez çalışmasında amacımız; iki farklı tip aktif kapaklı braketle yapılan seviyeleme sonrası kapakların açılma kuvvetindeki değişimi in vitro yöntemle incelemek ve bunun çapraşıklık miktarıyla korelasyonunu değerlendirmektir. Toplam 24 bireyin tedavi öncesi alınan dijital modelleri üzerinde hesaplanan irregülarite indeks değerleri ile aktif kapaklı braketlerin kullanım öncesi ve 6 aylık ağız içi kullanımı sonrası yapılan kuvvet ölçümleri çalışmamızın gerecini oluşturmuştur. Araştırmaya dahil edilen bireylerin alt çenede konjenital ya da kazanılmış diş eksikliği içermemesine, daimi dentisyona geçmiş sistemik olarak sağlıklı bireyler olmasına ve çapraşıklık indeksinin Little'ın indeksine göre orta ve üstü (4-11 mm) şiddette olmasına dikkat edilmiştir. 12 hastadan oluşan (7K,5E) Empower 2 (American Orthodontics, Sheboygan, Wis, USA) grubunun irregülarite indeks ortalaması 6,42 mm, 12 hastadan oluşan (7K,5E) BioQuick (Forestadent, Pforzheim, Germany) grubunun irregülarite indeks ortalaması 6,32 mm'dir. Çalışma braketleri alt çenenin braketlenmesi esnasında kanin-kanin arası olacak şekilde uygulanmıştır. Alt çene posterior bölgede üst arkta olduğu gibi konvansiyonel braketler kullanılmaya devam edilmiştir. Her 2 grupta da benzer şekilde 0.014 inç, 0.016 inç, 0.016x0.016 inç, 0.016x0.022 inç ve 0.017x0.025 inç olmak üzere toplamda 5 farklı boyutta NiTi ark teli sırasıyla uygulanmıştır. Araştırma 72 tanesi (12 hastax6 diş) Empower 2 braket, 72 tanesi (12 hastax6 diş) BioQuick braket olmak üzere 144 braket üzerinde yürütülmüş ve toplamda 852 ölçüm gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kuvvet ölçümleri universal test cihazı Ametek Lloyd LS1 ile 5 mm/dk hızla uygulanmıştır. Araştırmamızın sonuçlarına göre, Forestadent BioQuick braketlerde ve AO Empower 2 keser braketlerinde, T0 zamanı ile T1 zamanında yapılan kuvvet ölçümleri arasında görülen azalma istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olup, azalma miktarları her iki marka için benzerdir. İrregülarite indeks değerleri arttıkça Forestadent BioQuick braketlerde kapak açılma kuvvetleri azalırken (p:0.049; p<0.05), AO Empower 2 braketlerde korelasyon varlığı tespit edilememiştir.
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the change in the opening force of clips after leveling with two different types of active self-ligating brackets in vitro and to evaluate their correlation with the degree of crowding. The irregularity index values were calculated on the digital models of a total of 24 individuals before treatment, and the force measurements were taken before and after 6 months of intraoral use of active self-ligating brackets, forming the basis of our study. It was ensured that the individuals included in the study did not have congenital or acquired tooth deficiencies in the lower jaw, were systemically healthy individuals who had transitioned to permanent dentition, and had an irregularity index of moderate or higher severity (4-11 mm) according to Little's index. The mean irregularity index of the Empower 2 (American Orthodontics, Sheboygan, Wis, USA) group, consisting of 12 patients (7F, 5M), was 6.42 mm, and the mean irregularity index of the BioQuick (Forestadent, Pforzheim, Germany) group, also consisting of 12 patients (7F, 5M), was 6.32 mm. In the study group, braces were applied from canine to canine during cementation in the lower arch. Conventional brackets continued to be used in the posterior region of the mandible, as in the upper arch. A total of five different sizes of NiTi archwires, 0.014 inch, 0.016 inch, 0.016x0.016 inch, 0.016x0.022 inch, and 0.017x0.025 inch, were applied in both groups, respectively. The study was conducted on 144 brackets, with 72 of them (12 patients x 6 teeth) being Empower 2 braces and the other 72 (12 patients x 6 teeth) being BioQuick braces, totaling 852 measurements. Force measurements were performed using a universal testing device, Ametek Lloyd LS1, at a speed of 5 mm/min. According to the results of our study, the decrease in force measurements between T0 and T1 was statistically significant in Forestadent BioQuick braces and AO Empower 2 incisor braces, with a similar amount of decrease for both brands. An inverse correlation was observed between the irregularity index values and the reduction in clip opening forces in Forestadent BioQuick braces, while no correlation was detected in AO Empower 2 braces.
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the change in the opening force of clips after leveling with two different types of active self-ligating brackets in vitro and to evaluate their correlation with the degree of crowding. The irregularity index values were calculated on the digital models of a total of 24 individuals before treatment, and the force measurements were taken before and after 6 months of intraoral use of active self-ligating brackets, forming the basis of our study. It was ensured that the individuals included in the study did not have congenital or acquired tooth deficiencies in the lower jaw, were systemically healthy individuals who had transitioned to permanent dentition, and had an irregularity index of moderate or higher severity (4-11 mm) according to Little's index. The mean irregularity index of the Empower 2 (American Orthodontics, Sheboygan, Wis, USA) group, consisting of 12 patients (7F, 5M), was 6.42 mm, and the mean irregularity index of the BioQuick (Forestadent, Pforzheim, Germany) group, also consisting of 12 patients (7F, 5M), was 6.32 mm. In the study group, braces were applied from canine to canine during cementation in the lower arch. Conventional brackets continued to be used in the posterior region of the mandible, as in the upper arch. A total of five different sizes of NiTi archwires, 0.014 inch, 0.016 inch, 0.016x0.016 inch, 0.016x0.022 inch, and 0.017x0.025 inch, were applied in both groups, respectively. The study was conducted on 144 brackets, with 72 of them (12 patients x 6 teeth) being Empower 2 braces and the other 72 (12 patients x 6 teeth) being BioQuick braces, totaling 852 measurements. Force measurements were performed using a universal testing device, Ametek Lloyd LS1, at a speed of 5 mm/min. According to the results of our study, the decrease in force measurements between T0 and T1 was statistically significant in Forestadent BioQuick braces and AO Empower 2 incisor braces, with a similar amount of decrease for both brands. An inverse correlation was observed between the irregularity index values and the reduction in clip opening forces in Forestadent BioQuick braces, while no correlation was detected in AO Empower 2 braces.
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry
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