Faaliyet tabanlı maliyetleme sistemi ve gıda işletmeciliğinde bir uygulama
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Bu çalışmanın amacı çağdaş maliyetleme yöntemlerinden biri olan faaliyet tabanlı maliyetlemenin gıda sektörüne uygulanması ve uygulama sonucuna göre çıkarımlarda bulunulmasıdır. Diğer maliyetleme sistemlerine göre üstünlükleri ve eksiklikleri de incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırmada daha doğru ürün bilgilerinin alınmasını, işletmeye önemli ölçüde ekonomik bilgi ve yöneticilere detaylı bilgi üretilmesini sağlayacak faaliyet tabanlı maliyetleme sistemi incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Günümüzde yoğun ve baskıcı rekabet koşulları işletmelere pazar paylarını arttırmanın öncesinde mevcut konumlarını koruyabilmeleri için büyük mücadeleler verdirmektedir. Bu mücadelenin başında sürekli artan maliyetlerin azaltılarak arzu edilen seviyelere indirilmesi gelmektedir. Ortaya çıkan bu değişimler sonucunda geleneksel maliyetleme sistemlerinin yetersiz kaldığı gözlenmiş ve işletmelerin stratejik kararlar alırken daha sağlıklı maliyet bilgilerine sahip olabileceği faaliyet tabanlı maliyetle ortaya çıkmıştır. Faaliyet tabanlı maliyetleme kullanımı da gittikçe yaygınlaşmaktadır. Çalışmanın birinci bölümünde maliyet ve maliyet muhasebesi üzerinde durularak kavramlar açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Diğer maliyetleme yöntemleri de özetlenmiştir. İkinci bölümde ise faaliyet tabanlı maliyetleme sistemi ayrıntılı olarak anlatılmış ve uygulamada ki süreçler de anlatılmaya çalışılmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde de faaliyet tabanlı maliyetlemenin gıda sektörüne uygulanması yapılmaya çalışılmış ve sonuç olarak elde edilen bulgu ve analizler ele alınmıştır.
The objective of the study is to analyze one of modern (contemporary) costing system which is operation based financeand in accordanceon how it's been applied in food sector.The finding attain at the end of its practical application. Also based on accosting system we try to analyze the distinction and deficiencies. In this study we try to examine the right product detail, to produce a vital economic knowledge to couple with comprehensive knowledge via the use of operation based costing system analyzes. In our contemporary world, where competitive condition is based on intensive and pressure, businesses try to increase their market share before they give immense effort to maintain their current market position. The inception of struggle continues by increasing cost to be reduced to the awaited level. It is observed that the outcome of the changes are not sufficient according to traditional costing system and when enterprises are making strategic decision it is assume or observed they possess more costing knowledge in operation based costing. In addition the use of operation based costing continues to spread. In the first section of the study emphasis was made on costing and costing accounting while concept defined. Other costing techniques were summarized while in second section are on operation based costing system which was explained in details and practical procedures were examined. The third section discuss about the operation based costing in food sector, In addition with practical application. in the conclusion data collected and findings were analyzed.
The objective of the study is to analyze one of modern (contemporary) costing system which is operation based financeand in accordanceon how it's been applied in food sector.The finding attain at the end of its practical application. Also based on accosting system we try to analyze the distinction and deficiencies. In this study we try to examine the right product detail, to produce a vital economic knowledge to couple with comprehensive knowledge via the use of operation based costing system analyzes. In our contemporary world, where competitive condition is based on intensive and pressure, businesses try to increase their market share before they give immense effort to maintain their current market position. The inception of struggle continues by increasing cost to be reduced to the awaited level. It is observed that the outcome of the changes are not sufficient according to traditional costing system and when enterprises are making strategic decision it is assume or observed they possess more costing knowledge in operation based costing. In addition the use of operation based costing continues to spread. In the first section of the study emphasis was made on costing and costing accounting while concept defined. Other costing techniques were summarized while in second section are on operation based costing system which was explained in details and practical procedures were examined. The third section discuss about the operation based costing in food sector, In addition with practical application. in the conclusion data collected and findings were analyzed.
İşletme, Aktiviteye dayalı muhasebe, Gıda işletmeleri, Business Administration, Gıda sektörü, Activity based costing, Food companies, Maliyet, Food sector, Maliyet muhasebesi, Cost, Cost accounting, Muhasebe, Accounting
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