Fitness yapan yetişkin bireylerde kafein tüketim zamanı ve miktarının değerlendirilmesi
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Bu çalışma, fitness sporu yapan yetişkin bireylerde kafein tüketiminin gün içerisinde limit dozu aşıp aşmadığının, günün hangi saatlerinde kafein tüketildiğinin, ne amaçla tüketildiğinin ve yaptıkları egzersize yarar sağlayıp sağlamadığının belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışma, 25.06.19–25.10.19 tarihleri arasında 4 ay süresince özel bir spor salonunda spor yapan, çalışmayı kabul eden, yaş aralığı 18-59 olan 125 sağlıklı yetişkin birey (47 kadın ve 78 erkek) üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bireylerin demografik özellikleri, beslenme alışkanlıkları, fiziksel aktivite durumları anket formu ile sorgulanmış olup, kafeinle ilgili düşünceleri, kafein tüketim miktarları ve kafein tüketim zamanları değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmaya katılan bireylerin yaklaşık 1/3'ünün optimal doz olan 400 mg/gün ve üzeri kafein tükettiği, %45,6'sının ise 300 mg/gün ve üzeri tükettiği tespit edilmiştir. Katılımcıların %8,8'i'nin toksik doz olan 750 mg/gün ve üzerinde kafein tükettiği saptanmıştır. Katılanların kafein tüketim zamanlarına bakıldığında, egzersiz öncesi kafein tüketenlerin en fazla oran ile %57,6'sının sabah tükettiği görülmüştür. Çalışmaya katılan bireylerin cinsiyet, öğrenim durumu, BKI, ilaç, vitamin, mineral, besin takviyesi ve enerji içeceği kullanma durumu, su tüketimi, fiziksel aktivite alışkanlıkları ile kafein tüketim zamanı ve miktarı arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamı bir ilişki bulunmamıştır (p>0,05). Yaş gruplarına göre incelendiğinde ise gruplar arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Katılımcıların sigara ve alkol kullanma alışkanlıklarına göre günlük kafein tüketimi karşılaştırıldığında, halen sigara içtiğini belirten grup hiç içmemiş veya eskiden içmiş, bırakmış gruba göre istatiksel olarak anlamlı yüksek kafein tükettiği görülmüştür (p<0.05).
This study was carried out to determine whether caffeine consumption exceeds the limit dose during the day in adults who perform fitness sports, at what time of day, caffeine is consumed, for what purpose, and whether it benefits their exercise. The study was carried out on 125 healthy adult individuals (47 females and 78 males) aged between 18-59 who were engaged in sports in a private gym between the dates 25.06.19 and 25.10.19, who accepted to work. Demographic characteristics, nutritional habits, and physical activity status of individuals were questioned with a questionnaire form, their thoughts about caffeine, caffeine consumption and caffeine consumption times were evaluated. It was determined that approximately 1/3 of the individuals participating in the study consumed 400 mg/day and above, the optimal dose, and 45.6% consumed 300 mg/day and above. It was determined that 8.8% of the participants consumed caffeine 750 mg/day and above, which is a toxic dose. Considering the caffeine consumption times of the participants, it was seen that 57.6% of those who consumed caffeine before the exercise consumed in the morning. There was no statistically significant relationship between the gender, education level, BMI, drug, vitamin, mineral, nutritional supplement and energy drink usage status, water consumption, physical activity habits and caffeine consumption time and amount of individuals who participated in the study (p>0.05) .When analyzed by age groups, a statistically significant difference was found between the groups (p<0.05). When the daily caffeine consumption was compared according to the participants' smoking and alcohol habits, it was observed that the group that stated that they still smoke consumed a statistically significant higher caffeine compared to the group that never smoked or used to drink (p<0.05).
This study was carried out to determine whether caffeine consumption exceeds the limit dose during the day in adults who perform fitness sports, at what time of day, caffeine is consumed, for what purpose, and whether it benefits their exercise. The study was carried out on 125 healthy adult individuals (47 females and 78 males) aged between 18-59 who were engaged in sports in a private gym between the dates 25.06.19 and 25.10.19, who accepted to work. Demographic characteristics, nutritional habits, and physical activity status of individuals were questioned with a questionnaire form, their thoughts about caffeine, caffeine consumption and caffeine consumption times were evaluated. It was determined that approximately 1/3 of the individuals participating in the study consumed 400 mg/day and above, the optimal dose, and 45.6% consumed 300 mg/day and above. It was determined that 8.8% of the participants consumed caffeine 750 mg/day and above, which is a toxic dose. Considering the caffeine consumption times of the participants, it was seen that 57.6% of those who consumed caffeine before the exercise consumed in the morning. There was no statistically significant relationship between the gender, education level, BMI, drug, vitamin, mineral, nutritional supplement and energy drink usage status, water consumption, physical activity habits and caffeine consumption time and amount of individuals who participated in the study (p>0.05) .When analyzed by age groups, a statistically significant difference was found between the groups (p<0.05). When the daily caffeine consumption was compared according to the participants' smoking and alcohol habits, it was observed that the group that stated that they still smoke consumed a statistically significant higher caffeine compared to the group that never smoked or used to drink (p<0.05).
Beslenme ve Diyetetik, Aerobik, Anaerobik, Nutrition and Dietetics, Fitness, Aerobic, Anaerobic, Fitness, Fitness, Fiziksel dayanıklılık, Fitness, Physical endurance, Kafein, Caffeine
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