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Ticaret Bakanlığı güdümünde Ticaret Sicili Müdürlüklerinde tutulan ticaret sicili kayıtlarının MERSİS Projesi ile daha düzenli, kapsamlı ve kamu kurumları tarafından erişilebilir olması amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırma kapsamında ticaret sicili kayıtları tutulan çeşitli gerçek ve tüzel kişilerin tescil işlemlerinde bu programın kullanımı noktasında bazı eksiklikler yaşandığı, bu yönde kullanıcıların talep ettikleri özelliklerin programda yer alması gerektiği üzerinde durulmaktadır. Araştırma ile MERSİS Projesinin ticaret odaları veya ticaret ve sanayi odaları bünyesinde kurulu bulunan ticaret sicili müdürlüklerinde yürütülen ticaret sicili işlemleri üzerindeki etkisinin ve eksikliklerin tespit edilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırmanın veri toplama tekniğini anket uygulaması oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın konusu dahilinde ele alınan ticaret ve sanayi odaları, ticaret sicili müdürlükleri, MERSİS uygulaması gibi konularda yeterli akademik kaynak bulunmaması, konu ile ilişkili akademik çalışmaların son derece kısıtlı sayıda olması ele alınan konunun ağırlıklı olarak mevzuat ekseninde değerlendirilmesini zaruri hale getirmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında özellikle kurumlar arası koordinasyonun sağlanarak sistem üzerinden farklı kurumların izin, onay, tahsilat süreçlerinin yürütülebilmesi gerekliliği tespit edilmiştir. Bürokratik kırtasiyeciliğin sürdürülmemesi için böyle bir sistemin varlığı önemli bir fırsat olarak görülmektedir.
It is aimed that the trade registry records kept in the Trade Registry Directorate under the guidance of the Ministry of Commerce will be more regular, comprehensive and accessible to the public institutions by the MERSIS Project. In the scope of the research, it is emphasized that there are some shortcomings in the use of this program in the registration procedures of the various real and legal persons who are kept in the trade registry records and the features required by the users in this direction should be included in the program. The aim of the study is to determine the effects and deficiencies of the MERSİS Project on trade registry procedures conducted in trade registry offices established within the chambers of commerce or chambers of commerce and industry. Data collection technique of the research is a survey application. The fact that there is not enough academic resources in the subjects such as the chambers of commerce and industry, trade registry offices, MERSIS implementation and the limited number of academic studies related to the subject have made it necessary to evaluate the subject matter mainly in the context of legislation. Within the scope of the research, it has been determined that the coordination, permission and approval processes of different institutions can be carried out by providing coordination between institutions. The existence of such a system is seen as an important opportunity for the bureaucratic stationery not to continue.
It is aimed that the trade registry records kept in the Trade Registry Directorate under the guidance of the Ministry of Commerce will be more regular, comprehensive and accessible to the public institutions by the MERSIS Project. In the scope of the research, it is emphasized that there are some shortcomings in the use of this program in the registration procedures of the various real and legal persons who are kept in the trade registry records and the features required by the users in this direction should be included in the program. The aim of the study is to determine the effects and deficiencies of the MERSİS Project on trade registry procedures conducted in trade registry offices established within the chambers of commerce or chambers of commerce and industry. Data collection technique of the research is a survey application. The fact that there is not enough academic resources in the subjects such as the chambers of commerce and industry, trade registry offices, MERSIS implementation and the limited number of academic studies related to the subject have made it necessary to evaluate the subject matter mainly in the context of legislation. Within the scope of the research, it has been determined that the coordination, permission and approval processes of different institutions can be carried out by providing coordination between institutions. The existence of such a system is seen as an important opportunity for the bureaucratic stationery not to continue.
İşletme, Elektronik imza, Business Administration, Merkezi Sicil Kayıt Sistemi, Electronic signature, Ticaret Sicil Müdürlüğü, Central Trade Registry System, Register of Commerce, Ticaret sicili, Trade register
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