Diyaliz hemşirelerinin iş gücü verimliliğini etkileyen faktörler
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Sağlık hizmetlerinde yaşanan yapısal ve teknik değişimler, gelişmeler ile bu değişimlere uyma zorunluluğu, yöneticilerin önemli görev ve sorumluluklarından birisidir. Hemşirelik hizmetleri; hem sağlık ekibi içerisindeki rolü, hem de hastanelerin kaliteli hizmet sunma başarısındaki etkileri gereği önemli bir konuma sahiptir. Bu da tüm sağlık sektöründe hemşirelik hizmetlerinin verimli ve etkin bir şekilde kullanılması zorunluluğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Hemşirelik hizmetlerinde, istenen verimliliğin elde edilebilmesi için mevcut sorunların belirlenmesi ve çözümlenmesi gerekmektedir. Araştırma, Denizli ilindeki diyaliz merkezlerindeki hemşirelerin iş gücü verimliliğine etki eden faktörleri belirlemek amacıyla tanımlayıcı olarak gerekli izinler alınarak 74 hemşirenin katılımıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın veriler, demografik özellikleri ve profesyonel işlevleri içeren bir anket uygulanarak toplanmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak,hemşirelerin tanıtıcı ve mesleki özelliklerini içeren bilgi formu ile iş gücü verimliliğine ilişkin 77 sorudan oluşan anket formu kullanılmıştır.Verilerin istatistiksel analizi SPSS Windows 22 paket programı dahilinde ANOVA tek yönlü varyans analizi ve t-Testi,ki-kare testi, sayı ve yüzdeler kullanılarak yapılmıştır(ki kare<0,05). Çalışma sonuçları değerlendirildiğinde; çalışmaya katılanların %90,4'ü ücret artışı sağlanması ve eşit işe eşit ücret uygulanmasının işgücü verimliliğini artıracağını düşündüklerini belirtmişlerdir.Bu sonuçlara göre, diyaliz hemşirelerinin işgücü verimliliğini etkileyen en önemli faktörün ücret faktörü olduğu belirlenmiştir. Personel eksikliği, çalışanların işgücü verimliliğini olumsuz etkilemektedir. Sonuç olarak hemşirelerin; ücret artışı,terfi sisteminde liyakate önem verilmesi,eleman ihtiyacının karşılanması,motivasyon arttırıcı önlemler alınması,çalışma koşullarının ve ortamının iyileştirilmesi gibi konuların işgücü verimliliklerini arttırmada önemli buldukları saptanmıştır.
Structural and technical changes occurred in health services, the obligation to comply with these changes and developments, is one of the important roles and responsibilities of managers. Nursing services: role in both the medical team and also has the effect Important to provide quality services for the success of the hospital location.This efficient use of all nursing services in the health sector in an efficient way and reveals the necessity. Nursing service, identifying the existing problems in order to achieve the desired efficiency and must be resolved. Research, Denizli by taking the necessary permissions as identifiers of nurses in dialysis centers in the province to determine the factors that affect labor productivity was conducted with 74 nurses participation.Thedata for the study were collected from a questionnaire containing demographic characteristics and professional functions.The data was collected by applying a questionnaire that included demographic characteristics and professional functions.As a means of data collection, nurses handle and a questionnaire consisting of 77 questions used on the labor productivity data sheet containing the professional features.Statistical analysis of the data using SPSS Windows 22 package (Statistical Package of socialscien ACE) program, ANOVA one-way analysis of variance and t-test and chi-square test was performed using the number and percentage (which kares0,05). The study results were evaluated:% 90.4 stated to increase study participants According to ensuring equal pay for equal work and they thought it would improve labor productivity as a result of the implementation.According to this result,dialysis nurses affecting labor productivity has been identified as the most important factor in the wage factor.The lack of staff affect negatively the labor productivity of employees.As a result of the nurses;fee increase,it was found that the promotion system found to increase important issues such as improving the productivity of the workforce to meet the needs of members,giving importance to merit taking measures to increase the motivation of working conditinos and environment.
Structural and technical changes occurred in health services, the obligation to comply with these changes and developments, is one of the important roles and responsibilities of managers. Nursing services: role in both the medical team and also has the effect Important to provide quality services for the success of the hospital location.This efficient use of all nursing services in the health sector in an efficient way and reveals the necessity. Nursing service, identifying the existing problems in order to achieve the desired efficiency and must be resolved. Research, Denizli by taking the necessary permissions as identifiers of nurses in dialysis centers in the province to determine the factors that affect labor productivity was conducted with 74 nurses participation.Thedata for the study were collected from a questionnaire containing demographic characteristics and professional functions.The data was collected by applying a questionnaire that included demographic characteristics and professional functions.As a means of data collection, nurses handle and a questionnaire consisting of 77 questions used on the labor productivity data sheet containing the professional features.Statistical analysis of the data using SPSS Windows 22 package (Statistical Package of socialscien ACE) program, ANOVA one-way analysis of variance and t-test and chi-square test was performed using the number and percentage (which kares0,05). The study results were evaluated:% 90.4 stated to increase study participants According to ensuring equal pay for equal work and they thought it would improve labor productivity as a result of the implementation.According to this result,dialysis nurses affecting labor productivity has been identified as the most important factor in the wage factor.The lack of staff affect negatively the labor productivity of employees.As a result of the nurses;fee increase,it was found that the promotion system found to increase important issues such as improving the productivity of the workforce to meet the needs of members,giving importance to merit taking measures to increase the motivation of working conditinos and environment.
Hemşirelik, Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi, Hemodiyaliz üniteleri-hastane, Hemşireler, Nursing, Health Care Management, Hemşirelik, Hemodialysis units-hospital, Nurses, Hemşirelik araştırmaları, Nursing, Renal diyaliz, Nursing research, Renal dialysis, İş gücü verimliliği, Labour productivity
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