Öğretmen algılarına göre okul yöneticilerinin kriz yönetme becerileri
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Akkuş, Yasin
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Bu çalışmamızda, kriz kavramının çeşitli kurumlar tarafından ele alınmış olmasının meydana getirmiş olduğu çeşitlilikten hareketle ve daha önceki bilgi birikimlerinden faydalanarak, okullar tarafından kriz kelimesi ve ana özellikleri, krizlere etkin bir müdahale amacıyla okullarda gerçekleştirilmiş olması gerekmekte olan hazırlık çalışmaları üstünde durulmuştur. Çalışmada Türkiye'de eğitim kurumlarında meydana gelen ve basına yansımakta olan hadiseler vasıtasıyla da krize yol açan sebepler üstünde belirlemeler yapılmış olmaktadır. Okul yönetimlerinin krizlere uygun olarak yapmış olduğu hazırlıkların arasında bir krize müdahale grubu kurmak ve onu büyütmek, müdahale planlarını hazırlayabilmek ve uygulayabilmek amacıyla da hazırlıklı bir durumda olması gerekli olduğu anlatılmıştır. Bu tür hazırlıkların kurumlara ait özel boyutları olduğu gibi, kapsamlıdır ve tüm kurumlarca paylaşılabilecek ortak boyutları da mevcuttur. Tekrar okulların krizlere müdahale planlaması ve uygulaması esnasında, yerel, bölgesel ve ulusal seviyedeki planlama ve uygulamaları göz önüne almış olan eşgüdümlü bir çalışma göstermiş olmaları da etkin bir kriz müdahalesi açısından zorunlu bir durumdur.
In this study, by taking into consideration the diversity of the concept of crisis and the fact that it was taken up by various institutions and benefiting from its previous knowledge, the schools focused on the crisis word and the main features and the preparatory work that should be carried out in schools for effective intervention in crises. Work on being reflected by the events occurring in educational institutions in Turkey and then from the top reasons that led to the crisis with determination is made. Preparations made in accordance with the crises of school administrations were explained that it was necessary to set up a crisis intervention group and to prepare it and prepare and implement the intervention plans. These types of preparations are specific to the corporations as well as they are comprehensive and have common dimensions that can be shared by all institutions. Again, during the planning and implementation of the crisis response to schools, the fact that they demonstrated a coordinated work that takes into account planning and practices at the local, regional and national level is a necessary condition for effective crisis intervention.
In this study, by taking into consideration the diversity of the concept of crisis and the fact that it was taken up by various institutions and benefiting from its previous knowledge, the schools focused on the crisis word and the main features and the preparatory work that should be carried out in schools for effective intervention in crises. Work on being reflected by the events occurring in educational institutions in Turkey and then from the top reasons that led to the crisis with determination is made. Preparations made in accordance with the crises of school administrations were explained that it was necessary to set up a crisis intervention group and to prepare it and prepare and implement the intervention plans. These types of preparations are specific to the corporations as well as they are comprehensive and have common dimensions that can be shared by all institutions. Again, during the planning and implementation of the crisis response to schools, the fact that they demonstrated a coordinated work that takes into account planning and practices at the local, regional and national level is a necessary condition for effective crisis intervention.
Eğitim ve Öğretim, Eğitim yönetimi, Kriz yönetimi, Education and Training, Okul yöneticileri, Educational administration, Crisis management, Yönetim becerileri, School administrators, Öğretmen algısı, Management skills, Teacher perception, Öğretmenler, Teachers
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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