Farklı vitrin dizaynlarının farklılaşan alışveriş motivasyonlarında mağaza ziyaretine etkisi
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Vitrin dizaynının ana amacı müşterinin ilgisini çeken, ürün bilgilerinin alışverişçiye ulaştırılmasıdır. Bu nedenle, vitrinlerin oluşturduğu psikolojik hissiyatlar ve duygular vardır ve mağaza imajı hakkında müşteriye ilk bilgilerin verilmesini sağlar. Genellikle mağazaya girişi ve ürün satın alma karanı etkiler. Bu çalışmanın ana amacı, belirlediğimiz sektörde müşteri alışveriş motivasyonları doğrultusunda farklı vitrin dizaynlarının etkisini araştırmak. Böylece; 1) Ana firma ile bayi arasında vitrin dizaynı farklılıklarının etkisinin; 2) tüketici alışveriş motivasyonları ile vitrin dizaynı arasındaki ilişkiyi; ve 3) vitrin dizaynın stratejik pazarlama aracı olup olmadığının ortaya çıkartılması amaçlanmıştır. Bulgular gösterdi ki, vitrin dizaynı müşterilerin mağazaya ziyaretini belirli oranda etkilemektedir. Ayrıca, gerek ana firma, gerek bayi tek başına vitrini dizayn ettikleri zaman müşteriyi yakalamak konusunda boşluklar kalmaktadır. Bu nedenle birlikte çalışmaları gerekmektedir. Son olarak, vitrin dizaynının lokasyon bazlı olarakta ele alınarak nasıl daha iyi yapılacağı ortaya çıktı. Çünkü müşteri alışveriş motivasyonları, müşterinin zaman geçirdiği yere göre değişiklik göstermektedir. Bu çalışma, vitrin dizaynın iyi yönetilmesi, organizasyonel aidiye, marka algısı, alışveriş motivasyonu ve mağaza lokasyonları arasındaki anlamlı ilişkileri gösteren bir modeli geliştirip geçerli kılmak suretiyle hem teoriye hem de uygulamaya katkı sağlamaktadır. Literatürdeki boşluklara hitap etmekle birlikte ana firma ve bayiler için bir temel oluşturmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Perakende pazarlaması, vitrin dizaynı, görsel tanzim teşhir,tüketici alışveriş motivasyonu, SOR modeli, ziyaret, organizasyonel aidiyet, marka algısı.
The main purpose of window display is to attract customer's attention, deliver the product information and induce customer's memory connection. Therefore, vision composition of window display can create psychological feeling and emotion and it is the first store image information received by customers; it mainly influences customer's decision of visiting and purchasing. In Turkish retail market, manufacturers generally use dealers to reach customers through stores. Stores can be managed by the owner or the manufacturer. Dealers or manufacturers manage window display by retail marketing practices. In Turkey, there are conflicts between dealers and manufacturers in channel management. One of them is store management. Dealers believe that they know their customers very well and they should make retail marketing implementations in their stores. On the other hand manufacturers believe that they have the know-how and they have to do the store management themselves. Under this conflict, our study investigates the efficiency of window display design towards customers' shopping motivations in one sector; its results show: 1) the relevancy between window display design and customers' shopping motivations; 2) the differences in the managing of window display design between the manufacturers and dealers; 3) whether window display design management should be considered as a strategic marketing. We use quantitative methods to analyze our hypotheses. Questionnaire is the data collection method used for this study. Based on the research model, confirmatory data analyses were performed. Findings indicate that window display design has a significant impact on customers' store visitation. In addition, it has been shown that manufacturer and dealers should work together to design window displays on the stores. Lastly, location is another topic to well manage window displays. Out study shown that customers' shopping motivation can be changed based on where customers spend time. Key Words: Retail marketing, window display, visual merchandising, customer shopping motination, SOR model, visitation, organizational identification, brand perception
The main purpose of window display is to attract customer's attention, deliver the product information and induce customer's memory connection. Therefore, vision composition of window display can create psychological feeling and emotion and it is the first store image information received by customers; it mainly influences customer's decision of visiting and purchasing. In Turkish retail market, manufacturers generally use dealers to reach customers through stores. Stores can be managed by the owner or the manufacturer. Dealers or manufacturers manage window display by retail marketing practices. In Turkey, there are conflicts between dealers and manufacturers in channel management. One of them is store management. Dealers believe that they know their customers very well and they should make retail marketing implementations in their stores. On the other hand manufacturers believe that they have the know-how and they have to do the store management themselves. Under this conflict, our study investigates the efficiency of window display design towards customers' shopping motivations in one sector; its results show: 1) the relevancy between window display design and customers' shopping motivations; 2) the differences in the managing of window display design between the manufacturers and dealers; 3) whether window display design management should be considered as a strategic marketing. We use quantitative methods to analyze our hypotheses. Questionnaire is the data collection method used for this study. Based on the research model, confirmatory data analyses were performed. Findings indicate that window display design has a significant impact on customers' store visitation. In addition, it has been shown that manufacturer and dealers should work together to design window displays on the stores. Lastly, location is another topic to well manage window displays. Out study shown that customers' shopping motivation can be changed based on where customers spend time. Key Words: Retail marketing, window display, visual merchandising, customer shopping motination, SOR model, visitation, organizational identification, brand perception
İşletme, Görsel mağazacılık, Görsel sunum, Mağaza içi düzeni, Motivasyon, Business Administration, Visual merchandising, Müşteri davranışı, Visual representation, Müşteri tatmini, Store interior order, Motivation, Perakende satış işletmeleri, Customer behavior, Customer satisfaction, Tekrar gelme niyeti, Retail enterprises, Vitrin, Revisit intention, Shopwindow, Ziyaret, Visit