İşyeri devrinin iş sözleşmesine etkisi
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İŞYERİ DEVRİNİN İŞ SÖZLEŞMESİNE ETKİSİ Gelişen ekonomi ile işyeri devrine yol açan hukuki nedenler sonucu, işyerinde çalışan işçinin çalışma hakkı ve iş güvencesi sosyal devlet ilkesi ile teminat altına alınmak istenmiştir. 1475 sayılı İş Kanunu'nda işyeri devrine ilişkin düzenleme bulunmaz iken, 818 Sayılı Borçlar Kanunu'nun 179-180-320 ve 347 maddeler ile boşluk doldurulurdu. Yasaların uygulamalar karşısında yetersiz kalması sonucu 4857 sayılı İş Kanunu'nun 6. Maddesi İle Avrupa Direktifleri 2001/23 Yönergesine uygun olarak işyeri devri hükümleri getirilmiştir. Yönerge'de, işyerinin devrinde işçinin onayı, işçiyi bilgilendirmeye yükümlülüğü bulunmasına karşın, İş Kanunu'nun 6.maddesinde bu hususlar yer almamıştır. 6102 sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu'nun 178.maddesi işçiye itiraz hakkı tanınırken, aksi durum da kıdem tazminatı açısından açık düzenleme getirilmemiş, İş K.6.madde ile TTK.178.madde arasında çelişki ortaya çıkmıştır. 'İşyeri Devrinin İş Sözleşmesine Etkisi' adlı tezde, İş Kanunu'nun 6.maddesi Bireysel İş Hukuku açısından ele alınmış, işyeri devrinde devralan - devreden işverenlerin ve devir anında sözleşmeleri devam eden işçiler açısından iş ilişkileri ve iş sözleşmelerine yansımaları incelenmiştir. Çalışmaya, işyeri ve işletme kavramları açıklanarak başlanılmış, işyeri devrine ilişkin yasal düzenlemeler, Türk Hukuku ve Avrupa Birliği Yönergesi karşılaştırmalı olarak ele alınmıştır. İşyeri devrinin; iş sözleşmesinin devrinden, asıl işveren-alt işveren kavramlarından ayrımı incelenmiştir. İşyeri devrine yol açan hukuki nedenler ve TTK. 178. maddenin çelişki yaratan işçiye tanınan itiraz hakkı, İsviçre Hukuku ve Alman Hukuku çerçevesinde tartışılmıştır. Tezin ana konusu olan; İşyeri Devrinin İş Sözleşmesine Etkisi, iş sözleşmelerinin türlerine göre geçerlilik durumları ve devir anı ile devreden devralan işverenler açısından, işçilik alacakları açısından açıklanmaya çalışılmış, Yargıtay kararları ile işyeri devrinin fesih hakkına etkisi, iş güvencesi ve fesih yasakları-istisnaları bağlantılı olarak değerlendirilmiştir.
The Effect of Transfer of Business to Labor Agreement As a result of developing economy and transfer of business with legal reasons, it is aimed to guarantee the work assuranceand the rights of employee in the workplace under social state principle. Due to the unavailability of regulations for transfer of business in Labor Law No. 1475, this gab is covered by Debt Law no818;article Nos. 179-180-320 and 347. Due to inadequacy of existing laws in practice,principles of transfer of business were made compatible with European Union Directive No: 2001/23 by the arrangement of article number 6 of the Labor LawNo: 4857. Despite of the presence of the employee's consent for business transfer and obligation to inform the employee, these issues were not included in Labor Law article No:6. Article 178 of Turkish Commercial Law No. 6102 gives the right of objection to employee but does not have clear regulations in terms of indemnity payand this results contradiction between Article 6 of Labor Law and Article 178 of Turkish Commercial Law. In this thesis, entitled as 'The Effect of Transfer of Business to Labor Agreement', Article 6 of Labor Law has been considered in terms of Individual Labor Law; business relations and the reflections on labor contracts from the perspective of thetransferor and the transferee employers and the status of employees who have ongoing labor contracts duringtransfer period were examined. The study began with the explanation of the concept of business and organization. Legal regulations regarding transfer of business were examined by the comparison of Turkish Law and European Union Directives.The difference of concept 'transfers of business' from those of 'transfer of labor contract' and 'principle employer/sub-employer' was investigated. Legal reasons leading to transfer of business and the employee's right to appeal under Article 178 of Turkish Commercial Law which causes a collision were discussed within the framework of Swiss and German Laws. The main subject of this thesis;The Effect of Transfer of Business to Labor Agreement, was explainedin terms of the validity of labor agreements as per their types, the transfer period and from the perspective oftransferor-transferee employers and payables to employees. The effect ofthe right of termination on business transfer upon the Supreme Court decisions,work assurance and termination bans-exceptions have been assessed in combination.
The Effect of Transfer of Business to Labor Agreement As a result of developing economy and transfer of business with legal reasons, it is aimed to guarantee the work assuranceand the rights of employee in the workplace under social state principle. Due to the unavailability of regulations for transfer of business in Labor Law No. 1475, this gab is covered by Debt Law no818;article Nos. 179-180-320 and 347. Due to inadequacy of existing laws in practice,principles of transfer of business were made compatible with European Union Directive No: 2001/23 by the arrangement of article number 6 of the Labor LawNo: 4857. Despite of the presence of the employee's consent for business transfer and obligation to inform the employee, these issues were not included in Labor Law article No:6. Article 178 of Turkish Commercial Law No. 6102 gives the right of objection to employee but does not have clear regulations in terms of indemnity payand this results contradiction between Article 6 of Labor Law and Article 178 of Turkish Commercial Law. In this thesis, entitled as 'The Effect of Transfer of Business to Labor Agreement', Article 6 of Labor Law has been considered in terms of Individual Labor Law; business relations and the reflections on labor contracts from the perspective of thetransferor and the transferee employers and the status of employees who have ongoing labor contracts duringtransfer period were examined. The study began with the explanation of the concept of business and organization. Legal regulations regarding transfer of business were examined by the comparison of Turkish Law and European Union Directives.The difference of concept 'transfers of business' from those of 'transfer of labor contract' and 'principle employer/sub-employer' was investigated. Legal reasons leading to transfer of business and the employee's right to appeal under Article 178 of Turkish Commercial Law which causes a collision were discussed within the framework of Swiss and German Laws. The main subject of this thesis;The Effect of Transfer of Business to Labor Agreement, was explainedin terms of the validity of labor agreements as per their types, the transfer period and from the perspective oftransferor-transferee employers and payables to employees. The effect ofthe right of termination on business transfer upon the Supreme Court decisions,work assurance and termination bans-exceptions have been assessed in combination.
Hukuk, Fesih, Fesih hakkı, İş güvencesi, Law, Cancellation, İş sözleşmesi, Cancellation right, Job security, İşyeri devri, Employment contract, İşçi-işveren ilişkileri, Workplace transferring, Employee-employer relations, İşçiler, Workers
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