Makroekonomik değişkenlerin katılım bankaları ve konvansiyonel bankalar özelinde mevduat, kredi ve karlılık gelişimine etkileri: Türkiye örneği
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Ülkelerin ekonomik gelişim düzeyleri; kendilerine has çeşitli yapısal özelliklerinden ve ekonomik sistemlerinin farklı büyüklüklerinden dolayı birbirlerinden ayrışmaktadır. Finansal açıdan gelişmiş ülkelerin bankacılık sektörleri incelendiğinde, finansal yapının ana iskeletini, etkin ve teknolojik anlamda gelişmiş çok farklı yapıda ve çok sayıda bankaların oluşturduğu (bankacılık sektörü) görülmektedir. Bu yüzden; bankacılık sektöründeki gelişmeler ile ülke ekonomisindeki makro ekonomik gelişmeler arasındaki ilişkiler gerek ekonomi gerekse de bankacılık literatüründe ilgi odağı olmuş ve bunun neticesinde ülkelerin ekonomik performanslarının ve finansal gelişmelerinin bankacılık sektörüne olan etkileri çok çeşitli araştırmalara konu edilmiştir. Zira sermaye tabanı güçlü, etkinliği yüksek, son derece şeffaf, kontrol edilebilir, denetlenebilir ve teknolojik açıdan gelişmiş bir bankacılık sektörünün varlığı, ülkelerin finansal sistemleri ve ekonomik kalkınmaları adına fevkalade önemlidir. Bu sayede derinlik kazanan finansal sistemler, ekonomilerdeki atıl fonları ve birikimleri çok çeşitli modellerle ve çok daha etkin bir şekilde tüketicilere, sanayi aktivitelerine ve üretime kazandırmakta ve bu sayede hem kaynak çeşitliliğinin sağlanmasında hem de kaynak maliyetlerinin daha makul seviyelere çekilmesinde ciddi rol oynamaktadırlar. Bankacılık sektörünün makroekonomik gelişmelerden ne şekilde etkilendiğinin, özellikle de ülkemizde faaliyet gösteren iki önemli banka türü olan katılım bankalarının ve konvansiyonel bankaların ekonomik gelişmelere ne düzeyde duyarlı olduklarının ve ne şekilde tepki verdiklerinin akademik çalışmalarla tespit edilmesi önemlidir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda; bu tez çalışmasında, seçilmiş makroekonomik değişkenlerin bankacılık sektörü temel büyüklükleri olan mevduat, kredi ve kârlılık hacimlerine olan etkileri incelenerek ve iki farklı bankacılık türü olan katılım bankaları ve konvansiyonel bankalar üzerindeki etkilerinin istatistiksel mukayesesi yapılarak literatüre katkı sağlanması amaçlanmaktadır. Özetle; ülkemizin ekonomik gelişimi için de bankacılık sektörünün varlığının, sağlığının, gelişiminin ve kârlılığının son derece önemli olduğu muhakkaktır. Bu yüzden makroekonomik değişkenlerin bankacılık sektörü mevduat, kredi ve kârlılık hacimlerine etkisinin akademik çalışmalarla belirlenmesi, sektörün gelişimi ve isabetli öngörülerle geleceğe doğru oluşturulacak temel stratejilerin esaslarını belirleme adına çok mühimdir.
Level of economic development of the countries are seperated from each other because of the different sizes of the different structural characteristics and economic systems. When analyzed in terms of finance banking sector of developed countries, it is seen that the financial structure of the main frame has been formed by efficient, technologically advanced and very different structure consisting of a large number of banks (shortly the banking sector). That's why; the relationship between macro-economic developments in the country's economy and developments in the banking sector, both also been the focus of attention in the economy and banking literature and its effects on the banking sector of the country's economic performance and financial developments in the consequence has been the subject of wide-ranging research. Because of the asstes of strong capital base, high efficiency, extremely transparent, be controlled and monitored and technologically advanced banking sector is very important on behalf of the economic development of the country and financial system. In this way, deepening financial systems play a significant role to gain idle funds in economies by accumulation of various models with a much more effective way for consumers to save on their industrial activities and production and thus both ensuring both resource diversity in retreat to more reasonable levels of capital costs. It is important to determine and show in academic studies that in what way the banking sector is affected by the macroeconomic development, especially identify the two major banks type of participation banks and conventional banks in Turkey to what level responsive and to what and how will react with macro-economic developments. In this study, it is aimed to contribute to the literature by making statistical comparisons and examining the effects of the selected macroeconomic variables on the basic variables of banking sector that is deposits, loans and profitability volume and the effects of two major banks type of participation banks and conventional banks. In summary; it is certain that for the economic development of our country not only the presence of the banking sector but also the health of, the development of and the profitability of the banking sector is extremely important.Therefore, this study is very important for the development of the banking sector and to determine the principles of basic strategy created into the future predictions for banking sector.
Level of economic development of the countries are seperated from each other because of the different sizes of the different structural characteristics and economic systems. When analyzed in terms of finance banking sector of developed countries, it is seen that the financial structure of the main frame has been formed by efficient, technologically advanced and very different structure consisting of a large number of banks (shortly the banking sector). That's why; the relationship between macro-economic developments in the country's economy and developments in the banking sector, both also been the focus of attention in the economy and banking literature and its effects on the banking sector of the country's economic performance and financial developments in the consequence has been the subject of wide-ranging research. Because of the asstes of strong capital base, high efficiency, extremely transparent, be controlled and monitored and technologically advanced banking sector is very important on behalf of the economic development of the country and financial system. In this way, deepening financial systems play a significant role to gain idle funds in economies by accumulation of various models with a much more effective way for consumers to save on their industrial activities and production and thus both ensuring both resource diversity in retreat to more reasonable levels of capital costs. It is important to determine and show in academic studies that in what way the banking sector is affected by the macroeconomic development, especially identify the two major banks type of participation banks and conventional banks in Turkey to what level responsive and to what and how will react with macro-economic developments. In this study, it is aimed to contribute to the literature by making statistical comparisons and examining the effects of the selected macroeconomic variables on the basic variables of banking sector that is deposits, loans and profitability volume and the effects of two major banks type of participation banks and conventional banks. In summary; it is certain that for the economic development of our country not only the presence of the banking sector but also the health of, the development of and the profitability of the banking sector is extremely important.Therefore, this study is very important for the development of the banking sector and to determine the principles of basic strategy created into the future predictions for banking sector.
Bankacılık, Bankacılık sektörü, Bankalar, Karlılık, Banking, Banking sector, Katılım bankacılığı, Banks, Profitability, Krediler, Participation banking, Makroekonomik değişkenler, Credits, Macroeconomic variables, Mevduat, Deposits
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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