Halk eğitimi merkezlerinde düzenlenen mesleki ve teknik kurslara devam eden yetişkinlerin bu kursları tercih etme nedenleri ve kursa ilişkin beklentileri (Menemen örneği)
HALK EĞİTİMİ MERKEZLERİNDE DÜZENLENEN MESLEKİ VE TEKNİK KURSLARA DEVAM EDEN YETİŞKİNLERİN BU KURSLARI TERCİH ETME NEDENLERİ VE KURSA İLİŞKİN BEKLENTİLERİ Bu araştırma, Halk Eğitimi Merkezlerinde açılan Mesleki ve Teknik kurslara katılan yetişkinlerin kursları tercih etme nedenlerini ve kurslardan beklentilerinin değerlendirilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın evreni 2013–2014 eğitim öğretim yılında İzmir ili sınırları içinde açılan Mesleki ve Teknik kurslarına kayıtlı kursiyerledir. Araştırmanın örneklemini ise Menemen Halk Eğitimi Merkezinde açılan Mesleki ve Teknik kurslarına kayıtlı yetişkinler (n=1324) oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada örneklemdeki kursiyerlerin tümüne ulaşılmaya çalışılmış, kurslara kayıtlı olan 544 kişiden geri dönüş alınmıştır. Veriler Demografik Bilgiler, Kursa Katılma Sebepleri ve Kursiyer Beklenti Anketi ile toplanmıştır. Üç kısımdan oluşan ölçeğin birinci kısmında kişisel bilgilere, ikinci kısmında kursu tercih etme nedenlerini ölçmek için toplam 16 ifade mevcuttur, üçüncü kısımda ise kursiyerlerin beklentilerini değerlendirmek için 7 soru yer almıştır. Ölçeklerden elde edilen veriler kodlanarak bilgisayar ortamında SPSS for Windows 16.0 paket programı yardımıyla çözümlenmiştir. Ölçeğin birinci kısmıyla ilgili verilere ilişkin frekans ve yüzde dağılımı alınmış, her bir değişken için anketler çapraz tablo kullanılarak karşılaştırılmıştır, kursiyer beklentilerinin betimsel yorumlamaları yapılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular şunlardır; 1.Kursiyerlerin çoğunluğunun bayan, 36 yaş ve üzeri, evli, çocuk sahibi, lise mezunu, ev hanımı, orta gelire sahip olduğu, çoğunluğunun daha önce kursa katıldıkları tespit edilmiştir. 2.Kursiyerlerin kursları tercih etme nedenleri olarak en önemli buldukları; 'bireysel özelliklerimi geliştirmek için' ve 'meslek edinmek veya mesleğimi geliştirmek' ifadeleri olurken en az önemsedikleri ise, 'sadece merak ettiğim için' ve 'çevremde daha çok takdir görme isteği' ifadesidir. 3.Kursları tercih etme nedenleri olarak, yeni insanlarla tanışma ve yeni arkadaşlar edinme, bedensel ve ruhsal olarak daha sağlıklı olma, içinde bulunduğu stres ve sıkıntıdan kurtulma, toplumun hızlı değişmesine uyum sağlayabilme, boş zamanlarını değerlendirme, günlük yaşamında değişiklik yapma, bireysel özelliklerini geliştirme, asıl işinin yanında ek gelir sağlayacak ikinci bir iş için gerekli bilgi ve beceri edinme, ailesine, çevresine veya çalıştığı kuruma daha faydalı olma, katıldığı kursa çevre tarafından değer verilmesi, meslek edinmek veya mesleğini geliştirme, yeni bir iş için hazırlanma, sadece merak, çevresinde daha çok takdir görme, kurs sonunda alacağı belgeye ihtiyaç duyma, kendisinin ve ailesinin bazı ihtiyaçlarını evde karşılayarak, aile masraflarını azaltma, nedenlerini kursiyerler önemli bulmaktadır. 4.Kursiyerler kurslardan; öğretmen/usta öğretici, ilan, yönetici, internet/telefon arkadaş, eski kursiyerler, muhtarlık, komşu, sergi ziyaretlerinden haberdar olduklarını ifade etmektedirler. Kursiyerlerin %94,1'i istediği kursa, %2,3'ü istemediği kursa katıldığını ifade etmektedirler. İstemediği kursa katılanlar; mahallelerin de istediği kursun açılmamasını ve mesleğinin gereği olarak katıldığını neden olarak ifade etmektedirler. Kursiyerler; yeni şeyler öğrenmek, iyi bir iş sahibi olmak, belge sahibi olmak, el becerilerini geliştirmek, ek gelir sağlamak, dikiş nakış öğrenmek, sosyalleşmek, arkadaş edinmek, öğrendikleriyle evindeki işleri yapabilmek, başarmayı görmek, kendine bir şeyler üretmek, boş zamanlarını değerlendirmek (Hobi), ruhsal ve bedensel olarak rahatlamak amacıyla katıldıklarını ifade etmekteler ve yaz aylarında da kursların devam etmesini istemektedirler. Kursiyerlerin 499'u (%91,7'si)kursların beklentilerini karşıladığını, 24'ü (%4,4'ü) ise beklentilerini karşılamadığını ifade etmektedirler. Beklentilerinin karşılanmamasının nedeni olarak; sınıfların yetersiz olması, yöneticilerin ilgisizliği, sağlıksız şartların olması ve el becerilerini geliştirecek eğitim alamamalarını ifade etmektedirler. Kursiyerlerin 486'sı (%89,3'ü) kurslarda hayal kırıklığına uğramadıklarını, 38'i (%6,9'u) kurslarda hayal kırıklığına uğradıklarını ifade etmektedirler. Hayal kırıklığına uğrayanlar; sınıfların dar olması, toplam kurs saatlerinin uzun olması, makinelerin pis ve bakımsız olması, kurs malzemelerinin eksik olması, sınıfta ayrımcılık yapılması ve üretilen ürünleri satabilecekleri bir yerin olmamasını neden olarak ifade etmektedirler. Kursiyerler; makinelerin yenilenmesi ve bakımlarının yapılmasını, sınıf şartlarının iyileştirilmesini, kursiyerlere malzeme teminin yapılmasını, kurs toplam sürelerinin kısaltılmasını, ulaşım sağlanmasını, kurslar hakkında tanıtım ve reklam yapılmasını, daha çok kurs açılmasını, staj ve uygulama eğitiminin verilmesini ve yapılan ürünler için satış yeri yapılmasını öneri olarak ifade etmektedirler.
THE REASONS OF THE ADULTS PARTİCİPATİNG İN VOCATİONAL AND TECHNİCAL COURSES İN PUBLİC EDUCATİON CENTERS TO CHOOSE THESE COURSES AND THEİR EXPECTATİONS RELATED TO THE COURSES The primary aim of this research is to evaluate the expectations of trainees who have joined the vocational and technical courses in public education centers and their reasons to prefer these courses. This research consists of the trainees enrolled to technical and vocational courses in 2013-2014 academic year within the borders of İzmir. The sample group of the research consists of adults(n=1324) that are enrolled to vocational and technical courses in Menemen Public Education Center. All of the trainees were tried to be included in the sample survey and 554 of the enrolled trainees replied and were included in the sample survey. Data was collected through Demographic Information, and A Questionnaire designed to discover trainees' expectations and their reasons to prefer these courses. The scale consists of three parts first of which includes personal information. The second part contains 16 statements to identify their reasons to prefer these courses and the third parts contains 7 questions to assess trainees' expectations. The data obtained from the scales was coded and analyzed with the help SPSS for Windows 16.0 computer programme. The frequency and percentage division related to the data of the first part were taken and questionnaires were evaluated through cross table for each factor, and trainees' expectations were interpreted descriptively. Findings obtained from the research; 1. It was determined that most of the trainees are women who are housewives at the age of 36 and over, married with children, high-school graduates and middle income. And it was determined that they had attended the courses before. 2. The most important reasons for trainees to participate in the courses are 'to improve personal skills' and to 'to get a job and improve their profession' while the least important reasons are 'curiosity' and 'the desire to be appreciated by the people around them'. 3. Other important reasons for trainees to prefer these courses are to meet new people and make new friends, to become healthier mentally and physically, to get over the stress, to keep pace with the rapid changes in the society, to make good use of their free time, to change their daily lives, to improve their personal skills, to get knowledge and necessary skills to get a new job to provide an additional income, to be more beneficial to their families and people around them, to improve their vocational skills, to prepare for a new job, curiosity, to be appreciated by the people around them, to be in need of the certificate that they get at the end of the course, and to be able to meet the needs of the family at home in order to reduce costs. 4. Trainees state that they have been informed about the courses by teachers/qualified instructors, announcements, internet/ telephone, their friends, previous trainees, the director, the mukhtar, their neighbors and their visits to the exhibitions. 94.1 % of the trainees state that they have joined the course they wanted to but 2.3 % of them state that they have joined the course they didn't want to because they needed the course for their jobs or the course they wanted to join was not available in their neighborhood. Trainees state that they join the courses to get a good job, to learn new things, to have a certificate, to improve their handicraft, to provide additional income, to learn needlework, to socialize, to make friends, to experience achievement, to produce, to make good use of their free time( hobby), to relax physically and mentally and they state that they want to continue their courses also in summer. 499 of the trainees(91.7 %) state that the courses have met their expectations while 24 of them (4.4 %) state that the courses haven't satisfied their expectations. They show the indifference of directors, insufficient classrooms, unhealthy conditions and insufficient education as the reasons of their dissatisfaction. 486 of the trainees (89.3 %)state that they have not been disappointed by the courses but 38 of the trainees (6.9 %) state that they have been disappointed by the courses. Those who have been disappointed complain that the classrooms are not large enough, course time is too long, machines are squalid, course materials are inadequate, there is discrimination in the classrooms, there is no place to sell their products that they produce in the courses. The trainees suggest that machines should be renewed and maintained, classroom conditions should be improved, trainees should be provided with necessary materials, course time should be shortened, promotion and advertisements should be carried out for the courses, there should be more different courses, they should serve their apprenticeships and they should be provided with practical training and there should be a place to sell their products.
THE REASONS OF THE ADULTS PARTİCİPATİNG İN VOCATİONAL AND TECHNİCAL COURSES İN PUBLİC EDUCATİON CENTERS TO CHOOSE THESE COURSES AND THEİR EXPECTATİONS RELATED TO THE COURSES The primary aim of this research is to evaluate the expectations of trainees who have joined the vocational and technical courses in public education centers and their reasons to prefer these courses. This research consists of the trainees enrolled to technical and vocational courses in 2013-2014 academic year within the borders of İzmir. The sample group of the research consists of adults(n=1324) that are enrolled to vocational and technical courses in Menemen Public Education Center. All of the trainees were tried to be included in the sample survey and 554 of the enrolled trainees replied and were included in the sample survey. Data was collected through Demographic Information, and A Questionnaire designed to discover trainees' expectations and their reasons to prefer these courses. The scale consists of three parts first of which includes personal information. The second part contains 16 statements to identify their reasons to prefer these courses and the third parts contains 7 questions to assess trainees' expectations. The data obtained from the scales was coded and analyzed with the help SPSS for Windows 16.0 computer programme. The frequency and percentage division related to the data of the first part were taken and questionnaires were evaluated through cross table for each factor, and trainees' expectations were interpreted descriptively. Findings obtained from the research; 1. It was determined that most of the trainees are women who are housewives at the age of 36 and over, married with children, high-school graduates and middle income. And it was determined that they had attended the courses before. 2. The most important reasons for trainees to participate in the courses are 'to improve personal skills' and to 'to get a job and improve their profession' while the least important reasons are 'curiosity' and 'the desire to be appreciated by the people around them'. 3. Other important reasons for trainees to prefer these courses are to meet new people and make new friends, to become healthier mentally and physically, to get over the stress, to keep pace with the rapid changes in the society, to make good use of their free time, to change their daily lives, to improve their personal skills, to get knowledge and necessary skills to get a new job to provide an additional income, to be more beneficial to their families and people around them, to improve their vocational skills, to prepare for a new job, curiosity, to be appreciated by the people around them, to be in need of the certificate that they get at the end of the course, and to be able to meet the needs of the family at home in order to reduce costs. 4. Trainees state that they have been informed about the courses by teachers/qualified instructors, announcements, internet/ telephone, their friends, previous trainees, the director, the mukhtar, their neighbors and their visits to the exhibitions. 94.1 % of the trainees state that they have joined the course they wanted to but 2.3 % of them state that they have joined the course they didn't want to because they needed the course for their jobs or the course they wanted to join was not available in their neighborhood. Trainees state that they join the courses to get a good job, to learn new things, to have a certificate, to improve their handicraft, to provide additional income, to learn needlework, to socialize, to make friends, to experience achievement, to produce, to make good use of their free time( hobby), to relax physically and mentally and they state that they want to continue their courses also in summer. 499 of the trainees(91.7 %) state that the courses have met their expectations while 24 of them (4.4 %) state that the courses haven't satisfied their expectations. They show the indifference of directors, insufficient classrooms, unhealthy conditions and insufficient education as the reasons of their dissatisfaction. 486 of the trainees (89.3 %)state that they have not been disappointed by the courses but 38 of the trainees (6.9 %) state that they have been disappointed by the courses. Those who have been disappointed complain that the classrooms are not large enough, course time is too long, machines are squalid, course materials are inadequate, there is discrimination in the classrooms, there is no place to sell their products that they produce in the courses. The trainees suggest that machines should be renewed and maintained, classroom conditions should be improved, trainees should be provided with necessary materials, course time should be shortened, promotion and advertisements should be carried out for the courses, there should be more different courses, they should serve their apprenticeships and they should be provided with practical training and there should be a place to sell their products.
Eğitim ve Öğretim, Kurslar, Mesleki eğitim, Education and Training, Courses, Mesleki eğitim merkezleri, Vocational education, Yetişkin eğitimi, Vocational education centers, Adult education, Yetişkinler, Adults