Aile işletmelerinde uyuşmazlık önleme ve çözüm önerisi olarak aile anayasası ve arabuluculuk
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ÖZET AİLE İŞLETMELERİNDE UYUŞMAZLIK ÖNLEME VE ÇÖZÜM ÖNERİSİ OLARAK AİLE ANAYASASI VE ARABULUCULUK Bir ailenin kurup geliştirdiği veya sonradan sahip olduğu, yönetim erki ile kuruluş ve/veya mevcut hisselerinin ve sermayesinin çoğunluğu veya tamamı aynı aile üyelerine ait olan işletmeler veya tüzel kişilikler, 'aile şirketi' ya da 'aile işletmesi' olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Aile işletmelerinde, karar mekanizmasında ve yönetim kademelerinde ağırlıkla -aralarında kan bağı, evlilik ya da örneğin evlatlık edinme gibi yollarla bağ kurulmuş olan insanların oluşturduğu- aile üyelerinin etkin, etkili ve yetkili olması esastır ve bu nitelik bir işletmenin 'aile işletmesi' olarak anılabilmesi için en temel belirleyici unsurdur. Dünyadaki işletmelerin çoğunluğu 'aile işletmesi' olarak doğmuştur. Dünyada ve ülkemizde ekonomik faaliyetin çoğunluğu aile işletmeleri tarafından yerine getirilmektedir. Bu nedenle aile işletmelerinin sağlıklı yürümesi ve sürekliliğinin sağlanması çok önemlidir. Aile işletmelerinin amacı çoğu zaman aile üyelerine daha iyi bir gelecek sağlama niyetine yöneliktir ve işletme bu amacını 'kar etme' temeli üzerine oturtur. Bu yüzden 'aile işletmesi' ile 'aile' arasında açıkça görünen ya da örtülü bir ilişki ve etkileşim vardır. Ailedeki ve aile işletmelerindeki olası çatışmaları önlemek için, ailelerin ve aile işletmelerinin, birtakım yapısal, yönetsel, finansal ve hukuksal düzenlemeleri olmalıdır. Aile perspektifinden baktığımızda bu düzenlemelerin başında da 'Aile Anayasası' gelmektedir. Bu yaklaşımdan hareketle, çalışmamızda Aile Anayasası'na ilişkin bazı açılımlar ve açıklamalar yer almaktadır. Bunun yanında, tüm önlemlere rağmen aile içinde uyuşmazlık çıkması halinde, bu uyuşmazlığın arabuluculuk yolu ile çözülmesinin önemi de izaha çalışılmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, aile ve aile işletmesi ilişkileri, Aile Anayasası, uyuşmazlık önleme ve çözümü için Aile Anayasası ve arabuluculuk yöntemleri önerilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Aile Anayasası, aile işletmesi, arabuluculuk, çatışma, uyuşmazlık
SUMMARY FAMILY CONSTITUTION AND MEDIATION AS CONFLICT PREVENTION AND RESOLUTION RECOMMENDATIONS IN FAMILY BUSINESSES 'Family businesses' or 'family enterprises' are enterprises or legal entities that are founded and grown by a family, either originally or through acquisition, or are defined by the fact that most or all of the ownership, capital and management authority are held by family members. Family members-who can be connected by blood, marriage, or adoption-must be actively involved, competent, and effective in the decision-making processes and management levels of family enterprises. This qualification is the most fundamental determinant for a business to be referred to as a 'family business'. The majority of firms in the world today started out as family businesses, and the majority of economic activities in the world and our nation are carried out by family businesses. Therefore, ensuring the healthy and long-term operation and continuity of family businesses is crucial. Family businesses typically have the primary goal of providing a better future for their family members, and the business builds upon the principle of 'profit-making'. As such, there is a clearly visible or implicit relationship between the 'family' and the 'family business'. To prevent potential conflicts within the families and family enterprises, there should be various structural, managerial, financial, and legal regulations. From a family perspective, the 'Family Constitution' is at the forefront of these regulations. Based on this approach, this study includes explanations and expansions about the Family Constitution. Furthermore, despite all precautions, if conflicts were to arise within the family, the importance of resolving those conflicts through mediation is focused in our study. In this regard, concerning conflict prevention and resolution for the Family Constitution, family and family business relationships, this study suggests mediation methods to be employed. Keywords: Family constitution, family business, mediation, conflict, dispute
SUMMARY FAMILY CONSTITUTION AND MEDIATION AS CONFLICT PREVENTION AND RESOLUTION RECOMMENDATIONS IN FAMILY BUSINESSES 'Family businesses' or 'family enterprises' are enterprises or legal entities that are founded and grown by a family, either originally or through acquisition, or are defined by the fact that most or all of the ownership, capital and management authority are held by family members. Family members-who can be connected by blood, marriage, or adoption-must be actively involved, competent, and effective in the decision-making processes and management levels of family enterprises. This qualification is the most fundamental determinant for a business to be referred to as a 'family business'. The majority of firms in the world today started out as family businesses, and the majority of economic activities in the world and our nation are carried out by family businesses. Therefore, ensuring the healthy and long-term operation and continuity of family businesses is crucial. Family businesses typically have the primary goal of providing a better future for their family members, and the business builds upon the principle of 'profit-making'. As such, there is a clearly visible or implicit relationship between the 'family' and the 'family business'. To prevent potential conflicts within the families and family enterprises, there should be various structural, managerial, financial, and legal regulations. From a family perspective, the 'Family Constitution' is at the forefront of these regulations. Based on this approach, this study includes explanations and expansions about the Family Constitution. Furthermore, despite all precautions, if conflicts were to arise within the family, the importance of resolving those conflicts through mediation is focused in our study. In this regard, concerning conflict prevention and resolution for the Family Constitution, family and family business relationships, this study suggests mediation methods to be employed. Keywords: Family constitution, family business, mediation, conflict, dispute
Hukuk, Law
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