Tip1 diyabet tanısıyla izlenen okul dönemi çocuklarının hastalığa ilişkin deneyimleri: Projektif resim çizme yöntemi
Bu çalışma, Tip1 diyabet tanısıyla izlenen 6-12 yaş arası çocukların hastalıklarına ilişkin deneyimlerini projektif resim çizme yöntemi ile incelemek amacıyla fenomenolojik tipte gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın örneklemini Eylül 2019- Haziran 2020 tarihleri arasında Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hastanesi Endokrinoloji Polikliniğinde takip edilen tip 1 diyabetli 10 çocuk oluşturmuştur. Veriler çocuğa ilişkin tanıtıcı bilgi formu ve boş bir A4 kâğıda çizilen resimler ile elde edilmiş, yüz yüze görüşme tekniğiyle çocukların çizdikleri resimler kendileri tarafından yorumlanarak toplanmıştır. Veriler temalar ve alt temalar oluşturularak değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan çocukların 6'sı kız ve 10-12 yaş arasındadır. Çocukların tip 1 diyabet hastalığına ilişkin deneyimleri 'hastalığı kabullenme', 'hastalığı yönetme', 'hastalığın verdiği rahatsızlıklar' ve 'sosyal izolasyon' olarak 4 ana tema altında toplanmıştır. Çocukların 'Hastalığı kabullenme' ana temasıyla incelendiğinde alt temalarında en çok hastalığa karşı bilinç (n:10), hastalıkla yaşamayı öğrenme (n:10), olduğu saptanmıştır. 'Hastalığı yönetme' temasında insülin kullanımını planlama (n:8), kan glikoz ölçümünü yapma (n:6) ve sağlıklı ve düzenli beslenme (n:4), spor/ egzersiz (n:2) alt temalarının olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. 'Hastalığın verdiği rahatsızlıklar' temasında sürekli iğne yapmanın rahatsızlığı (n:3), parmak ucunda görüntü bozukluğu (n:2), kan görme korkusu (n:1), parmak ucunda his kaybı (n:1) ve titreme hissi (n:1) alt temaları olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Çocukların deneyimlerine ilişkin 'Sosyal izolasyon' teması ise kendi adıyla tek kod olarak öne çıkmış olup sosyal dışlanma hissi (n:3) alt teması olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, çocukların çoğunda hastalığı kabullenme, hastalığı yönetme, gibi olumlu algılar gözlemlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte hastalığın verdiği rahatsızlıklar ve hastalığından dolayı sosyal izolasyon gibi olumsuz algıları da yaşamaktadırlar. Çocuk hemşireleri için tip1 diyabet ve benzer kronik hastalıklar için okul dönemi çocuklarının duygu ve düşüncelerini ifade için resim çizme yöntemi iyi bir iletişim aracı olarak önerilebilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Tip 1 diyabet, Çocuk, Hastalık algısı, Projektif resim çizme
This study was conducted for the type 1 diabetes children between the ages of 6-12 years in order to understand their experiences related to their diseases by using the projective drawing as a tool in a phenomenological way. The sample of my research is consisting of 10 children with Type 1 Diabetes who has ben followed in between the period of dates on September 2019 - June 2020 in the Yeditepe University Hospital Department of Endocrinology. The data is obtained by an A4 sized paper which has been given to the sample as well as an information form. The data has been collected face to face sessions in which the sample were commenting their own drawings. The data has been evaluated by creating main and sub-themes with regards to the information. Out of 10 children that has been taken place in this research 6 of them is consisting of girls and between 10-12 years old. Their experiences towards to the Type 1 Diabetes Disease is categorized by 4 main themes: 'accepting the disease', 'the disease management', 'discomforts caused by the disease', 'social isolation'. It's been observed that when the children of the sample has been watched under 'Accepting the disease' main theme, the sub categories were mainly consisting of 'consciousness toward the disease' (n:10) and 'learning to live with the disease' (n:10). In the main theme of 'The disease management' category, planning the use of insulin (n:8), measuring blood glucose (n:6), healthy and regular diet (n:4), sports/exercise (n:2) recorded as the major sub themes. In the main theme of 'Discomforts caused by the disease' category, inconvenience of the injections (n:3), defect of vision in the fingertips (n:2), fear of seeing blood (n:1), loss of sensation in the fingertips (n:1), feeling of tremors (n:1) has been observed as the sub themes. Regarding children's experiences the theme of social isolation has came forward as a category with it's own name and noted as sense of social exclusion (n:3). In conclusion, it has been noted that majority of the children positive perceptions have been observed such as accepting the disease and the disease management. On the other hand, 'discomforts caused by the disease' and 'social isolation due to the affects of the disease' can be seen as the negative affects about what this disease brings. Using drawing techniques in order to track the emotions and feelings of the school age children can be used as an effective communication tool for the child nurses. Keywords: Type 1 diabetes, Children, Perception of disease, Projective drawing
This study was conducted for the type 1 diabetes children between the ages of 6-12 years in order to understand their experiences related to their diseases by using the projective drawing as a tool in a phenomenological way. The sample of my research is consisting of 10 children with Type 1 Diabetes who has ben followed in between the period of dates on September 2019 - June 2020 in the Yeditepe University Hospital Department of Endocrinology. The data is obtained by an A4 sized paper which has been given to the sample as well as an information form. The data has been collected face to face sessions in which the sample were commenting their own drawings. The data has been evaluated by creating main and sub-themes with regards to the information. Out of 10 children that has been taken place in this research 6 of them is consisting of girls and between 10-12 years old. Their experiences towards to the Type 1 Diabetes Disease is categorized by 4 main themes: 'accepting the disease', 'the disease management', 'discomforts caused by the disease', 'social isolation'. It's been observed that when the children of the sample has been watched under 'Accepting the disease' main theme, the sub categories were mainly consisting of 'consciousness toward the disease' (n:10) and 'learning to live with the disease' (n:10). In the main theme of 'The disease management' category, planning the use of insulin (n:8), measuring blood glucose (n:6), healthy and regular diet (n:4), sports/exercise (n:2) recorded as the major sub themes. In the main theme of 'Discomforts caused by the disease' category, inconvenience of the injections (n:3), defect of vision in the fingertips (n:2), fear of seeing blood (n:1), loss of sensation in the fingertips (n:1), feeling of tremors (n:1) has been observed as the sub themes. Regarding children's experiences the theme of social isolation has came forward as a category with it's own name and noted as sense of social exclusion (n:3). In conclusion, it has been noted that majority of the children positive perceptions have been observed such as accepting the disease and the disease management. On the other hand, 'discomforts caused by the disease' and 'social isolation due to the affects of the disease' can be seen as the negative affects about what this disease brings. Using drawing techniques in order to track the emotions and feelings of the school age children can be used as an effective communication tool for the child nurses. Keywords: Type 1 diabetes, Children, Perception of disease, Projective drawing
Hemşirelik, Diabetes mellitus, Diabetes mellitus-tip 1, Nursing, Hastalık, Diabetes mellitus, Diabetes mellitus-type 1, Hastalık algısı, Disease, Okul çağı dönemi, Illness perception, Latency period, Resim çizme, Drawing