Ürdün bankacılık sektöründe stratejik teyakkuz ve rekabet avantajındaki rolü
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Çalışma, Ürdün Bankacılık Sektöründe stratejik uyanıklık düzeyi ve bunun rekabet avantajı üzerindeki etkisini, çalışmanın değişkenleri (stratejik uyanıklık boyutları ve rekabet avantajı) arasındaki korelasyonu ve değerlendirmelerde önemli farklılıklar olup olmadığını belirlemeyi amaçlamıştır . demografik değişkenleri (Cinsiyet, Yaş, Eğitim, İş deneyimi, İş pozisyonu)nedeniyle stratejikuyanıklık ve rekabet avantajına yönelik yanıtlayıcılar.Araştırma evrenini, Ürdün'deki önde gelen üç bankanın (HBTF, JIB ve CAB)üst, orta ve alt kademelerindeki tüm yöneticiler ve yaklaşık (916)yönetici oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma popülasyonundan, çalışma popülasyonunun yaklaşık %30'unu temsil eden (300) yöneticiden oluşan basit bir rasgele örneklem alınmıştır.Verileri derlemek için birincil kaynaklardan , beş alanı içeren bir anket tasarlanmıştır: demografik değişkenler, genel bilgiler, araştırılan bankalarda bilgi toplama kaynakları, araştırılan bankaların odaklandığı bilgi niteliği, stratejik uyanıklık boyutları ve rekabet avantajı değişkeni. Anketin geçerlik ve güvenirliği test edilmiş ve ardından çalışmanın örneklemine 300 anket dağıtılmış ve geri dönenlerden sadece 280 tanesi analiz için geçerli olmuştur. Çalışmanın amacı doğrultusunda betimsel analitik yaklaşım kullanılmıştır. Çalışma, en önemlileri olan bir dizi sonuca ulaştı: 1. Stratejik uyanıklık ve rekabet avantajı kavramı iyi bilinmektedir ve anket yapılan bankalardaki çalışanların çoğu için ortaktır ve yöneticilerin çoğu, stratejik uyanıklık boyutlarının bankacılık sektöründe rekabet avantajı elde etmede bir araç olarak hizmet edebileceğine inanmaktadır. 2. Stratejik uyanıklık boyutları ve rekabet avantajı değişkenleri yüksek düzeyde önem derecesine sahipken, teknolojik uyanıklık boyutu bunların arasında en yüksek puanı almıştır. 3. Stratejik uyanıklık boyutları ile rekabet avantajı değişkeni arasında pozitif korelasyon. 4. Stratejik uyanıklık rekabet avantajı üzerinde güçlü bir etkisi (%70,7) tutarındadır, bu da bankaların stratejik uyanıklık boyutlarını ne kadar çok uygularsa, o kadar çok rekabet avantajı elde edildiğini göstermektedir.
The study aimed to identify the level of strategic vigilance and its impact on competitive advantage in the Jordanian Banking Sector, the correlation between the variables of the study (strategic vigilance dimensions and competitive advantage), and wether there are significant differences in the assessments of the respondents towards strategic vigilance and competitive advantage due to their demographic variables (Gender, Age, Education, Work experience, Job position). The study population included all the managers at upper, middle and lower levels of the leading three banks (HBTF, JIB, and CAB) in Jordan amounting to about (916) managers. A simple random sample of (300) managers was withdrawn from the population of the study, representing about 30% of the study population. To compile the data from primary sources, a questionnaire was designed that includes five areas: demographic variables, general information, sources for collecting information in the researched banks, information nature that the researched banks focus on, strategic vigilance dimensions and competitive advantage variable. The questionnaire was tested for validity and reliability, and then 300 questionnaires were distributed to the sample of the study, and only 280 of the returned ones were valid for analysis. For the purpose of the study, the descriptive analytical approach was used. The study reached a number of results, the most important of which are: 1. The concept of strategic vigilance and competitive advantage is well known, common to most of the employees in the surveyed banks, and that most managers believe in the fact that strategic vigilance dimensions can serve as a tool of achieving competitive advantage in banking sector. 2. Strategic vigilance dimensions and competitive advantage variables scored high levels of importance, while the technological vigilance dimension scored the highest level among them all. 3. Positive correlation between strategic vigilance dimensions and competitive advantage variable. 4. Strategic vigilance has strong effect on competitive advantage amounted to (70.7%), which suggests that the greater the practice of strategic vigilance dimensions by the banks, the more competitive advantage achieved.
The study aimed to identify the level of strategic vigilance and its impact on competitive advantage in the Jordanian Banking Sector, the correlation between the variables of the study (strategic vigilance dimensions and competitive advantage), and wether there are significant differences in the assessments of the respondents towards strategic vigilance and competitive advantage due to their demographic variables (Gender, Age, Education, Work experience, Job position). The study population included all the managers at upper, middle and lower levels of the leading three banks (HBTF, JIB, and CAB) in Jordan amounting to about (916) managers. A simple random sample of (300) managers was withdrawn from the population of the study, representing about 30% of the study population. To compile the data from primary sources, a questionnaire was designed that includes five areas: demographic variables, general information, sources for collecting information in the researched banks, information nature that the researched banks focus on, strategic vigilance dimensions and competitive advantage variable. The questionnaire was tested for validity and reliability, and then 300 questionnaires were distributed to the sample of the study, and only 280 of the returned ones were valid for analysis. For the purpose of the study, the descriptive analytical approach was used. The study reached a number of results, the most important of which are: 1. The concept of strategic vigilance and competitive advantage is well known, common to most of the employees in the surveyed banks, and that most managers believe in the fact that strategic vigilance dimensions can serve as a tool of achieving competitive advantage in banking sector. 2. Strategic vigilance dimensions and competitive advantage variables scored high levels of importance, while the technological vigilance dimension scored the highest level among them all. 3. Positive correlation between strategic vigilance dimensions and competitive advantage variable. 4. Strategic vigilance has strong effect on competitive advantage amounted to (70.7%), which suggests that the greater the practice of strategic vigilance dimensions by the banks, the more competitive advantage achieved.
İşletme, Business Administration