Keman öğretim programı model önerisi
Bu araştırma profesyonel keman eğitiminde konservatuarlar ve güzel sanatlar liselerine öğrenci hazırlık aşamasında uygulanabilecek 24 haftalık keman eğitim programı önerisinin kazanımları ile haftalık ders saatlerinin içeriklerinin düzenlenmesiyle bu alanda çalışma yapan kişilere kaynak olması amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. Araştırmaya Denizli Pamukkale Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Müzik ve Sahne Sanatları Fakültesi Müzik Bölümü, Maltepe Üniversitesi Konservatuarı, İstanbul Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuarı Müzik Bölümü Yaylı Çalgılar Ana Sanat Dalı, Eskişehir Anadolu Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuarı, İTÜ Türk Musikisi Devlet Konservatuarı, Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Türk Müziği Devlet Konservatuarı Çalgı Eğitimi Bölümü. Karabük Üniversitesi Fethi Toker Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Müzik Bölümü, Kocaeli Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuarı, Ankara Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi, Safranbolu Borsa Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi, Trabzon Akçaabat Güzel Sanatlar Lisesinde görevli olan keman eğitmenleri ve CRR Jazz Orkestrası Keman Üyesi, İstanbul Devlet Opera ve Balesi Keman Sanatçısı, CRR Oda Orkestrası Keman Üyesi, İstanbul Devlet Modern Folk Müzik Topluluğu Keman Sanatçıları katılmışlardır. Araştırma sonucunda; Profesyonel keman eğitimine başlangıç yaşı eğitimcilere göre değişmekle birlikte oyunlarla minimum 3-4, maksimum 6-7 yaş olarak başlandığı düşünülmektedir. Profesyonel keman eğitiminde nitelikli bir keman öğrencisinde bulunması gereken özelliklerin yetenek (iyi bir müziksel işitme becerisi), istek (enstrüman sevgisi), disiplin, sabır, azim olması gerektiği ve tüm değerler ile müziğe karşı merak duygusunun önemli olduğu, Profesyonel keman eğitiminde kullanılan yabancı kaynakların yeterli olduğu fakat kendi ülkemize ait bu coğrafyanın, Türk ezgilerinden oluşan 7-12 yaş grubu keman öğrencilerimiz için yararlanabileceğimiz uygun kaynak olmadığı, Profesyonel keman eğitimi verirken çocukların teknik, teori ve performans yönünden kullanacağı ortak bir kaynak olmadığı, Profesyonel keman eğitiminde öğrenciyi konservatuar sınavlarına hazırlık aşamasında uygulanan belirli bir öğretim planının olmadığı, Eğitim kurumunun fiziksel ve maddi yetersizlikleri müfredat farklılıkları öğretim elemanı yetersizliği, öğrenci toplulukları yetersizliği iyi bir enstrümana sahip olamama, yaşadığı şehirdeki müzik ve sanat etkinliklerinin yetersizliği, yurt içi/ yurt dışı Master Class (Ustalık sınıfı) veya workshop (atölye çalışması) gibi ekstra eğitimlere ulaşamaması gibi sebeplerden öğrencilerin eşit olmayan şartlarda eğitim aldığı tespit edilmiştir. Profesyonel keman eğitime başlamadan önce öğrenci mutlaka müzik yetenek testinden geçirilmelidir. Bu şekilde Türk müziği makamsal yapısına uygun olan kemandaki entonasyon problemlerini en aza inmiş olacaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Müzik Eğitimi, Keman Eğitimi, Müziksel İşitme Okuma ve Yazma, Müzik Teorisi, Eğitim Programı, Güzel Sanatlar Liseleri, Konservatuarlar
This research has been prepared in order to inspire those who work in the field of organizing the content of weekly lesson hours with the achievements of the 24-week violin education program recommendation that can be applied in conservatories and fine arts high schools in the preparation phase of students in professional violin education. Denizli Pamukkale University Faculty of Fine Arts Music and Performing Arts Music Department, Maltepe University Conservatory, Istanbul University State Conservatory Music Department String Instruments Department, Eskişehir Anadolu University State Conservatory, ITU Turkish Music State Conservatory, Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University Turkish Music State Conservatory Music Instrument Education Department, Violin instructors working at Karabük University Fethi Toker Faculty of Fine Arts Music Department, Kocaeli University State Conservatory, Ankara Fine Arts High School, Safranbolu Borsa Fine Arts High School, Trabzon Akçaabat Fine Arts High School and CRR Jazz Orchestra Violin instructors, Istanbul State Opera and Ballet Violinist, CRR Chamber Orchestra Violinist, Istanbul State Modern Folk Music Society Violinists participated in the research. As a result of the research, the starting age varies according to the educators, however, it is believed that professional violin education begins with games at a minimum age of 3-4 and a maximum age of 6-7 years old. It has been determined that: Talent (good musical hearing), desire (love of instruments), discipline, patience, perseverance, and a sense of curiosity towards music with all values are qualities that a qualified violin student should have in professional violin education, Foreign resources used in professional violin education are sufficient, but there are no suitable resources for our 7-12 age group violin students, consisting of Turkish melodies, melodies of this geography belonging to our own country, There is no common resource that children can use in terms of technical theory and performance during professional violin education, There is no set lesson plan used to prepare students for the conservatory exams in the field of professional violin education, Students receive education under unequal conditions, due to reasons such as physical and financial inadequacies of the educational institution, curriculum differences, lack of instructors, inadequacy of student groups, inability to have a good instrument, inadequacy of music and art activities in the city where students live, inability to access extra training such as domestic/international Master Class or workshops. The student must succeed in a musical aptitude test before beginning professional violin education. In this way, the intonation problems in the violin, which is suitable for the makam structure of Turkish music, will be reduced. Keywords: Music Education, Violin Education, Musical Hearing Reading, and Writing, Music Theory, Education Program, Fine Arts High Schools, Conservatories
This research has been prepared in order to inspire those who work in the field of organizing the content of weekly lesson hours with the achievements of the 24-week violin education program recommendation that can be applied in conservatories and fine arts high schools in the preparation phase of students in professional violin education. Denizli Pamukkale University Faculty of Fine Arts Music and Performing Arts Music Department, Maltepe University Conservatory, Istanbul University State Conservatory Music Department String Instruments Department, Eskişehir Anadolu University State Conservatory, ITU Turkish Music State Conservatory, Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University Turkish Music State Conservatory Music Instrument Education Department, Violin instructors working at Karabük University Fethi Toker Faculty of Fine Arts Music Department, Kocaeli University State Conservatory, Ankara Fine Arts High School, Safranbolu Borsa Fine Arts High School, Trabzon Akçaabat Fine Arts High School and CRR Jazz Orchestra Violin instructors, Istanbul State Opera and Ballet Violinist, CRR Chamber Orchestra Violinist, Istanbul State Modern Folk Music Society Violinists participated in the research. As a result of the research, the starting age varies according to the educators, however, it is believed that professional violin education begins with games at a minimum age of 3-4 and a maximum age of 6-7 years old. It has been determined that: Talent (good musical hearing), desire (love of instruments), discipline, patience, perseverance, and a sense of curiosity towards music with all values are qualities that a qualified violin student should have in professional violin education, Foreign resources used in professional violin education are sufficient, but there are no suitable resources for our 7-12 age group violin students, consisting of Turkish melodies, melodies of this geography belonging to our own country, There is no common resource that children can use in terms of technical theory and performance during professional violin education, There is no set lesson plan used to prepare students for the conservatory exams in the field of professional violin education, Students receive education under unequal conditions, due to reasons such as physical and financial inadequacies of the educational institution, curriculum differences, lack of instructors, inadequacy of student groups, inability to have a good instrument, inadequacy of music and art activities in the city where students live, inability to access extra training such as domestic/international Master Class or workshops. The student must succeed in a musical aptitude test before beginning professional violin education. In this way, the intonation problems in the violin, which is suitable for the makam structure of Turkish music, will be reduced. Keywords: Music Education, Violin Education, Musical Hearing Reading, and Writing, Music Theory, Education Program, Fine Arts High Schools, Conservatories
Eğitim ve Öğretim, Education and Training, Müzik, Music