Özel eğitime gereksinimi olan çocukların bulunduğu okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarında akran zorbalığına dair öğretmen görüşleri
Bu araştırma, özel eğitime gereksinimi olan çocukların bulunduğu okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarında akran zorbalığına dair öğretmen görüşlerini incelemek amacıyla yapılmış bir nitel çalışmadır. Araştırmada olgu bilim (fenomenoloji) deseni kullanılmıştır. Okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarında görev alan 22 öğretmenin görüşlerine başvurulmuştur. Yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formunda yer alan soruların cevapları ile elde edilen veriler içerik analizi ile sonuçlandırılmıştır. Bulgular ışığında üç ana temaya ulaşılmıştır. Temalar akran zorbalığı, akran zorbalığına dair gözlemler ve akran zorbalığı yapan çocuklar olarak belirlenmiştir. Bulgular kuramsal temeller doğrultusunda değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucunda öğretmenlerin akran zorbalığı tanımlamasını yaparken genellikle fiziksel şiddet, sözel şiddet ifadelerini kullandıkları görülmüştür. Öğretmenler bir durumu/olayı akran zorbalığı olarak nitelendirebilmek için şiddetin var olması gerektiğini, akran zorbalığının fiziksel biçim ve sözel biçimde görüldüğünü belirtmişlerdir. Normal gelişim gösteren çocuklar ile özel eğitime gereksinimi olan çocuklar arasında akran zorbalığına uğrama durumuna dair öğretmenlerin değerlendirmesinde; özel eğitime gereksinimi olan çocukların da akran zorbalığına uğradıkları ifadesine ulaşılmıştır. Öğretmenler akran zorbalığını en çok sınıf ortamında gerçekleştiğini gözlemlerken, özel eğitime gereksinimi olan çocuklara ise sıklıkla oyun zamanında olmak üzere, sosyalleşme sırasında gerçekleşen etkileşim durumunda akran zorbalığı yapıldığını ifade etmişlerdir. Öğretmenler özel eğitime gereksinimi olan çocukların, akran zorbalığına maruz kaldığında ağlama, alanı terk etme, vurma şeklinde tepkiler verdiklerini gözlemlemişlerdir. Sınıftaki diğer normal gelişim gösteren çocukların tepkileri gözlemlendiğinde durumu ayırt edemedikleri, korku yaşadıkları, zorbaca davranan arkadaşına uyarıda bulundukları, benzer davranışlar sergiledikleri veya özel eğitime gereksinimi olan arkadaşını savundukları gözlemlenmiştir. Okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarında görev alan öğretmenlerle yapılan görüşmeler sonucunda, öğretmenler akran zorbalığı yapan çocukların benmerkezci, baskın ve lider özellikte olduğunu ifade etmişlerdir. Öğretmenler zorbaca davranan çocukları tetikleyen durumların; özel eğitime gereksinimi olan çocuğun uyumda problem yaşaması, kurallara uymaması, iletişim kuramaması ve diğer tepkilerinden kaynaklandığını belirtmişlerdir. Öğretmenler erkek çocukların daha fazla zorbaca davrandıklarına dair görüşlerini beyan etmişlerdir.
This research is a qualitative study to study teacher opinion of peer bullying in pre-school educational institutions where children need special education. The phenomenon pattern of science (phenomenology) was used in the research. The opinion of 22 teachers who worked in preschool education institutions has been applied. The data obtained by answers to the questions contained in the semi-configured interview form is concluded with content analysis. Three main themes have been reached in light of the findings. Themes are determined as peer bullying, observations of peer bullying and children who bully peer. The findings were evaluated in line with theoretical foundations. As a result of the research, teachers have often seen using expressions of physical violence, verbal violence, while identifying peer bullying. Teachers have stated that violence must exist in order to qualify a situation/event as peer bullying, and peer bullying is seen in physical form and verbal form. In the evaluation of teachers about peer bullying between children with normal development and children who need special education, children with special education have been reached to the testimony that children with special education are also subjected to peer bullying. Teachers observed peer bullying most in classroom environment, while children who need special education often had peer bullying in case of interaction during socialization, including in time of play. Teachers observed that children with special education reacted in the form of crying, leaving space, hitting when exposed to peer bullying. It was observed that other normal development children in the class can't distinguish the situation when their reactions were observed, they experienced fear, warn his friend who was being bullied, exhibited similar behaviors or defending his friend who needed special education. As a result of interviews with teachers who work in preschool education institutions, teachers expressed that children who bully peer are self-centric, dominant and leading characteristic. Teachers have expressed that conditions triggering tyranny children are caused by problems in harmony, disobeying rules, communication and reactions of the child who needs special education. Teachers have expressed their opinion that boys behave more bullied.
This research is a qualitative study to study teacher opinion of peer bullying in pre-school educational institutions where children need special education. The phenomenon pattern of science (phenomenology) was used in the research. The opinion of 22 teachers who worked in preschool education institutions has been applied. The data obtained by answers to the questions contained in the semi-configured interview form is concluded with content analysis. Three main themes have been reached in light of the findings. Themes are determined as peer bullying, observations of peer bullying and children who bully peer. The findings were evaluated in line with theoretical foundations. As a result of the research, teachers have often seen using expressions of physical violence, verbal violence, while identifying peer bullying. Teachers have stated that violence must exist in order to qualify a situation/event as peer bullying, and peer bullying is seen in physical form and verbal form. In the evaluation of teachers about peer bullying between children with normal development and children who need special education, children with special education have been reached to the testimony that children with special education are also subjected to peer bullying. Teachers observed peer bullying most in classroom environment, while children who need special education often had peer bullying in case of interaction during socialization, including in time of play. Teachers observed that children with special education reacted in the form of crying, leaving space, hitting when exposed to peer bullying. It was observed that other normal development children in the class can't distinguish the situation when their reactions were observed, they experienced fear, warn his friend who was being bullied, exhibited similar behaviors or defending his friend who needed special education. As a result of interviews with teachers who work in preschool education institutions, teachers expressed that children who bully peer are self-centric, dominant and leading characteristic. Teachers have expressed that conditions triggering tyranny children are caused by problems in harmony, disobeying rules, communication and reactions of the child who needs special education. Teachers have expressed their opinion that boys behave more bullied.
Eğitim ve Öğretim, Akran zorbalığı, Okul öncesi öğretmenler, Education and Training, Çocuk-okul öncesi, Peer victimization, Özel eğitime muhtaç çocuklar, Preschool teachers, Handicapped children who need special education, Özel gereksinimli çocuklar, Children with special needs