Konkordatonun Türk ekonomisine sağladığı katkılar ve olumsuzluklarının incelenmesi
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7101 sayılı kanunla İcra ve İflas Kanunu'nda yapılan düzenleme ve değişikliklerle birlikte; iflas ertelemesi uygulamadan kaldırılmış, kaldırılan bu kurum yerine daha önceden var olan konkordato uygulaması revize edilmiştir. Yapılan bu değişikliklerle, kuruluşun yönetim kurulu veya bu kuruluştan alacaklı konumundaki herhangi birinin, iflâs talebi ve bu iflas talebine ilişkin olarak gerçekleştirilen mahkeme esnasında konkordato talep edebilmesi hüküm altına alınmıştır. Bahse konu konkordato kurumunun temelinde; alacaklılar ile borçlunun, adeta bir masa etrafında anlaşmaları ve bu anlaşmayla ortaya konulacak şirketin varlık ve borçlarının idaresi, bununla birlikte kısa, orta ve uzun vadelere ayrılmış borçların ödenmesi konusunda oluşturulan projenin yetkili mahkemece tasdiki yer almaktadır. Bu sayede gerek borçlarını ödemede temerrüde düşen ya da zorlanan taraf, bu ekonomik kısır döngüden kurtularak borçlarını ödeyebilecek duruma gelecek gerekse de alacaklı konumunda olan taraf belki de hiçbir zaman kavuşamayacağı alacağına kavuşma ihtimaline sahip olacaktır. Hazırlamış olduğumuz bu çalışmamızda da konkordatonun Türk ekonomisine sağlamış olduğu katkılar ve aynı zamanda finansal bağlamda ortaya çıkarmış olduğu bir takım sorunlar çeşitli boyutlarıyla ele alınmıştır.
Along with the regulations and amendments made in the Execution and Bankruptcy Law No. 7101; The bankruptcy postponement was abolished, and the pre-existing concordat practice was reinstated instead of this abolished institution. With these amendments, it is stipulated that the board of directors of the organization or anyone who is a creditor from this organization can request a bankruptcy request and a concordat during the court proceedings regarding this bankruptcy request. On the basis of the said concordat institution; The agreement of the creditors and the debtor around a table, the management of the assets and debts of the company to be revealed by this agreement, as well as the approval by the competent court of the project created for the payment of debts divided into short, medium and long terms. In this way, the party that defaults or has difficulty in paying its debts will be able to get rid of this economic vicious circle and be able to pay its debts, and the party that is in the position of creditor will have the possibility of obtaining a receivable that it may never be able to get. In this study, which we have prepared, the cases in which the concordat is strong in Turkey and with a number of options that can be evaluated in the same way are discussed.
Along with the regulations and amendments made in the Execution and Bankruptcy Law No. 7101; The bankruptcy postponement was abolished, and the pre-existing concordat practice was reinstated instead of this abolished institution. With these amendments, it is stipulated that the board of directors of the organization or anyone who is a creditor from this organization can request a bankruptcy request and a concordat during the court proceedings regarding this bankruptcy request. On the basis of the said concordat institution; The agreement of the creditors and the debtor around a table, the management of the assets and debts of the company to be revealed by this agreement, as well as the approval by the competent court of the project created for the payment of debts divided into short, medium and long terms. In this way, the party that defaults or has difficulty in paying its debts will be able to get rid of this economic vicious circle and be able to pay its debts, and the party that is in the position of creditor will have the possibility of obtaining a receivable that it may never be able to get. In this study, which we have prepared, the cases in which the concordat is strong in Turkey and with a number of options that can be evaluated in the same way are discussed.
İşletme, Business Administration
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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