İş hukukunda ihtiyari arabuluculuk uygulamalarına örneklerle ve uygulamada etik ilkelerin amacıyla genel bakış ve tavsiyeler
Alternatif uyuşmazlık çözüm yöntemlerinden biri olan ve tarihi eski çağlara kadar uzanan arabuluculuğa dair hükümler ülkemizde de ayrı bir kanun ile düzenlenmiştir. TBMM genel kurullarında yapılan müzakereler neticesi uygulamayı geliştirmeye yönelik olacağı yönünde verilen kararlarla mevzuat değişikliklerine de gidilerek birçok hukuk uyuşmazlığı alanında dava şartı arabuluculuk kurumu ihdas edilmiştir. İş hukuku alanında gerek ihtiyari gerekse dava şartı arabuluculuk uygulamalarına, mahkeme kararları, istatistiksel veriler ayna tutmaktadır. Bunlardan da yola çıkılarak uygulama tekniği üzerinde durulmuştur. Uygulamanın getireceği süreç kazanımları, toplumsal alışkanlıkların değişimi irdelenmiştir. İşçi ve işveren arasında iş barışına katkı sunup sosyal diyaloğu güçlendirecek, istihdamı arttıracak yönde gelişime sunacak arabuluculuk uygulamaları için arabuluculuk etik kuralların önemine vurgu yapılmıştır.
Law on mediation, which is one of the alternative dispute resolution methods and dates back to ancient times, have been regulated by a separate law in our country. As a result of the deliberations held in the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM), legislation amendments were made with the decisions that it would be aimed at improving the application and also a mediation institution was established in many legal disputes. In the field of labor law, court decisions and statistical data mirror both voluntary mediation and litigation clause mediation practices. Based on these, the application technique has been focused on. The process gains to be brought about by the mediation practiec and the change of social habits are examined. The importance of mediation ethical rules is emphasized for the mediation practices that will contribute to the work peace between the employer and the employee, strengthen the social dialogue and increase the employment opportunities.
Law on mediation, which is one of the alternative dispute resolution methods and dates back to ancient times, have been regulated by a separate law in our country. As a result of the deliberations held in the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM), legislation amendments were made with the decisions that it would be aimed at improving the application and also a mediation institution was established in many legal disputes. In the field of labor law, court decisions and statistical data mirror both voluntary mediation and litigation clause mediation practices. Based on these, the application technique has been focused on. The process gains to be brought about by the mediation practiec and the change of social habits are examined. The importance of mediation ethical rules is emphasized for the mediation practices that will contribute to the work peace between the employer and the employee, strengthen the social dialogue and increase the employment opportunities.
Hukuk, Arabuluculuk, Etik, Law, Mediation, Türk iş hukuku, Ethics, İş hukuku, Turkish labor law, Labour law, İş uyuşmazlıkları, Labour disagrement