Hediyelik eşya sektöründe özel günlerin online mağazacılıkta müşteriye etkileri ve uygulamadan bir örnek
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Tunç, Fatma Yonca
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İşletmeler, uzun vadede giderek artan rekabet ortamında etkin bir şekilde ayakta kalabilmek için çeşitli pazarlama stratejilerini kullanmaktadırlar. Bu nedenle firmalar özel günleri fırsat olarak görmekte, sayıları hızla artmakta, insanlar buna değer vermekte ve bu indirimler ile satışlarını sürekli artırma çalışmaları yapmaktadırlar. Tüketiciler bu özel günlerde kendi eksiklerini giderebilmek için ve hizmet satın almak ya da çevrelerine hediyeler vermek için özel çaba gösterirler. Öte yandan, tüketicilerin bu ihtiyaçlarına cevap olarak işletmeler, yılın bu zamanlarında özel günlerde temaya uygun çeşitli isimler altında etkinlikler düzenlemektedirler. Bu doğrultuda çalışmanın konusu, 'Hediyelik Eşya Sektöründe Özel Günlerin Online Mağazacılıkta Müşteriye Etkileri ve Uygulamadan Bir Örnek' olarak düşünülmüş ve firmada ki indirim kampanyalarının tüketicilerin satın alma niyeti/davranışı üzerinde ki etkisini ortaya koymak amaçlanmaktadır. Bu nedenle çalışmada; ülke genelinde 18 yaş üstü 205 tüketiciye online anket uygulanarak veriler toplanmıştır. Çalışma sonunda elde edilen tüm veriler ilk olarak korelasyon analizi, daha sonra basit doğrusal regresyon ve nihayetinde ise hiyerarşik regresyon analizi uygulanarak sonuçlar irdelenmiştir. Analiz sonuçları, MYK Hediye ve Sanat Atölyesi firmasının özel günlerde sunduğu ürünlerin, özel indirimlerle sunulması halinde tüketicilerin satın alma niyetleri ile satın alma davranışları arasında anlamlı ve pozitif bir etkiye sahip olduğu çıkarımını yapmamıza ışık tutuyor.
Businesses use various marketing strategies to effectively survive in an increasingly competitive environment for the long term. For this reason, companies view special days as an opportunity, see their numbers growing rapidly, people value it and buissinesses are constantly working to increase their sales with these discounts. Consumers make special efforts to take advantage on these special days to purchase services or give gifts to their beloved ones. On the other hand, in response to these needs of consumers, businesses organize events under various names appropriate to the theme on special occasions at the relative time of year. The subject of the study is considered as 'The Effects Of Specıal Days In The Souvenır Sector On The Customer In Onlıne Merchandısıng And An Example From The Applicatıon' and it is aimed to reveal the effect of discount campaigns in the company on consumers' purchase intention / behavior. For this reason, in the study; data was collected by applying an online survey to 205 consumers over the age of 18 across the country. At the end of the study, all the data obtained was analyzed by applying correlation analysis first, then simple linear regression and finally hierarchical regression analyze to the results. The sum of the analysis have lead us to believe that the products offered on special days from a company named MYK Gift And Art Workshop have a significant positive effect on the purchase intentions of consumers and their purchasing behavior are affected positivel when products are offered with special discounts.
Businesses use various marketing strategies to effectively survive in an increasingly competitive environment for the long term. For this reason, companies view special days as an opportunity, see their numbers growing rapidly, people value it and buissinesses are constantly working to increase their sales with these discounts. Consumers make special efforts to take advantage on these special days to purchase services or give gifts to their beloved ones. On the other hand, in response to these needs of consumers, businesses organize events under various names appropriate to the theme on special occasions at the relative time of year. The subject of the study is considered as 'The Effects Of Specıal Days In The Souvenır Sector On The Customer In Onlıne Merchandısıng And An Example From The Applicatıon' and it is aimed to reveal the effect of discount campaigns in the company on consumers' purchase intention / behavior. For this reason, in the study; data was collected by applying an online survey to 205 consumers over the age of 18 across the country. At the end of the study, all the data obtained was analyzed by applying correlation analysis first, then simple linear regression and finally hierarchical regression analyze to the results. The sum of the analysis have lead us to believe that the products offered on special days from a company named MYK Gift And Art Workshop have a significant positive effect on the purchase intentions of consumers and their purchasing behavior are affected positivel when products are offered with special discounts.
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