Tüketicilerin coğrafi işaretli Kırklareli meşe balı tercih nedenleri 'Kırklareli ili örneği'
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Kırklareli Meşe Balı, Türkiye Meşe Balı üretiminin dörtte üçünü sağlamaktadır. Kırklareli Istranca Dağlarının eteklerine konumlanmış zengin meşe çeşitliliğine sahip meşe balı üretimi için memba niteliği taşıyan bir ildir. Salgı ballarından olan meşe balı üretimi için maksimum salgı kapasitesi olan Macar meşesi Kırklareli meşe ormanlarının hâkim türü olan yedi meşe türünden biridir. Bölgeye ait arı eko tipinin (Trakya Arısı) önemine istinaden izole bölge oluşturularak arı eko tipi koruma altına alınmıştır. Kırklareli Arıcılar Birliği ve İl Tarım Orman Müdürlüğü çalışmaları neticesinde meşelik bölgenin ve arı türünün korunduğu, yöreye her yönden bağlı Kırklareli Meşe Balı için bölge, emsalsiz bir üretim sahasına dönüşmüştür. Çalışmada Coğrafi İşaretli Kırklareli Meşe Balı tercih nedenleri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Kırklareli Merkez İlçe ve diğer ilçelerinde yaşayan 18-70 yaş aralığında, daha önce Coğrafi İşaretli Kırklareli Meşe Balı tüketmiş 403 kişiye web sosyal siteleri aracılığı ile ulaştırılan ankette katılımcıların 17 faktörden oluşan meşe balı tercih nedenleri 5'li likert ölçeği ile ölçülmüş daha sonra faktör analizi yardımı ile 4 alt faktör yüküne indirgenmiştir. Veri analiz sonuçları değerlendirilmiş ve Coğrafi İşaretli Kırklareli Meşe Balı tüketen bireylerin tüketim tercihleri ile ilgili olarak şu sonuçlara varılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılım gösteren bireylerin tercihlerini belirleyen en önemli faktörlerden biri antioksidan ve mineral değerleri açısından çok zengin olan meşe balının sağlıklı olduğunu düşünmektedir. Coğrafi İşaretli Kırklareli Meşe Balı tüketicilerinin tutumları ve 4 alt faktörün (tercih, güven, etiket, sağlık ve fiyat) birbirleri ile bağlarına bakılarak aralarında % 99 anlamlı ve paralel bir ilişki olduğu görülmüştür. Bireylerin sağlıklı olan meşe balını güvenilir üretici ve satıcılardan, içeriği tescillenmiş ve kalite parametrelerine uygun üretilmiş olduğunu gösteren etiketli, satın alım güçleri oranında doğru konumlandırılmış bir fiyat üzerinden satın almayı tercih ettikleri sonucuna varılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kırklareli Meşe Balı, Tüketici Tercihleri, Coğrafi İşaret
Kırklareli Oak Honey provides three quarters of Turkey's Oak Honey production. Kırklareli is a province that has a rich variety of oak trees located at the foothills of the Istranca Mountains and has a source quality for oak honey production. Hungarian oak, which has the maximum secretion capacity for oak honey production, which is one of the secretion honeys, is one of the seven oak species that dominate the Kırklareli oak forests. In accordance with the importance of the bee eco-type (Thrace Bee) belonging to the region, an isolated area was created, and the bee eco-type was protected. As a result of the studies of Kırklareli Beekeepers Association and Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Directorate, the region has become an unparalleled production field for Kırklareli Oak Honey, which is connected to the region in every way and where the oak forest area and bee species are protected. In this study, it was tried to determine the reasons for preferring Geographical Indicated Kırklareli Oak Honey. In the survey delivered through web social sites to 403 people aged 18-70 living in Kırklareli Central District and other districts who had previously consumed Geographical Indicated Kırklareli Oak Honey, the reasons for preferring oak honey by the participants were measured with 17 factors 5-point likert scale and reduced to 4 factor loads with factor analysis. Data analysis results were evaluated, and the following results were reached regarding the consumption preferences of individuals who consume Geographical Indicated Kırklareli Oak Honey. One of the most important factors determining the preferences of individuals participating in the research is that they think that oak honey, which is very rich in antioxidant and mineral values, is healthy. There is a 99% significant and parallel relationship between the attitudes of Geographical Indicated Kırklareli Oak Honey consumers and 4 sub-factors (preference, trust, label, health, and price). It was concluded that individuals prefer to buy healthy oak honey from reliable producers and sellers, labeled with certified content and produced in accordance with quality parameters, at a price that is correctly positioned according to their purchasing power. Keywords: Kırklareli Oak Honey, Consumer Preferences, Geographical Indication
Kırklareli Oak Honey provides three quarters of Turkey's Oak Honey production. Kırklareli is a province that has a rich variety of oak trees located at the foothills of the Istranca Mountains and has a source quality for oak honey production. Hungarian oak, which has the maximum secretion capacity for oak honey production, which is one of the secretion honeys, is one of the seven oak species that dominate the Kırklareli oak forests. In accordance with the importance of the bee eco-type (Thrace Bee) belonging to the region, an isolated area was created, and the bee eco-type was protected. As a result of the studies of Kırklareli Beekeepers Association and Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Directorate, the region has become an unparalleled production field for Kırklareli Oak Honey, which is connected to the region in every way and where the oak forest area and bee species are protected. In this study, it was tried to determine the reasons for preferring Geographical Indicated Kırklareli Oak Honey. In the survey delivered through web social sites to 403 people aged 18-70 living in Kırklareli Central District and other districts who had previously consumed Geographical Indicated Kırklareli Oak Honey, the reasons for preferring oak honey by the participants were measured with 17 factors 5-point likert scale and reduced to 4 factor loads with factor analysis. Data analysis results were evaluated, and the following results were reached regarding the consumption preferences of individuals who consume Geographical Indicated Kırklareli Oak Honey. One of the most important factors determining the preferences of individuals participating in the research is that they think that oak honey, which is very rich in antioxidant and mineral values, is healthy. There is a 99% significant and parallel relationship between the attitudes of Geographical Indicated Kırklareli Oak Honey consumers and 4 sub-factors (preference, trust, label, health, and price). It was concluded that individuals prefer to buy healthy oak honey from reliable producers and sellers, labeled with certified content and produced in accordance with quality parameters, at a price that is correctly positioned according to their purchasing power. Keywords: Kırklareli Oak Honey, Consumer Preferences, Geographical Indication
Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları, Gastronomy and Culinary Arts
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