Kendi kendine liderliğin bireysel iş yapılandırmanın üzerindeki etkisinin ve bireysel iş yapılandırmanın işyeri mutluluğu ile işin anlamlılığı üzerindeki etkisinin incelenmesi
Kendi kendine liderlik kavramı son yıllarda oldukça gündemde olan ve modern yönetim anlayışları içerisinde yerini alan bir kavramdır. Davranışlarıyla kendi kendini etkileyebilen, örgütsel ve bireysel hedefleri için kendini yönlendirebilen ve kendi motivasyonunu sağlayabilen çalışanlar, günümüz şartlarına uyum sağlamaya çalışan örgütler açısından oldukça kıymetlidir ve çalışanlarına odaklanan yönetim anlayışları günümüz rekabet ortamında gittikçe önem kazanacaktır. Bunların yanında çalışanların proaktif davranışlar sergileyerek, işlerini belirlenen sınırlar çerçevesinde kendilerine daha uygun hale getirmesi kısacası bireysel iş yapılandırma davranışında bulunmaları, hem bireysel hem de örgütsel performansa katkı sağlayacak kavramlardan biri haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada oluşturulmuş modele göre kendi kendine liderlik davranışının bireysel iş yapılandırma üzerindeki etkisi ve bireysel iş yapılandırmanın işyeri mutluluğu ve işin anlamlılığı üzerindeki etkisi incelenmektedir. Araştırmanın modeli kapsamında oluşturulmuş olan hipotezleri test etmek için 414 beyaz yakalı çalışandan elde edilmiş olan veriler analiz edilmiştir. Bu doğrultuda yapılan istatistiksel analizler neticesinde kendi kendine liderlik davranışının bireysel iş yapılandırma üzerinde anlamlı ve pozitif bir etkisinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Aynı zamanda bireysel iş yapılandırmanın hem işyeri mutluluğu hem de işin anlamlılığı üzerinde anlamlı ve pozitif etkisinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Günümüzde yönetim ve liderlik anlayışlarının değişmesi doğrultusunda kendi kendisinin lideri olabilen ve işlerini düzenlemeye yönelik daha fazla çaba içinde olan çalışanlara olan ihtiyacın artması, gelecekte kendi kendine liderlik ve bireysel iş yapılandırma kavramlarını daha da önemli hale getirecektir.
The concept of self-leadership is a concept that has been on the agenda in recent years and has taken its place in modern management approaches. Employees who can influence themselves with their behaviors, direct themselves for organizational and individual goals and provide their own motivation are very valuable for organizations trying to adapt to today's conditions, and management approaches that focus on their employees will become increasingly important in today's competitive environment. In addition, the fact that employees display proactive behaviors and make their jobs more suitable for themselves within the determined limits, in short, their job crafting behavior has become one of the concepts that will contribute to both individual and organizational performance. In this study, the effect of self-leadership behaviors on job crafting and the effect of job crafting on workplace happiness and meaning of work are examined according to the model created. In order to test the hypotheses formed within the scope of our research model, the data obtained from 414 white-collar employees were analyzed. As a result of the statistical analyzes made in this direction, it has been determined that self-leadership behaviors have a significant and positive effect on job crafting. At the same time, it has been determined that job crafting has a significant and positive effect on both workplace happiness and the meaning of the work. Today, in line with the change in management and leadership understanding, the need for employees who can become their own leaders and make more efforts to structure their job will make the concepts of self-leadership and job crafting more important in the future.
The concept of self-leadership is a concept that has been on the agenda in recent years and has taken its place in modern management approaches. Employees who can influence themselves with their behaviors, direct themselves for organizational and individual goals and provide their own motivation are very valuable for organizations trying to adapt to today's conditions, and management approaches that focus on their employees will become increasingly important in today's competitive environment. In addition, the fact that employees display proactive behaviors and make their jobs more suitable for themselves within the determined limits, in short, their job crafting behavior has become one of the concepts that will contribute to both individual and organizational performance. In this study, the effect of self-leadership behaviors on job crafting and the effect of job crafting on workplace happiness and meaning of work are examined according to the model created. In order to test the hypotheses formed within the scope of our research model, the data obtained from 414 white-collar employees were analyzed. As a result of the statistical analyzes made in this direction, it has been determined that self-leadership behaviors have a significant and positive effect on job crafting. At the same time, it has been determined that job crafting has a significant and positive effect on both workplace happiness and the meaning of the work. Today, in line with the change in management and leadership understanding, the need for employees who can become their own leaders and make more efforts to structure their job will make the concepts of self-leadership and job crafting more important in the future.
İşletme, Business Administration