Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi müzik yazıları açıklamalı bibliyografyası
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Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, İslamiyet'in yanı sıra edebiyat, sanat, felsefe gibi çeşitli alanları da konu edinmiştir. Bu alanlarda çalışan ilim insanları birleşerek ortak ürün olan İslam Ansiklopedisini oluşturmuşlardır. İslam Ansiklopedisinin farklı alanları da konu edinmiş olması akademik yapılan araştırma ve çalışmalar için önemli bir kaynak olmuştur. İslam Ansiklopedisinde yer alan diğer bir dal ise tarihi en az insanlık kadar eski olan musikidir. Türk Din Musikisi, çok uzun yıllardır yaşanmış ve yaşanmakta olan İslami hayatın sonucudur. Bu yaşantılar sonucu musiki, çeşitli musikişinaslar tarafından ele alınmıştır. Musikişinas olarak değerlendirdiğimiz ilim insanlarının belki de birçoğu hukukçu, doktor, âlimdir. Musikinin, aleyhine, lehine yorumlarda bulunarak fayda ve zararlarını tartışmışlardır. Musikinin şekillenmesinde rol oynayan bu insanların yani musikişinasların, biyografileri de Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisinde yer almaktadır. Türk Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisinde yer alan musikişinasların, musikiye olan katkılarına yer verilmiştir. Bu musikişinasların hayatlarına, yaptıkları çalışmalara, icad ettikleri makamlara, çaldıkları müzik aletlerine kadar anlatılmıştır. Musikişinaslar dışında, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisinde yer alan makamlar, musiki türleri, musiki mektepleri ve önemli eserler, çalgılar, müzik yazılarına da yer verilerek kısaca açıklanmıştır. İslam Ansiklopedisinde musikinin de dahil olduğu bu önemli eserin 1 – 44. ciltlerinde müzik yazıları üzerine bir tarama yaparak yeterli bilgi sunmaya çalışılmıştır. Bunu yaparken en temel amacımız musiki üzerine yer alan bilgileri tek bir yerde toplamak ve bu alanda çalışma yapacak olanlara pratik bilgi kaynağı sağlamaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Musiki, Musiki yazıları, Musiki bibliyografyası
Turkiye Diyanet Foundation Encyclopedias of Islam include various fields such as literature, art, philosphy besides islam. Scholars in these fields have produced the encyclopedias of Islam by working together. That the encyclopedias include diverse fields has become a resource for academic researches and studies. One of the fields that is included in the encyclopedias of Islam is music, which has a history as old as mankind. Turkish Religious Music is the result of Islamic life that is being led and has been led for many years. As a result of these experiences, music has been approached by various musicians. Most of those whom we call musicians are possibly lawyers, doctors or scholars. They discussed the pros and cons of music by commenting in favor of or against music. Biographies of these musicians who had a role in developing music are also included in Turkiye Diyanet Foundation Encyclopedias of Islam. Contributions of the musicians to music are included in rkiye Diyanet Foundation Encyclopedias of Islam. Their lives, works, makams they found and even the instruments they played are all described. Besides musicians, makams, types of music, music schools, important works, instruments and musical writings are also briefly included in Turkiye Diyanet Foundation Encyclopedias of Islam. We have tried to present adequate information by scanning for musical writings in 1-44. volumes of important Turkish Encyclopedias of Islam which contains music. Upon doing this, our main objective is to gather the data about music together and provide practical source of information for those who will study on this field. Keywords: Music, musical writings, bibliography of music
Turkiye Diyanet Foundation Encyclopedias of Islam include various fields such as literature, art, philosphy besides islam. Scholars in these fields have produced the encyclopedias of Islam by working together. That the encyclopedias include diverse fields has become a resource for academic researches and studies. One of the fields that is included in the encyclopedias of Islam is music, which has a history as old as mankind. Turkish Religious Music is the result of Islamic life that is being led and has been led for many years. As a result of these experiences, music has been approached by various musicians. Most of those whom we call musicians are possibly lawyers, doctors or scholars. They discussed the pros and cons of music by commenting in favor of or against music. Biographies of these musicians who had a role in developing music are also included in Turkiye Diyanet Foundation Encyclopedias of Islam. Contributions of the musicians to music are included in rkiye Diyanet Foundation Encyclopedias of Islam. Their lives, works, makams they found and even the instruments they played are all described. Besides musicians, makams, types of music, music schools, important works, instruments and musical writings are also briefly included in Turkiye Diyanet Foundation Encyclopedias of Islam. We have tried to present adequate information by scanning for musical writings in 1-44. volumes of important Turkish Encyclopedias of Islam which contains music. Upon doing this, our main objective is to gather the data about music together and provide practical source of information for those who will study on this field. Keywords: Music, musical writings, bibliography of music
Müzik, Bibliyografya, Müzik, Music, Bibliography, Müzik yazıları, Music, Türk dini musikisi, Music publisheds, Turkish religious music, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, Turkish Religious Foundation Islamic Encyclopedia
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